Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1793 The Holy Emperor’s Bet! (3 updates)

With a flash of golden light around his body, Ling Feng ascended directly to the ninth floor of the Tower of Apocalypse.

This time, what was facing them was not nine opponents, but a golden shadow holding a long sword.

For some reason, when he saw this golden shadow, Ling Feng had a very strange thought in his heart.

The eyes of this "shadow" are not as empty as those of the opponents on the lower floors. Instead, they have a sense of calmness and self-power, like a superior person.

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel that his idea was a bit ridiculous.

It's obviously just a test object, someone in a superior position, it's just ridiculous.

However, that golden shadow clearly seemed to be sizing him up, and there was even a hint of admiration.

The trial subject of the Tower of Apocalypse is actually praising me?

Ling Feng himself felt that this was a bit ridiculous.

Realizing that this trial subject was a little different, Ling Feng couldn't help but ask, "Senior, who is..."

Before he finished speaking, the golden shadow had already stabbed him with a sword.


The sound of breaking wind came, without any fancy, the speed of the sword was so fast that even Ling Feng almost felt like he couldn't keep up.

"Why did the difficulty suddenly increase so much?"

Ling Feng was a little surprised. This golden shadow seemed to be not only intelligent, but also had its own unique fighting style.

Even more, there are other things.

It's like it's just a puppet, and there's someone else behind it.

However, it was too late for Ling Feng to think more.

Draw your sword!



After a sword exchange, Ling Feng retreated dozens of steps before he could regain his balance.

The golden shadow gave him the feeling of an invincible myth.

However, the more this happened, the more fighting spirit ignited in Ling Feng's heart.

"bring it on!"

In an instant, the killing sword intent was pushed to the extreme, and the forging Qi Hunyuan Lock and the dragon-elephant divine power all exploded almost instantly.


Ling Feng's whole body was burning with fire and thunder was surging. When facing such a powerful "opponent", Ling Feng had basically unleashed all his trump cards.

The golden shadow on the opposite side had a faint arc at the corner of its mouth.

Perhaps out of surprise, Ling Feng didn't lose his fighting spirit because of this.

The body was like flowing light, and the golden shadow instantly disappeared from Ling Feng's field of vision. Ling Feng only felt the infinite murderous intent, shrouding himself, and every hair on his head stood on end.

For a moment, the entire space became eerily quiet, and time seemed to stand still. Ling Feng could even hear the sound of his own blood flowing through his veins.

I seemed to have fallen into eternal sinking for a long time.

That's it, is it over?

In Ling Feng's mind, a lazy voice sounded, as if he was about to fall into a complete sleep at any moment.

He suddenly felt so sleepy and tired that he didn't even want to move a finger!

"No! This is not the ending I want!"

The next moment, deep in Ling Feng's heart, an unparalleled belief burst out, and bang, the world seemed to be shattered.

Ling Feng only felt that the space he was in was cracking like a mirror.



Everything was in pieces, including the sleeping self.

Cold sweat soaked the clothes on his back, and Ling Feng had a feeling that if he had just chosen to sleep, it was very likely that what he saw in the mirror would be his ending.


Ling Feng gasped for breath. The scene around him seemed to have completely changed, and the golden shadow had disappeared.

In the distance, there seemed to be a ball of light, suspended in mid-air.

With a thought, Ling Feng took the light group and saw a palm-sized jade slip in the light group.

On the jade slip, there is a row of small characters engraved on it, which reads: All attributes of the physique are not suitable for this physique.


Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Because he was too strong, he couldn't get the reward?

When Ling Feng was secretly depressed, an extremely terrifying energy surged from the jade slip.

Thunder and flames intertwined among the jade slips, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

"Attribute rule inscription!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath. This was equivalent to a master directly imparting his understanding of the power of these two attribute rules to him like an enlightenment.

This is much more precious than any secret technique!

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng suddenly felt ecstatic. This trip to Yunluo Holy Land was not in vain!

Deep in Yunluo Holy Land, in a hall, a middle-aged man who looked like an immortal man slowly opened his eyes.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely feel extremely familiar when he saw these eyes.

In front of the middle-aged man, there was a circular light curtain, and the image in the light curtain was an old man sitting on the back of a turtle, staring at the middle-aged man in front of him with a smile.

"Holy Emperor Donghua, what do you think of this son's qualifications?"

The old man asked with a smile.

It turned out that this middle-aged man was the headmaster of Yunluo Holy Land and the master of Yuehua Qing.

"Unparalleled talent!"

The Holy Emperor of Donghua stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Gui for having such a beloved disciple."

I'm afraid that I'm not qualified to be his master yet!

Turtle shook his head and smiled, but did not say anything clearly. He just said slowly: "The Holy Emperor Donghua has been true to his word, so now he should be willing to admit defeat."

Holy Emperor Donghua shook his head, smiled bitterly, and nodded, "Of course, please don't worry, Mr. Gui."

It turned out that the opponent Ling Feng met on the ninth floor of the Tower of Apocalypse was actually an incarnation of the Donghua Holy Emperor.

Ling Feng's feeling was not wrong.

The Holy Emperor Donghua made a bet with the Turtle Saint that if Ling Feng could defeat that incarnation, the Holy Emperor Donghua would give Ling Feng a Five Emperor Seal hidden in Yunluo Holy Land.

But it turns out that Mr. Turtle has already arranged everything.

With Gui Lao's clever calculation, how could he let Ling Feng actually steal the Five Emperor's Seal?

"That boy is indeed a genius. The Five Emperor Seals are in my hands. In another thousand years, we may not be able to gather them all. It is better to fulfill this boy. If the opportunity comes, maybe I, Yunluo Holy Land, can also benefit a lot. "

As the Lord of the Holy Land, Holy Emperor Donghua's vision and state of mind are naturally far beyond those of ordinary warriors.

He specially gave the sixth-level Thunder Fire Rules inscription to Ling Feng, which could be regarded as a favor to Ling Feng first, so that Ling Feng could repay the favor.


Gui Lao Lang laughed. It is said that if you see through something, don't tell it. As a mature man like Gui Lao, he naturally smiled and said nothing.

"When that kid comes out of the Tower of Apocalypse, I will summon him."

Donghua Saint Emperor looked at the light curtain in front of him and said calmly: "It's just that the Xuan Emperor Seal in my hand is not rare, but the last Blue Emperor Seal is said to have been under the control of the Blood Shadow Alliance. Gui Lao thought, How can this young man collect the last Five Emperor Seals?"

"It's up to you to make arrangements freely."

Turtle Lao smiled lightly and said, "All I can do is do my best and obey fate."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Holy Emperor Donghua smiled lightly, "I must keep my promise."

"Well, I'd like to thank you in advance."

Turtle Lao nodded, and the light curtain gradually disappeared, leaving only the Holy Emperor Donghua in the huge hall.

"It's a pity that such talented people are not from Yunluo Holy Land."

Holy Emperor Donghua sighed softly. It had been hundreds of years since he became the Lord of the Holy Land, and his heart had never been so fluctuated before.

"Practice is still not enough."

The Holy Emperor Donghua gave a wry smile, sat cross-legged, and entered meditation again.

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