Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1762 Divide the harvest! (3 updates)

"Who else is coming to die?"

Ling Feng kicked the corpse aside with a cold smile on his face.

The geniuses of Longjian Tianfu were trembling all over. They couldn't believe that a master like Han Su could be killed instantly!

How terrifying has Ling Feng's swordsmanship reached?

No, swordsmanship is secondary!

At that critical moment, he was able to hit Han Su's life gate with such precision and kill him with one sword.

This is no longer a question of swordsmanship. What kind of transcendent realm of swordsmanship does it take to be able to fully understand the opponent's sword moves with such a overlooking posture?

In the Western Sword Domain, only those sword masters who have entered the realm of the Sword Domain have such vision.

Such people are often over three or four hundred years old.

And Ling Feng, how old is he?

Who else? Coming to die?

These words, like a curse, echoed throughout the entire hall.




With the sound of three long swords falling to the ground in succession, the remaining three warriors who had previously besieged the disciples of Du Yue Tiangong were so frightened that they trembled and looked at Ling Feng in horror.

This man could easily take their lives with just a wave of his hand.

"Ling...Ling Yingxiong, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding! Senior Brother Han forced me to do this. I think it is very immoral to rob others of their opportunities! But I am so soft-spoken that I can't dissuade Han. Senior brother!”

The Dragon Sword Tianfu disciple knelt directly on the ground, kowtowing to Ling Feng and begging for mercy.


Xiao Juanyun couldn't help but roll his eyes. This kind of person would really lose his face in order to save his life.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, there is nothing to say, just kill him if you want!"

In comparison, the two female disciples of Piaoxu Sword Sect were relatively tough.

"Since you have given up the sword, let me leave it to you, Brother Xiao."

Ling Feng shrugged, not even interested in taking action against these weaklings.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Juanyun shook his head desperately, slightly dispelling the shock of Ling Feng instantly killing Han Su with one sword.

"It's really... terrible swordsmanship..."

Several other disciples of the One Moon Palace gradually came to their senses and sighed heavily, with a hint of fear in their tone.

Before this, they had looked down upon Ling Feng somewhat because of his status as a man from the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

But now, they understood how discerning Xiao Juanyun was.

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Xiao chose to be friends with Ling Feng. Otherwise, if he and Ling Feng became enemies, he would probably be uneasy." A disciple of the One Moon Heavenly Palace shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Yes! Fortunately, fortunately!"

Another disciple nodded with deep understanding.

Sometimes, talent and strength are secondary, and the most important thing is vision. It is best to understand who can and cannot be provoked, otherwise, you will not even know how you died.

Xiao Juanyun took deep breaths several times, glanced at the three warriors who abandoned their swords, and said slowly: "Since we are enemies to death, we will fight to the death! Guys, don't blame me for being too ruthless."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Juanyun swiped his sword, and a blood mark appeared on the necks of the three of them almost at the same moment.

This Xiao Juanyun is worthy of being the young master of the Xiao family, his acting style is decisive and ruthless.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and didn't say much.

Since he has handed these people over to Xiao Juanyun, it is naturally up to him to decide whether to kill or release them.

"Brother Ling, thanks to your timely action this time, otherwise the lives of the three of us would not have been saved."

Xiao Juanyun bowed deeply to Ling Feng and said solemnly: "I, Xiao Juanyun, owe you three lives!"

The other two disciples of the One Moon Palace also quickly bowed down and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ling, for saving your life."

"If Brother Xiao treats me as a friend, don't say anything about whether you owe me or not."

Ling Feng patted Xiao Juanyun's shoulder lightly and smiled lightly.

"Brother Ling's level really puts Xiao to shame!"

Xiao Juanyun looked at Ling Feng with a grateful face, this friend is really worth making!

"Let's share the Naling Rings on these people equally." Ling Feng said lightly.

Of course, it is a team. Ling Feng is a team, so he naturally owns half of it.

Xiao Juanyun breathed a sigh of relief. If Ling Feng really took away all the treasures, he couldn't say anything, but he would definitely have some opinions and it was inevitable that there would be resentment.

Ling Feng was able to split half of it, which shows that he is a generous and righteous man, and he is definitely a friend worthy of deep friendship.

"Master Ling, you are so generous!"

"Master Ling, if you travel to the West Sword Region in the future, we will definitely host a banquet to entertain you!"

Not long after, the harvest was distributed. Although Ling Feng had half of it, he deserved it. Not only did everyone have no objections, they were even very satisfied.

"Brother Ling, why don't we go together next time? If there is anything harvested, we can distribute it according to our needs. If it's some general-purpose crystals, elixirs, etc., you should share half of it? How about it?"

Xiao Juanyun suggested.

Ling Feng's strength is obvious to everyone. With Ling Feng here, safety is basically guaranteed.

"That's fine."

Ling Feng nodded, Xiao Juanyun was not a bad person, and Ling Feng was happy to take care of him a little bit.

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