Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1773 Blood of Domain Dragon! (2 updates)

"Okay, let me show you the real highlight! The Blood of the Dragon in the Wilderness!"

The Great Wilderness Sword Master's figure flashed, as if teleporting, and he had already entered the hall in front.

Ling Feng quickly followed and saw the Great Wilderness Sword Master stopping in front of an altar in the center of the hall.

In the altar, there is a red gem suspended, surrounded by a layer of light golden light curtain, covering the bright red gem.

Even through a layer of light curtain, Ling Feng could feel the strong aura emanating from the "jewel" at that moment.

"The Great Wilderness Dragon, among the ten ancestral dragons, is the ancestral dragon that symbolizes the power of order and rules."

The Sword Master of the Wilderness said slowly: "The power I got from this drop of the blood of the Dragon of the Wilderness is a trace of the power of order. Unfortunately, I have not been able to truly integrate this drop of blood throughout my life. . It’s ridiculous to say that although I feel that I have succeeded in creating my own sword, in fact, I just got some power from the Great Wilderness Dragon, and I can’t really create my own sword.”

"Previously... ahem, what I said is wrong, brother. It was your chance to get the blood of the dragon in the wilderness. It was your chance. Is it true or false?"

"Haha, brother, you see clearly!"

The Sword Master of the Wilderness smiled freely, waved his hand, and lifted the pale golden light curtain, and said slowly: "This drop of the blood of the Dragon of the Wilderness belongs to you now. I said before, you have practiced "Eight of the Wilderness" "Desolate Body Strengthening Technique", there is a chance that your own bloodline and the bloodline of the Great Wilderness Dragon can coexist at the same time. This is not false, but the conditions are a bit harsh. "

"Brother, please speak clearly." Ling Feng looked at the Great Wilderness Sword Master and asked in a deep voice.

To be honest, facing the powerful blood of the ancestral dragon, it would be absolutely false to say that Ling Feng was not tempted at all.

But it is absolutely impossible to give up the blood of the Emperor himself.

Even if the method of coexistence of the two is harsh, Ling Feng does not want to give up this opportunity.

"Okay, then I will tell you my thoughts." The Great Wilderness Sword Master said slowly: "You have some kind of powerful divine blood flowing in your body, and this drop is not very pure. Blood may not be able to completely remove it. And the blood of the Great Wilderness Dragon is extremely domineering, and it may not coexist with the blood in your body, and it may be harmful to you. "

"Fortunately, you have practiced the "Eight Desolations Body Training Technique" and have reached the level of the Eight Desolations Immortal Body. Then the impossible becomes possible."

"How do you say it?" Ling Feng blurted out and asked.

"If we separate the inside and outside. The blood of the domain dragon creates the dragon body, and it does not interfere with our own blood, or only has a slight interference, then it will basically have no impact."

"what do you mean!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he vaguely understood what the Great Wilderness Sword Master meant.

Using the body refining method of Bahuang Body Training Technique, the blood of the Domain Dragon is transformed into a kind of power outside the body. With the power of the Blood of the Domain Dragon, a dragon body is condensed!

When he fights in the future, he will have another ancestral dragon form!

"Hmph, you have the talent to practice the "Bahuang Body Training Technique". You should know that the Bahuang Body Training Technique is a kind of body training technique that is improved by refining the essence and blood of monsters. The blood of the Domain Dragon, although advanced, is In essence, it is also a kind of monster blood!"

The Great Wild Sword Master raised his hand and lightly poked Ling Feng on the forehead, "Now, I will teach you the complete "Eight Wilds Body Training Technique"!"

Suddenly, a huge amount of information poured into the spiritual sea.

The complete chapter of "Eight Desolations Body Training Technique" suddenly appeared in his mind.

After a long time, Ling Feng came back to his senses, and an extremely excited expression suddenly appeared on his face.

If one cultivates this Eight Desolations body-building technique to the highest level, he can really refine and swallow the blood of divine beasts, and he can also forge the body of divine beasts.

For example, if you refine the blood of Suzaku, you can transform into Suzaku; if you refine the blood of Xuanwu, you can transform into Xuanwu.

In the same way, by refining the blood of a domain dragon, you will naturally have the opportunity to transform into a wild domain dragon!

Of course, after Ling Feng's Void Pupil advanced, he could already summon void beings in addition to Void Touch. He even signed a contract with Yorick, a "Void Witch Spirit". (PS: See Chapter 1560 Void Witch Spirit for details)

The Void Witch Spirit also has a similar copying ability. With a drop of blood essence, it can perfectly copy the original body, but there is a time limit.

However, this kind of consumption is irreversible, and Ling Feng is not willing to squander this drop of Domain Dragon's blood.

What's more, the Pupil of the Void is the ability of the demons. Under normal circumstances, Ling Feng can't use the Pupil of the Void easily, so he won't use it easily.


While Ling Feng was digesting the huge amount of information in his mind, the Great Wilderness Sword Master had been waiting quietly aside.

"Thank you, brother!"

Ling Feng once again bowed to the Great Wilderness Sword Master.

"My road has come to an end, but there are still infinite possibilities for you. Brother Ling, the future belongs to the younger generations like you!"

The Great Wilderness Sword Master supported Ling Feng, with a faint smile on his face, "I hope you can take that step and create your own supreme swordsmanship!"

"I will!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists heavily, an extremely determined look flashed in his eyes.

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