Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1790 The five tribes of Tianmeng! (3 updates)

"I! Humph! I don't know the value of gold and jade. This fragment is definitely a treasure!"

Xiao Zhantian actually didn't know it himself, but in order to exchange for the token, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't exchange it, it's your loss!"

"Forget it."

Ling Feng shook his head and said slowly, "Well, the selection of Tianqi is about to end, and I don't want to toss it. I haven't found anything good after looking for so long. It's better to follow the original. You give me 100,000 high-quality Yuan crystals. It happens that I also like to study some small things on weekdays. This fragment is a gift. If you agree, I will give you the token. If you don't agree, forget it!"


Xiao Zhantian gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, stared at the token in Ling Feng's hand, and finally nodded, "Okay, 100,000 Yuan crystals plus this fragment! Boy, you are so cunning!"

Ling Feng put away the Yuan crystals and the fragments, and his face showed a look of heartache, as if he had suffered a great loss.

In fact, Ling Feng was already very happy. He could resonate with the origin of chaos. Could it be that the fragments contained the power of chaos? This alone was enough to drive Ling Feng crazy. "Fuck, Xiao Zhantian got there first!" "To put it bluntly, it's all because of Yuan Jing. It's great to have money!" "Hey, you can do whatever you want if you have money!" Those warriors who didn't get the tokens started to curse, but the transaction was completed and there were no extra tokens for them to exchange. Even if they were unwilling, they had to accept their fate. "Hehehe!" Xiao Zhantian felt very happy when he got a token: problems that can be solved with money are not problems! "Boy, I'm Xiao Zhantian. Don't look at me as a traitor in Tianyun Holy City. In fact, my real identity is the seventh great-grandson of the Xiao family branch of the five major families of Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce." Xiao Zhantian was in a good mood and walked to Ling Feng and started chatting with him. "The five major families of Tianmeng!" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he looked at Xiao Zhantian. No wonder this guy was so rich and powerful, he turned out to be a member of Tianmeng. As early as the Tianbai Empire, Ling Feng already knew that the power behind the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce was not simple, and it had a thousand connections with the three holy places. The Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce was in the hands of the five major families, and the Xiao family was one of them. Although Xiao Zhantian was only a branch of the Xiao family, the wealth of the family was definitely an inestimable number. After all, Tianmeng was a super-large chamber of commerce covering the entire East Spiritual Region, which was equivalent to nearly half of the wealth of the entire East Spiritual Region, all converging towards Tianmeng. "Hehe, I didn't expect that the little brother also knew the five major families?" Xiao Zhantian looked at Ling Feng with some surprise, but he looked up to him. "I've heard a little bit." Ling Feng replied lightly. When he was in the Tianbai Empire, Ling Feng had a good relationship with Feng Taishang of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, so he heard some information about Tianmeng from him. However, even Feng Taishang of the Imperial Capital Branch only knew a small part of the story.

After chatting for a few more words, the teleportation array in front of them shone brightly, which also meant that the Apocalypse Selection was finally over.

"Brother Ling, I, Xiao Zhantian, have made friends with you!"

Xiao Zhantian was quite familiar with people, and he started to call Ling Feng brothers in a few words.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Although Xiao Zhantian liked to show off, he was not cunning. Perhaps this was the so-called "stupid but rich".

"Master Feng, thank you for what happened just now."

Ling Feng looked back at Feng Yiqiu again. He couldn't figure out why Feng Yiqiu wanted to help him.

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank someone, thank Miss Yue Huaqing. She asked me to take care of you during the selection, but it seems that you don't need my care."

Feng Yiqiu said lightly.

"Senior Sister Yue?" Ling Feng was slightly stunned.

"The Divine Wind Pavilion is originally a subsidiary of the Yue Family. All the forces in the Tianyun Holy City are not as simple as they seem on the surface." Feng Yiqiu said with a little emotion: "As a casual cultivator, it is not easy to survive." "Sorry, I am a bit long-winded." Feng Yiqiu shook his head and said lightly: "This is just what Miss Yue asked, so you don't need to thank me." After that, Feng Yiqiu strode away. Looking at Feng Yiqiu's back, Ling Feng couldn't help muttering to himself: "Senior Sister Yue? She is really a kind and enthusiastic person!" Thinking that he had actually deceived Yue Huaqing, Ling Feng felt a little guilty. ... Through the teleportation array, the surviving warriors returned to the Tianyun Holy City. "Now, please stand out and show your tokens to facilitate inspection." Ao Jue and other examiners who presided over this Tianqi selection have long been on the other side of the teleportation array, waiting for everyone to return. The warriors who were lucky enough to save their lives returned to their own residences and prepared to rest.

The ten people who received the token went back to rest for a night, and set off for Yunluo Holy Land early the next morning.

"Junior Brother Ling, I knew you would succeed."

As soon as Ling Feng appeared, Yue Huaqing rushed over excitedly, looking at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see if he was injured.

"Haha, thank you for your concern, Senior Sister Yue."

Ling Feng grinned and said, "Finally, there is no danger."

At this time, Aojue also walked up and said with a smile: "Brother Ling, I was worried about whether the sleeping high-level demon emperor would wake up, but seeing that you came out safely, it seems that the demon emperor The emperor did not wake up."

"Oh? Really?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and thought to himself: Not only did the high-level demon emperor wake up, he almost ate himself! Fortunately, I always tell my fortune and I shouldn’t give up.

"Okay, I have to hand over the list to the elders and arrange the opening of the Tower of Apocalypse. I won't disturb you more. You should go back and rest for the night. We will see you tomorrow morning."

Ao Jue patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, then turned and left with several fellow disciples.

"Junior Brother Ling, let's meet tomorrow."

Yue Huaqing bit her lips and took a deep look at Ling Feng.

"Uh...yeah, see you tomorrow."

Ling Feng felt a little scared when Yue Huaqing saw him, and wondered if Yue Huaqing had already discovered that he had lied to her.

Yue Huaqing couldn't help but laugh when she saw Ling Feng's stupid look, then turned around and quickly caught up with Ao Jue and the others.

"What do you mean? Did I reveal my secret?"

Feeling guilty in his heart, Ling Feng left Tianyun Mansion and returned to his residence with an extremely uneasy mood.

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