Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1772 Ninety-nine Kinds of Sword Techniques! (1 more)

The Great Wilderness Temple, ascending the dragon platform.

Let's say that Ling Feng followed the Great Wilderness Sword Master all the way forward, and finally stopped in front of a rather magnificent palace.

The Great Wilderness Sword Master looked back at Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling Feng, your swordsmanship talent is truly the only one I have ever seen in my life. I really hope you can become my successor. Unfortunately, you want to take the path of your own swordsmanship, so I am afraid that you cannot fully master my Great Wilderness swordsmanship. inheritance.”

"Sorry, senior." Ling Feng smiled apologetically at the Great Wilderness Sword Master.

"There's nothing apologetic about. You have such ambitions, so I think of you more highly."

The Great Wilderness Sword Master said slowly: "No matter from every aspect, you are very satisfactory to me, but creating your own swordsmanship is not easy, and it cannot be completed overnight. You are lucky to have met me!"

I saw the Great Wilderness Sword Master waving his big hand, and the door of the hall in front of him suddenly opened.

Then, dazzling rays of light emitted from the main hall.

It was a sword suspended in mid-air. Each long sword emitted a dazzling light. Ling Feng roughly counted, there were about ninety-nine swords!

"This...these are..."

Ling Feng's heart couldn't help but shrink slightly.

He could sense the sword intent condensed on those swords. It was extremely rich and condensed!

"Each of these swords carries a kind of swordsmanship inheritance!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and his heart suddenly became extremely excited.

Comprehend the ninety-nine ways of swordsmanship!

Ordinary people may never see the ninety-nine kinds of swordsmanship in their lifetime!

It is difficult to create your own kendo, but if you can learn from other kendos and learn something from them, it will be helpful to create your own kendo.

The more kendo you learn from, the deeper your understanding will naturally be. When the time comes to find the right opportunity to create your own kendo, the difficulty will be lower.

"Senior, I..."

Ling Feng's hands couldn't help but tremble slightly. This gift is too precious, too precious!

"What? Don't want it?"

The Great Wilderness Sword Master narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Forget it, the Great Wilderness Sect has been collecting these ninety-nine sword inheritances for hundreds of years. I really feel reluctant to give them away."

"Yes, of course."

Ling Feng suddenly blurted out.

No idiot would want it!

"Hahahaha!" Dahuang Sword Master laughed loudly, "Then you still call me senior? There is a greeting gift for being my little brother, but if you are just an ordinary person and you are not related to me, there is no greeting gift. "

"Uh..." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I understand, Brother Sword Master!"


The Great Wilderness Sword Master laughed a few times and patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily, "This is right!"

"Okay, these ninety-nine swordsmanship inheritances are all yours. These swords are also valuable treasures. Each one has a great origin. They were the swords of my outstanding disciples of the Great Wild Sect. I hope You can take good care of these swords!"


Ling Feng nodded heavily. Originally, he planned to use the "Heaven Condensing Sword Technique" to absorb all the sword intent and sword knowledge contained in these swords. However, seeing the serious expression of the Great Wilderness Sword Master, Ling Feng Feng immediately gave up this idea.

What if I could create a way of swordsmanship and control these ninety-nine ways of swordsmanship at the same time?

At that time, I will control ninety-nine divine swords, plus the ten directions will be destroyed, the two swords of nothingness, and a hundred swords will be fired at once!

What a spectacular scene that is!

Suddenly, in Ling Feng's mind, the idea of ​​creating his own kendo gradually came into being. Although it was only a rough idea, it was the first step in creating his own kendo.

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