Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1783 Kill the demonic snake with the sword! (3 updates)

Cangyun Daze.

This is Ling Feng's third day in Daze.

On this day, Ling Feng encountered a hunting team in the swamp, and it seemed that they were being attacked by a giant demon snake.

The situation is already very serious.

At this time, Ling Feng, who happened to be passing by, became their life-saving straw. .

"Little brother over there, please take action to contain this demonic snake! Our Silver Dragon Hunting Team will definitely be unforgettable!"

He had no choice but to ask Ling Feng for help.

In his opinion, although Ling Feng's aura was not powerful, the demon snake was still at the end of its attack. With Ling Feng in check, he could kill the demon snake as long as he took a breath.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, he glanced at the bitch beside him, and said calmly: "Bitch, give you a chance to show off?"

"Hmph, such a rubbish monster is worthy of letting this divine beast take action?"

The bitch looked arrogant, holding his hooves in front of his chest, looking disdainful.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, his figure flashed, and he rushed forward with a carefree sword step.

The incarnation of divine thunder!

The power of thunder exploded, which immediately made the demonic snake feel a little afraid.

For these monsters, they have some instinctive fear of fire and thunder.

After a while, Ling Feng dealt with the demonic snake.

Everything is under Ling Feng's control.

The hunting team was shocked and looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

How could this boy who looked so young be so ridiculously strong?

In a single fight with a monster snake that was comparable to the monster emperor, not only did he not fall behind at all, but he also didn't look serious at all!

You know, before this, they had a total of six team members, not to mention two of them died, and even the four of them were seriously injured.

If Ling Feng hadn't appeared, I'm afraid the four of them would have turned into four corpses at this moment!

"Thank you to this young hero for helping us and saving us!"

The strongest middle-aged man reluctantly got up, walked to Ling Feng, and bowed deeply to Ling Feng.

The other three people, two men and one woman, also bowed to Ling Feng, with deep fear and jealousy in their eyes.

If Ling Feng had any ill intentions at this moment, none of them might be able to escape Ling Feng's vicious hands.

"It's just a little effort."

Ling Feng looked calm and did not expect these people to repay anything.

"This demonic snake was killed by you, so it should naturally belong to you. Let us take our leave first!"

The middle-aged man glanced at the corpse of the demon snake on the ground. Although he was a little reluctant to give up, compared with his own life, it was obviously more important to save his life.

After saying that, the middle-aged man once again cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, and was about to leave with several of his companions.


Ling Feng suddenly spoke and stopped the middle-aged man.

For a moment, the middle-aged man felt a cold breath, rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and he began to cry in his heart: It's over, this time, I'm afraid I'll meet a ruthless person!

"This... this young hero, does he... have any other advice?"

The middle-aged warrior's heart almost rose to his throat, recalling Ling Feng's terrifying sword, and his scalp became numb.

Seeing the faces of the four hunting team members as if they were facing a formidable enemy, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile. He took out a bottle of elixir from the Naling Ring and threw it to the middle-aged warrior.

"Take it for healing." Ling Feng said lightly.


The middle-aged man was obviously stunned. He thought Ling Feng was going to kill people and seize the treasure, but he didn't expect that he would actually give him healing pills?

"Take it, if I want to harm you, why bother to rescue you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I won't give this pill to you for free. I hope you can tell me something about Cangyun Daze."

"Of course, of course!"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed. The value of this bottle of elixir was probably not even lower than that of the demonic snake.

"My dear Song Zhiren, thank you so much, young hero!"

The middle-aged man thanked him profusely.

After a while of polite greetings, both parties became familiar with each other.

"Young Master Ling, you don't know. Usually there are not so many people in Cangyun Daze."

Song Zhiren smiled and said, "The warriors you saw are probably going to Tianyun Holy City."

"Tianyun Holy City?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, showing a trace of doubt.

"It seems that this is indeed the first time for the young hero to come to Cangyun Daze."

"Then, why is everyone going to Tianyun Holy City?" Ling Feng asked again.

"They are all here for an opportunity!"

Song Zhiren's eyes flashed with a hint of hope, "This is also the practice of Tianyun Holy City. Every three years or so, Yunluo Holy Land will send its disciples to hold a selection in Tianyun Holy City. After the selection, The ten warriors who win the prize will have the opportunity to enter Yunluo Holy Land?"

"Disciple selection?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Although these people were not weak in strength, as disciples, they were a bit older.

"Of course not. There is naturally another set of procedures for disciple selection."

Song Zhiren smiled and continued: "This selection is related to a treasured cultivation place in Yunluo Holy Land, the Tower of Apocalypse. It is said that those who are selected can enter the Tower of Apocalypse even if they are not disciples of Yunluo Holy Land. It takes three days to practice. It is said that there are many mysteries in the Tower of Apocalypse. Almost without exception, everyone who enters the Tower of Apocalypse will improve by leaps and bounds."

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