Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1795 Xuan Emperor Seal! (2 updates)

Just as Ling Feng was beating a drum in his heart and thinking about various countermeasures, a clear voice came to his ears.

"Little guy, why do you come to see me? Is it so embarrassing for you?"

The voice came slowly and seemed to be quite gentle.

"Thanks to the Holy Emperor's favor, the boy is flattered."

Ling Feng quickly bowed to the Donghua Holy Emperor, and then raised his head to look at the Donghua Holy Emperor.

At first glance, Ling Feng's eyelids couldn't help but twitch slightly. Faintly, this aloof Holy Emperor gave Ling Feng a rather familiar feeling.

Especially, his eyes!

For a moment, Ling Feng was in a daze.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Yue Huaqing on the side quickly gave Ling Feng a look and lowered his voice: "Don't be rude!"


Ling Feng finally came back to his senses, but his feelings should not be wrong.

"It doesn't matter."

Holy Emperor Donghua smiled lightly, "Ling Feng, do you think I look familiar?"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

"Haha, thank you for teaching you the sixth-level thunder and fire rule inscription. Why did you forget it so quickly?" Holy Emperor Donghua narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly.

" are..."

The Holy Emperor Donghua had said all that, and Ling Feng could not react. He quickly bowed to the Holy Emperor Donghua again, "Thank you, Holy Emperor!"

No wonder he felt that the assessment on the ninth floor of the Tower of Apocalypse was so weird. It turned out that it was actually the Holy Emperor Donghua who personally tested him.

However, Ling Feng couldn't understand that someone like the Holy Emperor Donghua would be interested in testing a junior like himself.

Even if he wins the first place in the Sunset Chosen, in the eyes of a strong man of this level, it is nothing at all.

"This is also your own fault, so there is no need to thank me."

Donghua Saint Emperor didn't seem to have any airs, he raised his hand to signal Ling Feng to stand up, and then continued: "You are extremely talented, and throughout the entire Yunluo Holy Land, there is no junior who can compare with you. "

"The Holy Land is so praised."

Ling Feng coughed a few times. Such a strong person praised him in person, which made Ling Feng feel a little bit elated.

"However, even so, you deceived my disciple and secretly collected the Yellow Emperor's Seal. Can you admit this?"

Suddenly, the Holy Emperor Donghua changed his subject, causing Ling Feng to suddenly fall from the sky again.

Damn it, after working on it for a long time, this is actually the purpose!


A thin layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Ling Feng's forehead. He looked at Holy Emperor Donghua and then at Yue Huaqing beside him. He didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Ling... Junior Brother Ling, you..."

Yue Huaqing's eyes were filled with a trace of doubt and a trace of anger, staring at Ling Feng in disbelief, "Junior brother Ling, is what the master said true? You...have you been lying to me all this time?"


Ling Feng suddenly felt that one was bigger than the other. Sure enough, he would have to pay back sooner or later if he went out to hang out!

"Senior Sister Yue, I'm sorry, I lied to you..."

Ling Feng had nothing to say. No matter what the purpose or the reason, deception is deception.

It doesn't make much sense to say that if I find the treasure house contained in the Five Emperors Seal, I will give you part of it.

"Holy Emperor, I was indeed at fault in this matter. I, Ling Feng, admit it!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Senior Sister Yue did say that she would only give the Five Emperors Seal to me for safekeeping. I deceived her because of my own selfishness. I am willing to take full responsibility for this matter!"

"Okay, you're pretty brave!"

Saint Emperor Donghua's cold gaze swept over him. For a moment, Ling Feng felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. Even with his physique, it felt as if the blood in his body had frozen.

This is the gap in absolute strength.

Even though he can deal with ordinary mid-level emperors now, in front of the powerful semi-saints, he is no different from a toddler.

"So, you came to Yunluo Holy Land this time to steal another Five Emperor Seal?"

Saint Emperor Donghua asked in a cold voice.

"Senior Holy Emperor, do you think I am a fool?"

Ling Feng looked at Holy Emperor Donghua and replied calmly.

"Oh? So what do you mean?" Saint Emperor Donghua stared at Ling Feng and asked slowly.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Although I think I have some abilities, this junior is still full of masters in Yunluo Holy Land, and there are even half-saints sitting here. No matter how stupid I am, I won't be stupid enough to just come here to die, right?"

"Then you're still coming?"

"Someone told me that if I come to Yunluo Holy Land, I can get the seal of the Five Emperors!" Ling Feng answered truthfully: "So, I'm here."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Holy Emperor Donghua stared at Ling Feng for a long time. Suddenly, his aura disappeared and he burst out laughing.

Ling Feng felt his whole body shake and relax, and couldn't help but look at the Donghua Holy Emperor strangely.

What does this old man mean?

"This is the Xuan Emperor Seal, Ling Feng, take it!"


The sound of breaking wind came, Ling Feng subconsciously reached out to grab the object thrown by Donghua Saint Emperor and put it in front of him. He saw that it was indeed a jade seal, similar in size to several other Five Emperor seals, but the color and pattern were slightly different. There are different.

At the bottom of the jade seal, the character "Xuan" is engraved in an ancient script.

It is the Xuan Emperor Seal among the Five Emperor Seals!

Bang bang!

Ling Feng felt that his heartbeat had accelerated several times in an instant.

The Five Emperors Seal that everyone is vying for, is it just for you?

Ling Feng even had the urge to pinch his thigh to verify whether he was dreaming.

Just give it away for free?

Ling Feng felt that he would never dare to think like this in his dreams.

"Why, you look like you can't believe it?"

Saint Emperor Donghua looked at Ling Feng with a smile, a hint of teasing flashing in his eyes.

"Hmph, Junior Brother Ling, if you lie to me once and I lie to you once, we are even!"

Yue Huaqing on the side also seemed to have changed in an instant. Instead of the previous expression of sadness and anger, she looked a little weird.

It turns out that Yue Huaqing teamed up with Donghua Saint Emperor to put on a play for him!

Unfortunately, I thought that a disaster might be imminent today.

"what is going on?"

Ling Feng was completely confused. He didn't believe that the Holy Emperor Donghua would give away a treasure like the Xuan Emperor's Seal as soon as he said so.

There must be some secret behind this that I don't know about.

"Thank you, Mr. Turtle."

Holy Emperor Donghua put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Lao Gui made a bet with me, and he won, so the Emperor Xuan's Seal belongs to you."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

Although Saint Emperor Donghua said it calmly, he knew that there must be other reasons behind this.

For a big man like Donghua Saint Emperor, every decision he makes will not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

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