Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1774 Learn the Way of Sword! (3 updates)

"You can choose to leave on your own now, or stay here temporarily and learn the ninety-nine swordsmanship. Hehe, this palace itself is also a treasure. When the Great Desolate Sect was still prosperous, I was a true disciple. If you want To enter it and practice, you have to pay a big price!”

"Haha, eldest brother said so, I will stay for a few more days. If you have any questions, you can always ask eldest brother for advice!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, calculating the time, there are still three or four days before the ruins of Sunset Ancient City are closed.

I stayed alone in the ruins of the wilderness until the end, and I am afraid that I will become the target of public criticism once I go out. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the ninety-nine swordsmanship.

Maybe, my swordsmanship level will improve again.

"Hey, then you should understand it yourself first."

The Great Wilderness Sword Master glanced at Ling Feng, then disappeared into the hall in a flash.

"This boy really has wisdom."

In the darkness, the Great Wilderness Sword Master saw that Ling Feng had chosen a Hinayana swordsmanship first, and couldn't help but nodded slightly. He originally wanted to mention Ling Feng a few words, but it turned out that Ling Feng's state of mind had already been called a swordsmanship. The great master.

Thinking of this, the Great Wilderness Sword Master's eyes became fiery and fell on Ling Feng.

"He should be the leader of this era..."

Outside the ruins of the wilderness.

As time went by, there were more and more warriors surrounding this place.

Even the warriors who came from other levels of Sunset Ancient City also gathered around.

Everything stems from the allure of the "Sword Master's inheritance".

Some forces knew that they were alone, so they spread the news. After learning that the tenth layer had the inheritance of the Sword Master, many powerful people wandering around the eleventh and second layers of space also gathered here. .

At this time, the number of warriors gathered outside the valley was increasing, almost surrounding the entire valley.

The purpose of these people is very simple. They are waiting here for Ling Feng to appear, then surround Ling Feng and force him to hand over the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Sword Master.

They believed that even after acquiring the Great Wilderness Sword Master's inheritance, Ling Feng's strength would not improve too much. After all, the time was still short, and there were so many of them that the pressure created by joining forces would be terrifying.

What's more, there are strong men coming from the eleventh and second floors, so they are not afraid that Ling Feng will not submit!

"There's trouble this time!"

Xiao Juanyun frowned more and more when he saw the situation outside the valley.

The strength of Du Yue Tian Palace is indeed powerful, but if he asks himself, even he himself has some greed for the inheritance of the Sword Master.

Although he could invite other powerful men from the Single Moon Palace to suppress other forces, he could not guarantee that those senior brothers would be willing to help Ling Feng.

Perhaps, even they themselves couldn't help but want to plunder Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, Brother Ling, I really don't know whether getting the inheritance of the Sword Master is a good thing or a bad thing for you!"

Xiao Juanyun sighed softly, and Luo Hanzhou also frowned, help Ling Feng, he is also difficult to defeat with four fists.

Don't help Ling Feng, it doesn't seem very righteous!

As for the warriors on the Eastern Spiritual Territory side, all of them looked ashen. They wanted to help Ling Feng, but did they have the strength to help?

It’s good if it doesn’t help!

In the Great Wilderness Temple, although Ling Feng expected that there might be some blind people who wanted to snatch his opportunity, he never expected that this number of people far exceeded his expectations.

However, even if he knew it, Ling Feng was fearless.

Now, he is like a sponge, constantly absorbing insights from various kendos, and is improving almost every minute and every second.

Every kendo inheritance is equivalent to a huge treasure house. For ordinary warriors, even a casual kendo will benefit them for life.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, was absorbing and grabbing at will from the major treasure houses. If others knew about it, they would probably be jealous.

Of course, this also requires Ling Feng's monster-level talent and understanding. After all, it is rare for an ordinary swordsman to understand the Hinayana swordsmanship in his entire life.

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