Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1757 Too upright! (1 update)

"Senior Sister Yue, it's okay."

Ling Feng put his arm around Yue Huaqing's waist. Seeing Yue Huaqing's face turned pale with fright, and her confused look, he couldn't help but pat her cheek gently.

Only then did Yue Huaqing wake up. She opened her beautiful eyes and found that she was leaning in Ling Feng's arms. A blush suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

Ling Feng straightened Yue Huaqing's body and saw that her clothes were in tatters. Both sleeves were shattered. Even the robe on her lower abdomen had been cut several times, revealing the white and pink skin underneath. skin.

Ling Feng pursed his lips, quickly took off his coat, and handed it to Yue Huaqing to put on.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Ling."

Yue Huaqing silently put on Ling Feng's robe, stared at Ling Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes, pursed her delicate lips and said: "You saved me again, the third time..."

"Haha, maybe I owed you something in my previous life."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, checked Yue Huaqing's pulse again, and found that she was fine. Then he said calmly: "The road behind has been blocked, let's continue walking."

There are differences between people who are close and distant. Yue Huaqing has a pretty good relationship with him, so it doesn't hurt to take her with him.


Yue Huaqing nodded slightly, as if she had misunderstood something. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Ling Feng.

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't know what Yue Huaqing was thinking, so he would continue to move forward after taking back all directions.

"Wait...wait a moment..."

Yue Huaqing suddenly grabbed Ling Feng's sleeve, pursed her delicate lips and said, "Junior brother Ling, why don't you go search the treasure troves on both sides first?"

"treasure house?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly wanted to realize something.

"Yes, after defeating the gatekeeper, the passages on the left and right will lead to a cave filled with some treasures, but you can only choose one direction, and then you can only move forward." Yue Huaqing blinked and said: "What's wrong, Junior Brother Ling, you won't keep moving forward, will you?"

After listening to Yue Huaqing's words, Ling Feng suddenly felt thunder rolling from the sky, which meant that he had missed two treasure houses in a row!

For a moment, Ling Feng felt like there were millions of "alpaca beasts" roaring past in his mind. Who the hell set the rules?

That’s so fucked up!

No wonder I didn’t catch a single hair along the way! It turns out it’s because I’m too upright!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng forced out a smile, coughed dryly and said: "How can I do that? Of course I know, there are treasure houses on the left and right sides!"


Yue Huaqing is so smart. Seeing Ling Feng's expression as if he had eaten a fly, how could he not know what had happened to Ling Feng before? However, he saw through it without revealing it. Yue Huaqing narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Well, So, Junior Brother Ling, which side will you choose this time?"

"Let's go to the left..."

Ling Feng chose the treasure house on the left, and Yue Huaqing followed with a smile.

Sure enough, as Yue Huaqing said, before walking too far, Ling Feng saw a medium-sized cave in front of him. Inside the cave were several wooden frames covered with dust, and some boxes scattered randomly on the ground.

It is more like an abandoned warehouse than a treasure house. Whether you can find the treasure depends on your luck.

Ling Feng and the others searched the cave for a while and got some ore materials. In addition, there were some messy sundries, such as pots and pans.

These things have been preserved for who knows how many thousands of years, and they can be regarded as antiques. However, to cultivators, such things are not as valuable as a piece of Yuan Jing.

Ling Feng felt a lot more balanced after discovering that there were no too rare treasures in this so-called treasure house.

The treasure house on the third floor is like this. If there are any good things in the first two floors, you will miss it if you miss it.

After the search was completed, Ling Feng and Yue Huaqing continued to move forward. Now that they had met, Ling Feng could not leave Yue Huaqing behind.

After all, the gatekeepers on the third floor almost crushed Yue Huaqing to the point where he was helpless. The areas on the following floors were obviously beyond the reach of Yue Huaqing.

But for Ling Feng, it is not too difficult to deal with two gatekeepers by himself.

Soon, Ling Feng led Yue Huaqing through the fourth and fifth level areas one after another, and there were some gains along the way.

"Defeat me and you can enter the Great Wilderness Temple."

Finally, when they arrived at the seventh level area, two more gatekeepers appeared and blocked Ling Feng and the others.

The expressions of these two gatekeepers were still extremely cold, but their shapes were much more solid than those of the previous gatekeepers.

The feeling given to Ling Feng was completely different from the gatekeepers he had encountered before.

The gatekeepers at this level did not have an astonishingly sharp aura or an intimidating edge. They gave Ling Feng the feeling of being very plain, like an ordinary person.

But Ling Feng knew that this was the true state of returning to nature.

"It seems that this is the last level! Is the Great Wilderness Temple interesting?"

Ling Feng took a step forward and stared at the two gatekeepers on the opposite side, one against two, fearless.

Yue Huaqing stepped aside consciously. A battle of this level was not something she could intervene in. If she entered the battle circle, she would get in the way and become a burden to Ling Feng.


The void trembled, and the two gatekeepers in front of them drew their swords!

When the sword light swung down, there was no majestic wind and thunder, no frightening thousands of troops galloping, and no sharp aura that could almost stun people. Instead, there was a darkness, deepness, and almost silence.

This kind of sword is more dangerous and pure killing.

All the edge is contained in the blade, just like all the power is contained in the blade. Once it hits the target, it will all explode. The power is terrifying.

The two gatekeepers, one on the left and one on the right, cooperated seamlessly. The two sharp sword energy weaved into a large sword shadow net, covering Ling Feng straight down.

A solemn look flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. If Yuan Li was not imprisoned, he could have used Thunder God Shadow's incarnation of the sky thunder to dodge this blow. But at this moment, the only thing he could rely on was the sword in his hand.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

In the flash of lightning and flint, the swords in Ling Feng's hands were destroyed in all directions. He had already clashed with the swords of the two gatekeepers a hundred times.

In Yue Huaqing's eyes, he could only see three blurry figures, flickering in the darkness so fast that it was almost impossible to catch them with the naked eye.

About thirty breaths later, Ling Feng gradually adapted to the sword moves of the seventh-level gatekeepers. With the Eye of the Emperor, he saw the flaw and stabbed out with a sword, directly piercing the throats of the two gatekeepers.

clean! Clean!

The two gatekeepers were killed by Ling Feng's sword at the same time.

The light and shadow dissipated, and Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, pointing his sword pointed at the ground. He gained a lot from this battle.

Yue Huaqing looked at Ling Feng's back with a pair of beautiful eyes, shining with splendor.

As the two gatekeepers disappeared, the passage ahead was lengthened again, but this time, there was no fork in the road, but a long passage that stretched forward.

Perhaps, at the end of this passage is what the gatekeeper calls the Great Wilderness Temple.

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