Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1794 Meeting the Holy Emperor! (1 update)

Tower of Apocalypse, ninth floor.

In the ninth level of space, the understanding of attribute rules is three times higher than that in the outside world!

Coupled with the fact that the jade plate contained inscriptions with at least six levels of thunder and fire attribute rules, these three days were destined to be a good harvest for Ling Feng.

At the same time, most of the other tower invaders have stabilized. Except for Ling Feng, only the master of Jueshen Palace and the master of Shenfeng Pavilion have reached the eighth floor. Most of the others are below the seventh floor. .

"It seems that Ling Feng is still strong!"

Shaking his head and smiling, Aojue turned around and left, "Let's go, come back in three days to welcome Ling Feng out of seclusion."

Yue Huaqing looked back at the ninth floor of the Tower of Apocalypse and left with Ao Jue.

Three days passed by in a flash.

With the high-level thunder and fire rule inscriptions left by Donghua Saint Emperor, Ling Feng's understanding of the thunder and fire attribute rules in the past three days can be said to have made rapid progress.

As time passed, the warriors who were sitting in meditation in the tower were all teleported out one after another, with a look of joy on their faces, obviously they had gained something.

For casual cultivators, they rarely have the opportunity to understand the power of attribute rules, so once such an opportunity arises, they will never waste any time and work hard to understand it.

After all, this is a world where strength is respected, and strength means everything.

Ao Jue, who brought everyone here, was waiting under the tower early.

After everyone came out of the tower, he laughed loudly and said: "I, Yunluo Holy Land, have prepared a sumptuous lunch for you. After lunch, you can return to Tianyun Holy City. Now, please follow me. "

When everyone heard that there was still food to eat, they were all happy.

Even though it is just a simple meal, how can the food in Yunluo Holy Land be simple? Everyone who has eaten there knows that the food is made from the finest spiritual plants and spiritual grains, as well as food cooked with high-level monsters. They are all good things that can enhance Yuan Li. Even in the most luxurious restaurant in Tianyun Holy City, it is rare to have such a meal.

"Hey, Brother Ling!"

Xiao Zhantian came up to Ling Feng at some point and said with joy, "You have gained a lot in the tower, right? Hehe, I have made great progress this time!"

"Haha..." Ling Feng smiled faintly, pursed his lips and said, "I think I gained something."

"What are Brother Ling's plans for the next step? In fact, I am here to practice this time. If Brother Ling is interested, why not come with me to the Amethyst Imperial City of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce? The Amethyst Imperial City is worse than Tianyun Holy City. It’s much more lively!”

Xiao Zhantian sent an invitation to Ling Feng.

"If I have time, I will."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. Amethyst Imperial City is where the headquarters of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce is located. It does not belong to any country, nor does it fall under the jurisdiction of the three holy places. It is a completely independent city.

And such a city, which contains countless resources and wealth, can still stand firm under the scrutiny of many forces, which also proves the huge power of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce from the side.

If there is a chance, Ling Feng would also be interested in visiting the Amethyst Imperial City.

After all, in Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, you can buy anything and sell anything.

Amethyst Imperial City, as the headquarters of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, is undoubtedly a treasure place for inquiring about information.

When he didn't get a positive answer from Ling Feng, Xiao Zhantian didn't show too much disappointment. He just said slowly: "Brother Ling, I will stay in Tianyun Holy City for three more days. If you change your mind, you can Come find me at Tianyun Inn.”

Ling Feng smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

At this time, Yue Huaqing hurriedly ran over. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Ling Feng for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Junior brother Ling, please come with me. Master... wants to see you."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly.


Yue Huaqing’s master?

Isn't that the leader of Yunluo Holy Land, the overlord in charge of a holy land, Donghua Holy Emperor?

What is he looking for?

Could it be that you already know your intentions?

No, I have to run!

But soon, Ling Feng shook his head again.


Where can I run to?

Donghua Saint Emperor, a powerful man of this level, must be at the semi-saint level.

As soon as the Half Saint took action, he had no chance of escaping.

Speaking of which, although the semi-saint strong man has hands and eyes that can reach the sky, he clearly asked Yue Huaqing and the others to conceal his identity, but he was still discovered...


Ling Feng swallowed hard, sweating slightly on his forehead: Mr. Gui, Mr. Gui, you have tricked me to death!

Little did he know that Turtle Saint had already arranged everything for him.

"How...why are you so fine and suddenly want to summon me?"

Ling Feng glanced at Yue Huaqing and asked tentatively.

"I don't know the specific situation. It's just that Master ordered it, and I'm just passing on the message." Yue Huaqing bit her silver teeth, but couldn't help lowering her voice and asked in a low voice: "Junior Brother Ling, what are you doing this time? Didn't he come to Yunluo Holy Land because he had some bad idea and was discovered by my master?"

"Absolutely not!"

Ling Feng only felt a chill behind his back, but at this time, only a fool would tell the truth!

"Really?" Yue Huaqing glanced at Ling Feng suspiciously, then shook her head and said: "Well, since you have no agenda, then come with me to see Master. Don't worry, Master. He will not wrong anyone, and of course, he will not let anyone who poses a threat to the Holy Land go free!"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: Alas, it's a blessing, not a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided!

With a wry smile, Ling Feng had no choice but to follow Yue Huaqing and go with her to meet the Holy Emperor Donghua.

However, every step along the way made Ling Feng feel like he was about to face trial.

In front of the powerful semi-saint, I might not be able to hide my little thoughts.

Several times, Ling Feng thought of just running away.

But I told myself rationally that if I ran away, the consequences would be even more serious.

Finally, after Ling Feng didn't know how long it took, Yue Huaqing, who was leading the way, finally stopped in front of a main hall.

"Come in with me, this is the Xingwei Hall where Master usually retreats for meditation."

Yuehua Qingsu waved her hand, and a dazzling brilliance shone in front of her. The light gradually dispersed, and the barriers blocking the front turned into dots of light panels and disappeared.

Ling Feng could feel that there was an extremely strong aura deep in the hall, coming towards his face.


Breathtakingly powerful!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng followed closely behind Yue Huaqing and walked into the hall.

No matter what was waiting for him, he could only bear it silently.

If it really doesn't work, you can move out of Guilao. After all, you are also a member of Turtle Saint. If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, Donghua Holy Emperor must give some thin noodles to Turtle Saint.

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