Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1804 The third young master of the Ye family! (2 updates)

"So, the purpose of bringing me here is actually to offend Yue Qianfan?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.

"Yue Qianfan is the helper of Xiao Yuntian's lineage. For many years, my lineage has been suppressed by Xiao Yuntian. After subduing Yue Qianfan, Xiao Yuntian has intensified his efforts."

Xiao Zhantian clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth: "The reason why I invited Brother Ling to the Amethyst Imperial City is because I hope Brother Ling can help me kill Yue Qianfan, and even Xiao Yuntian!"

"Then Yue Qianfan hates me to the core now. If I don't kill him, he will kill me."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, but he didn't feel nervous at all.

"How dare you, Xiao Zhantian, plot against us!" Yuehua Qingfeng frowned and stared at Xiao Zhantian coldly.

"Brother Ling, I...I was also made anxious..."

Xiao Zhantian clenched his fists, then patted his chest and said, "If Brother Ling can help me this time, as long as I, Xiao Zhantian, am alive, I will go through fire and water without hesitation as long as Brother Ling says a word!"

"Through fire and water, I don't need you. But I do need your help with something."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said lightly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zhantian asked blurtly.

"Let me deal with your nemesis first." Ling Feng patted Xiao Zhantian's shoulder, glanced at him, and said slowly: "But Brother Xiao, you can plot against me, Ling Feng, only this time. . If there is a next time, you will be responsible for the consequences.”

"Yes Yes!"

Being glared at by Ling Feng, Xiao Zhantian felt as if his hair was standing on end, as if he had fallen into the Nine Nether Hell.

For a moment, Xiao Zhantian was covered in cold sweat. He knew that Ling Feng was definitely not joking with him.

"Let's go, don't keep some people waiting."

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled lightly.

Yue Huaqing and Xiao Zhantian looked at each other. Neither of them were fools. They knew with their toes that Yue Qianfan would never give up.

By the time Ling Feng and his party walked out of the VIP room, most of them had already left the auction house.

At this moment, a man in rich clothes walked towards him. He was tall and handsome, with the word "leaf" embroidered with golden silk thread on the right side of his chest.

This person is obviously a member of the Ye family among the five clans of the Tianmeng.

"Mr. Ling, I am the third son of the Ye family, Ye Chu. I have the honor to see Brother Ling spend a lot of money tonight. I really admire him in my heart. If Mr. Ling is free, you might as well go to the house and sit for a while. How about it?"

The man from Washington had a smile on his face and seemed polite.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ye." Ling Feng bowed to him and said with a slight smile: "Ling has something else to do, so I won't bother you. Let's wait for another day."

"Haha." Ye Chu was not disappointed, and said with a faint smile: "Brother Ling has now become a famous figure in the Amethyst Imperial City, but I would like to remind Mr. Ling that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, Mr. Ling still needs to careful."

Ling Feng is so smart. Naturally, Ye Chu invited him to sit at Ye's house just to warn some people with evil intentions not to act rashly.

However, Ling Feng did not accept his love.

As the head of the Tian Alliance, it will be difficult to bribe the Ye family unless they provide enough benefits!

The Blood Shadow Alliance, a force that even gave the Dongling Immortal Pond a huge headache, the Sky Alliance would never dare to offend.

Therefore, Xiao Zhan Tiancai is his best choice.

Although he is a dandy, it is precisely because he is a dandy that he dares to do things that ordinary people dare not do.

"Thank you, Sanshao Ye, for reminding me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, without much expression on his face.

"All right!"

Seeing that Ling Feng was not moved at all, Ye Chu had to give up and said with a faint smile: "Yue Qianfan has a perverse and violent personality. He may not have dared to do anything outrageous in the auction house just now, but this person kills people without blinking an eye, I'm afraid It will be detrimental to Mr. Ling.”

After a pause, Ye Chu slowly said: "If Master Ling needs any help, you can come to Ye Mansion to find me. The door of Ye Family is always open for Master Ling."

"Thank you." Ling Feng said without rejecting or agreeing.


Ye Chu laughed loudly, "Today Mr. Ling and I hit it off like old friends. Unfortunately, Mr. Ling still has something to do. Someday, Ye will definitely get drunk with Brother Ling before they break up!"


Ling Feng exchanged a few polite words with Ye Chu before leaving the auction house with Xiao Zhantian and Yue Huaqing.


Walking out of the auction house, Xiao Zhantian obviously breathed a sigh of relief. After all, there is no comparison between himself and Ye Chu, a dragon among people. It would be reasonable for Ling Feng to abandon him and choose Ye Chu.

I just didn't expect that Ling Feng was so loyal and didn't "abandon" himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhantian was suddenly moved.

How did he know that what Ling Feng liked was that he was a dandy. If he knew the truth, he would probably doubt his life.

Not far from the auction house, a figure flashed and appeared in front of Ling Feng.

He is a warrior with a rough face and extremely sharp eyes. He looks about forty years old, but in fact, this person's true age is already over a hundred years old!

I saw that he was tall and tall, carrying a big knife behind his back, and exuding a strong evil aura.

This person is none other than "Asura Crazy Sword", Yue Qianfan!

"You brat, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yue Qianfan stared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a cold voice: "Hand over the Void Divine Jade and your Naling Ring, and I will spare your life!"

"you you……"

Feeling the terrifying murderous intent of the Asura Crazy Sword, Xiao Zhantian's legs suddenly became weak, "Yue Qianfan, you are so brave. Do you know where this is? Do you still want to kill people on the street?"

"Isn't this a good-for-nothing young master from a branch of the Xiao family?"

Yue Qianfan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Xiao Zhantian, and said with disdain: "Go away, it's not your turn to die today!"

When Xiao Zhantian was glared at by Yue Qianfan, he involuntarily took a few steps back, shrank behind Ling Feng, and said in a trembling voice: "Ling...Brother Ling, you...can you cover up?"

"Give it a try."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Yue Qianfan's cultivation had reached the peak of the fourth level of the Destiny Realm. He was only one step away from reaching the fifth level of the Destiny Realm.

For casual cultivators, he is indeed a very terrifying strong man.

However, among the geniuses from the Western Sword Region that Ling Feng met in the Sunset Ancient City, which one was not a bit better than this Yue Qianfan?

Yue Qianfan saw that Ling Feng was unmoved at all, a cannibalistic cold light burst out from his eyes, and he stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Okay, very good! The opportunity has been given to you, but you don't know how to cherish it. in this way--"

At this moment, the sound stopped suddenly.

There was a "chi" sound, and something seemed to spurt out. Xiao Zhantian and Yue Huaqing just saw a faint sword light, and then, the burly man in front fell heavily to the ground with a "dong" sound. .

There was a shallow red line at his throat, and blood spurted up from his neck like a fountain, more than a foot high!

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