Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1791 There is another master! (1 update)

Inside Tianyun Mansion.

"Elder Wu, this is the final list of winners of this Apocalypse selection. Elder, please take a look."

Ao Jue handed a list into the hands of a white-haired old man. The old man opened his eyes slightly, glanced around, and suddenly said with some surprise: "Huh? Why don't you see the names of Yang Tai and his son, the owners of Tianxia Building? Could it be that? They didn’t participate in the Apocalypse selection?”

With the strength of the owner of Tianxialou, there shouldn't be any problems if he passes the assessment, right?

"There is indeed no name for these two people."

Ao Jue said slowly: "But these two people did participate in the selection."


Elder Wu tapped the fingers of his right hand on the table, completely unable to understand such an abnormal thing.

"Who is this Ling Feng?"

Elder Wu glanced at the list again. Most of them were familiar names. Only Ling Feng seemed to have never been famous in Tianyun Holy City.

"I guess he is an expert who has recently arrived in the Holy City."

Ao Jue laughed and wanted to fool him directly.

Although he didn't know why Ling Feng asked them to keep his identity secret, as a friend, Ao Jue didn't need to expose Ling Feng's background.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hall, and after a while, several worshipers were seen rushing in.

"Oh no, elder, something big has happened!"

"What's the matter?" Elder Wu stood up suddenly. It was obviously not an ordinary thing to make these worshipers so anxious.

"Then...that sleeping high-level demon emperor...isn't... missing?"

One of the leading worshipers said urgently.


Elder Wu frowned. Originally, they were preparing to gather people to hunt down the demon emperor while he was sleeping.

Unexpectedly, during the Apocalypse Selection, the high-level demon emperor they were targeting actually disappeared?

"Did that beast wake up?"

Elder Wu's eyelids twitched wildly, and then he shook his head, "Impossible. If that beast wakes up, it is impossible for any of the warriors who participated in Tianqi's selection to survive!"


Elder Wu frowned, "If you didn't wake up, why did you suddenly disappear?"

"Elder, we found a lot of blood near the place where the high-level demon emperor slept, and there were even some broken scales and flesh."

"There are also traces of fierce fighting all around. It seems that there should have been a fierce battle."

"There are still some scorch marks, exuding powerful flame rule fluctuations, at least to the level of sixth-order rules and above!"

Those priests who went to investigate the situation intermittently told the clues they found in extremely detailed terms.

"Sixth level flame rules? Confront that beast head-on?"

Elder Wu fell into deep thought. This was definitely not the strength that those warriors who participated in the Tianqi selection could possess.

"It seems that another master of that high-level demon emperor must have gotten there first!"

After a long time, Elder Wu sighed and came to a conclusion.

Only Ao Jue suddenly remembered that when he asked Ling Feng about the high-level demon emperor, Ling Feng looked a little strange.

Could it be that the death of that high-level demon emperor had something to do with him?

Thinking of this, Aojue almost felt like he couldn't breathe.

That's a high-level demon emperor!

Ling Feng, is he really that strong?

Shaking his head desperately, Aojue threw this somewhat ridiculous idea behind him.

No matter how strong Ling Feng is, he can't possibly compete with the high-level demon emperor. He is definitely thinking too much.

"If I guess correctly, the owner of the Tianxia Building and his son must have been unlucky. They encountered the awakened beast and unfortunately died."

Elder Wu sighed lightly. It was because of his support that the power of Tianxialou achieved its current status. Now that the owner of Tianxialou is dead, his decades of hard work have been almost wasted.

On the other side, Ling Feng naturally didn't know that the death of the high-level demon emperor had caused quite a commotion.

As soon as he returned to his residence, Ling Feng began to study the strange fragment.

Although the induction was very weak, Ling Feng could clearly sense the power of chaos contained in the fragments.

He is a body of chaos, and he has the origin of chaos in his body. He is naturally extremely sensitive to the power of chaos.

He even had a feeling that this seemingly inconspicuous fragment might be his biggest gain from this trip.

Putting it in his hand, he fiddled with it for a while, and Ling Feng tried to inject Yuan Power into it. The fragment only glowed slightly with golden light, and then became completely motionless.

After trying to infuse spiritual power, Ling Feng was able to sense a powerful spiritual barrier that prevented his own spiritual power from penetrating into it.

Ling Feng even tried to open the fragment, but even if he used the power of a hundred dragons, he could not break the fragment at all!

"What kind of material is this that is so hard?"

Ling Feng frowned, like an anxious hungry ghost. He clearly saw the naked beauty right in front of him, but there was an impenetrable barrier between her.

That feeling is so uncomfortable!

Unfortunately, the bitch had fallen into a deep sleep after devouring a large amount of the blood essence of the Sky-Swallowing Python, and he didn't even have anyone to ask questions.

"Forget it, it seems that the opportunity has not come yet."

Ling Feng shook his head. Xiao Zhantian's family had been unable to discover the secrets for hundreds of years after getting such fragments. Although he could sense the power of chaos in it, it might still require a certain situation to unlock it. The secret therein.

After putting away the remaining pieces, Ling Feng fell down and fell asleep.

Early tomorrow morning, prepare to go to Yunluo Holy Land!

In any case, we are one step closer to our goal.

Early the next morning, the ten people who had obtained the tokens returned to Tianyun Mansion.

Xiao Zhantian walked up to Ling Feng very familiarly and said hello to him.

"Haha, Brother Ling, you came early enough!"

Everything about Xiao Zhantian's body was filled with treasures above the level of treasures. His whole body exuded a smell of copper, and he looked like a typical prodigal son and second-generation ancestor.

His cultivation basically came from taking drugs all the way up. He is basically at the bottom of the same level, but he has reached the level of the Ultimate Human Emperor by relying on various miraculous pills.

Therefore, sometimes reincarnation is also a skill, and you have to accept it.

However, although this Xiao Zhantian has various shortcomings, he is still an interesting villain, and he is still much better than those sanctimonious hypocrites.

"Brother Xiao, it's not too late!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Xiao Zhantian as a greeting.

After a while, all ten warriors who passed the selection arrived. Ao Jue, Yue Huaqing and Wang Gan also came to the courtyard surrounded by several Yunluo Holy Land disciples.

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