Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1782 Cangyun Daze (Part 2)

Because of the forged Qi Hunyuan Lock, the aura exuded by Ling Feng was equivalent to that of an ordinary mid-level human emperor.

Among these hunters, he is neither too low nor too high, so he is not very noticeable.

It was because of his handsome appearance that many female hunters frequently ogled Ling Feng, hoping to recruit this handsome young man into the team. It was also a pleasure to flirt with him.

Naturally, Ling Feng was indifferent to the "favor" of these female warriors and stepped into the Cang Yun Daze alone.

"I'm afraid that guy is a newbie coming here for the first time. How dare he break into Cangyun Daze alone?"

"I bet this kid will die!"

"He's quite handsome, but it's a pity."

Cangyun Daze seems to have a special power. No matter how powerful the monsters inside are, they will never leave this place. Therefore, as long as they escape outside Daze in time, no matter how ferocious the monsters are, they will not try to Break out of Daze's range.

To a large extent, this encouraged the courage of those warriors with average strength.

After all, even if you can't beat him, you still have a certain chance of surviving as long as you run fast enough.

After entering Cangyun Daze, Ling Feng released the donkey.

Different from Ling Feng's feelings, as soon as Jianlu set foot on Cangyun Daze, he immediately stretched out comfortably, grinned widely, and said with a smile: "It feels so comfortable!"

"Are you comfortable?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Not to mention the fishy smell wafting from the swamp, just the feeling of dampness and cold made him feel very uncomfortable.

"There is a special power in the air, which seems to be able to refine the demonic essence in this beast!"

The bitch thought for a while and then said slowly.

"No wonder the monsters here look so fierce."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, muttering to himself.

"Hey, if it weren't for the restrictive nature of these powers, this would really be a paradise for monsters!"

The bitch grinned widely, took a few deep breaths, and then covered his body with a layer of faint black demonic aura, blocking out the surrounding air.

Ling Feng knew in his heart that the reason why the monsters in Cangyun Daze could not leave this place was probably what Bitch said. While they obtained the mysterious power in Cangyun Daze, they were also imprisoned in it. here.

Keep going.

One after another, Ling Feng met many hunting teams in Cangyun Daze. Basically, they formed a team of more than five people. The larger ones even reached about twenty people.

Seeing Ling Feng rushing into this place alone and with a strange-looking black donkey, those people immediately regarded Ling Feng as Leng Tou Qing who had entered Cangyun Daze for the first time.

This kind of person would probably not survive more than three days in Cangyun Daze!

Fortunately, no one took the initiative to provoke Ling Feng along the way. For them, there was only one purpose for entering Cangyun Daze, which was to earn Yuan Stone. In addition, as long as their own safety and interests were not endangered, they Basically I won't pay attention to it, and I won't take the initiative to cause trouble.

They are all veterans who have been hanging out in Cangyun Daze. They understand more clearly than others. Most of the warriors who dare to enter Cangyun Daze alone have some skills, or they have sects or family forces behind them. Provoke, so as not to cause trouble for yourself.

Of course, not everyone thinks so, it's just that Ling Feng hasn't met him yet.

Take the bitch with you and move on.

According to what Mr. Gui said, if he goes to Cangyun Daze, he will naturally have the answer.

Then, everything just happens.

Cangyun Daze covers an extremely wide area. Even if you go straight, you may encounter some powerful monsters at any time if you hesitate. Therefore, it will take more than half a month to get out of Cangyun Daze.

Almost seven or eight days later, Ling Feng finally entered the central area of ​​Cangyun Daze.

This is also the most dangerous place in Cangyun Daze.

And sometimes, danger also means opportunity.

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