Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1763 The Ten Ancestral Dragons! (1 update)

The huge Great Wilderness Temple has many treasure houses similar to the previous ones.

But most of them only store a large number of Yuanjing, some elixirs and weapons, and some dried medicinal materials, as well as some metal ores used for forging.

Very few people can get things like secret manuals or martial arts.

Although these gains are also very good, for everyone, the most precious opportunity is naturally the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Sword Saint.

Of course, Xiao Juanyun seems to be obsessed with the sword that the ancestor of the Xiao family lost here.

From his serious attitude of searching everywhere he goes, the sword is obviously very important to the Xiao family.

Continuously moving forward, the warriors who can enter this place are already rare, and they are already in an alliance with Ling Feng, so they are basically very harmonious and there is no competition.

After a period of time, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived in front of a huge bronze door.

In front of this huge gate, there is already a tall and sturdy figure, standing in front of the gate with his hands folded across his chest.

This person is Luo Hanzhou from the Northern Cold Region.

The warriors of the Northern Cold Region mainly focus on physical tempering, but are relatively weak in other aspects.

For example, almost no one in the Northern Cold Region studies the way of array inscriptions. Therefore, although Luo Hanzhou's strength is comparable to that of an ordinary mid-level emperor, the space of his soul ring is extremely small.

This is also why he was the first to come here.

Because after he emptied a treasure house, there was basically no space in his soul ring.

As a last resort, Luo Hanzhou could only move forward, and his speed was naturally faster.

"Brother Luo!"

Ling Feng and his group walked forward quickly. Luo Hanzhou looked back at Ling Feng and the others, nodded slightly, and then fixed his eyes on the huge gate in front of him.

"Is there something strange about this giant gate?" Ling Feng couldn't help but turn his attention to the giant gate. This giant gate seemed to be made of a whole piece of heavy ore, and it was seamlessly integrated, with two dragons carved on it. In the center of the giant gate, there was a huge vertical pupil! A glance at it made people's scalps numb, and it was an extremely strange vertical pupil. "This... This doesn't seem to be as simple as the blood of a divine beast?" The slightly excited voice of the donkey came from his mind. It can make this donkey so shocked, which shows how great the opportunity is hidden behind this giant gate. "What's wrong? Have you found anything?" Ling Feng responded with his spiritual consciousness. "The pattern on this giant gate reminds this divine beast of an ancient divine beast that should have disappeared in the ancient times." The donkey said solemnly. "What?"

"The Great Wilderness Dragon! One of the legendary ten ancient dragons. This divine beast has only heard of it. These ten ancient dragons had already become extinct before the rise of the human race. Otherwise, the one who dominates the fairyland now is probably not the fairy emperor, but our divine beast clan!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Whether it is the Tiandao clan, the Xuntian clan, or other fairy clans and gods, they are actually considered human in essence. Before the human race, there was an era when the dragon clan ruled the world.

What kind of era was that?

After a brief shock, Ling Feng came to his senses and continued to ask: "Since it is an ancestor dragon that became extinct in the ancient times, did you see it wrong?"

"How could this divine beast see it wrong? The characteristic of the Great Wilderness Dragon is that it has only one eye and likes to exist in the form of a vertical pupil. Didn't you notice that the carved pagoda on the giant door and the two five-clawed golden dragons next to it are all relatively noble beings among the dragons, but they still worship the vertical pupil. It can be seen that this eye is one of the ancestor dragons!"

"The Great Wilderness Sword Saint, the Great Wilderness Dragon!" Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and muttered to himself.

Judging from the name, this Great Wilderness Sword Saint may really have something to do with the so-called ten ancient ancestor dragons.

"The Ancestral Dragon is an existence beyond the level of immortals and gods. If the Great Wilderness Sword Saint really gets the blood power of the Great Wilderness Dragon, he will definitely not stop at the Saint level. However, anything related to the Ancestral Dragon is definitely a treasure that cannot be ignored, hehehe!"

The donkey suddenly acted a little flattering, "Ling Feng boy, based on our relationship, if we get the blood of the Ancestral Dragon, it will be at least 50-50, right?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes in annoyance. This guy, he hasn't got the thing yet, but he's thinking about dividing it.

After a while, another figure approached. The figure seemed a little hesitant, but finally walked over.

This person is Yi Ming from Tianchuan Sword Mansion, and he is also the last person alive in this Great Wilderness Temple at this moment.

As for the disciples of Longjian Tianfu and Piaoxu Sword Sect, they have all set foot on the road to the underworld.

At this moment, compared with the Duyue Tiangong camp, Yi Ming is a lonely man, no wonder he is afraid.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the huge vertical pupil in the center of the ancient bronze door suddenly burst into a trace of blood light with a slight red glow.


The next moment, the huge door slowly rose, as if it was about to unfold an ancient painting.


Luo Hanzhou's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he took the lead and stepped directly in.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Juanyun and Ling Feng looked at each other and took action.

Yi Ming, who was walking at the end, was not willing to lag behind. He gritted his teeth and quickly spread his body skills and rushed into the space inside the giant door.

Just when everyone was looking at those weird stone tablets, they heard a "boom" and the giant bronze door closed again.

Everyone is trapped in this hall, and no one knows how to leave.

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