Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1805 Tianfu Sect! (3 updates)


Xiao Zhantian was dumbfounded. Yue Qianfan, who was notorious and fierce just now, was killed in an instant?

He didn't even see how Ling Feng attacked!

Wow, he must be so strong!

Yue Huaqing also took a deep breath. It seemed that Ling Feng had become stronger since returning from Sunset Ancient City.

What kind of monster is this guy!

"What Shura Mad Blade, it's vulnerable!"

Ling Feng shrugged his shoulders and looked towards a loft in the west intentionally or unintentionally. He said slowly: "If you want to kill someone, it's better to understand the opponent's strength! Such a weak person is not fun to kill!"

After that, Ling Feng directly passed over Yue Qianfan's body and left with Xiao Zhantian.

After Ling Feng and his friends left, a figure slowly walked out of the shadow of the eaves of the west loft.

This person was naturally Xiao Yuntian.

"So strong! What kind of strength does this guy have?"

Xiao Yuntian felt a chill on his spine. For a moment, he even thought he was going to die.

Undoubtedly, if Ling Feng had the intention to kill him at that moment, he would have become a cold corpse like Yue Qianfan who fell to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yuntian wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didn't even dare to collect Yue Qianfan's body, so he left in disgrace.

The next morning, people saw Yue Qianfan's body outside the Tianmeng Auction House.

For such a notorious villain, naturally no one would investigate the cause of his death.

However, many people knew that Yue Qianfan and "Ling Feng" had a grudge at the auction house, and Yue Qianfan died one night later.

This seems to be very telling.

It seems that the mysterious "Ling Feng" is not only rich, but also very powerful!


At this time, Ling Feng had already moved into the Xiao family's mansion under Xiao Zhantian's arrangement.

Although it is a branch of the Xiao family among the five clans of the Tianmeng, it can be seen that Xiao Yuntian's family is not doing well.

All the things in the family have been sold off, and even the servants and maids are basically gone, not to mention the guards and the like.

The entire Xiao family is almost left with a broken house.

Xiao Zhantian's father is bedridden. Ling Feng can tell without taking his pulse that Xiao's father is exhausted and has internal injuries, so he can't get up from bed.

If he is not treated in time, Xiao Zhantian will probably have to prepare for his funeral in a while.

"I didn't expect that the situation of Brother Xiao's family is more miserable than I thought."

Ling Feng shook his head. It's a pity that Xiao Zhantian is still pretending to be rich all day long. This guy is really bold.

"Hey, actually our lineage was not bad at first. If it weren't for the repeated oppression from Xiao Yuntian, we wouldn't have fallen to this point. Even my father was injured by that bastard Xiao Yuntian."

Xiao Zhantian clenched his fists tightly. He was so angry when he mentioned Xiao Yuntian.

"Why did Xiao Yuntian target your lineage?" Ling Feng asked curiously.


Xiao Zhantian hesitated for a moment, but still said: "It's because my lineage has mastered a secret Yuanjing vein, but in our current situation, we are simply unable to mine it. However, even if he forces me to death, I will not tell him the location of the vein!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. He didn't expect that Xiao Zhantian still had a tenacity.

"I understand. Yesterday I killed Yue Qianfan to scare him. Xiao Yuntian will definitely find a way to deal with me in the next few days. When he comes to provoke me, I will take action, which is justified." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "We can just wait quietly in the mansion these days." "As long as you can help me to defeat that bastard Xiao Yuntian, I will do my best as long as I can help!" Xiao Zhantian said seriously. "Hehe." Ling Feng smiled faintly, patted Xiao Zhantian's shoulder lightly, and said, "By the way, I also know a little bit of medical skills. Let me take a look at your uncle's illness." "Then I'll trouble you." Xiao Zhantian clenched his fists. Xiao Yuntian's attack was vicious. His father's injury was very serious, and even the Taoist doctors in the imperial city were helpless. Although he didn't think Ling Feng could cure his father, it didn't hurt to let Ling Feng try. ... Amethyst Imperial City, outside the city gate. A young man in white with a long sword on his back looked up at the imposing high wall, and couldn't help but spread his hands and stretched his body.

"The legendary Purple Crystal Imperial City, finally arrived!"

The young man in white swung his sleeves and looked back, only to see a dark-skinned square-faced man running over breathlessly, panting: "Li... Junior Brother Li, wait for me!"

"Bullshit, Junior Brother Li? What Junior Brother Li? How many times have I told you to call me Junior Brother Ling!"

The young man in white glared at the square-faced man and ordered seriously.

"Yes, yes, yes."

The square-faced man shrank his neck and said quickly: "Junior Brother Ling, you pretend to be Ling Feng everywhere and cheat people out of money. What will happen if the real owner finds out one day?"

"You know nothing. What kind of person is Ling Feng? How can we meet him?"

The young man in white snorted, "We are just borrowing his name to make a living. It's nothing!"

It turned out that these two people were just disciples of a certain small sect, and they once went to Longxiao Holy Mountain to participate in the Sunset Selection.

The Sunset Selection finally ended with Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan tied for first place. From then on, Ling Feng's name could be said to be resounding throughout the sect world of the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

However, although Ling Feng's name is resounding, the number of people who have seen Ling Feng's face is very limited.

As a result, the two brothers and sisters also had the opportunity to take advantage of the loophole.

The young man in white clothes is named Li Lin, and the man with the Chinese character face is named Xiang Pang. They both come from a sect called Tianfu Sect, and their disciples have all refined various magic charms as their main means.

Being able to stand out among the small sects and participate in the Sunset Selection also shows to a certain extent that these two people still have some talent.

But seeing how Li Lin was dressed, I had to say that he looked a bit like Ling Feng.

"Li...ahem, Junior Brother Ling, this is the Amethyst Imperial City, not as good as other small cities. What if our secret is exposed?"

Xiang Pang said worriedly.

"Revealing the truth? It doesn't exist. We are all familiar with Ling Feng's abilities. They are nothing more than thunder, flames, and tyrannical energy and blood. Moreover, his superficial cultivation level is similar to mine. As long as I use Thunder The talisman, the flame talisman and the blood talisman all deceived those people! Humph, after all, who dares to really fight against Ling Feng, who is the number one in the sunset? Isn’t that looking for death?”

Li Lin narrowed his eyes and smiled slyly.

"That's right. We have never revealed our secrets all this time." Xiang Pang pondered for a moment, feeling reassured.

"Hmph, if you want to do it, do it with a big one! There are all rich people in Amethyst Imperial City. As long as we succeed, it will be comparable to the ten cities we defrauded before! We are the only two descendants of Tianfu Sect. , If you want to promote Tianfu Sect, it will be quite expensive!"

Xiang Pang nodded heavily, "Yes, junior brother, you are right! In order to carry forward the Tianfu Sect, this vote is done!"

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