Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1825 The Five Emperors’ Treasure House! (2 updates)

At this time, the bodies of the Qianshan python were also divided into pieces. Shi Tiankuang and the two demons Yu Qianshan took away the demon pill and snake gallbladder, which was a fruitful harvest.

As long as Zhou Xuantong and Xue Ren don't take action, no one present can pose any threat to them.

And with the death of Qianshan Python, a bright and dazzling light suddenly shot up from the western sky, as if some important treasure had been born.

"I'm afraid that the Qing Emperor Seal is about to be born!"

"I bet, did you finally give me a big opportunity?"

"Go and have a look!"


For a moment, the crowd became restless, and they all flew out towards the west.

Shi Tiankuang held the sky cloud stone in his hand, and saw a burst of intense and dazzling light burst out from the sky cloud stone, which almost made him unable to open his eyes.

"Haha, yes!"

Shi Tiankuang was overjoyed, and with a "click", he crushed the Tianyun Stone in his hand to pieces, and shouted at Yu Qianshan: "Yu Qianshan, let's go! This Blue Emperor Seal belongs to none other than my totem clan!"

Although Yu Qianshan didn't speak, he flapped the wings behind his back and flew towards the west.

Whoosh whoosh!

Zhou Xuantong, Xue Ren, and countless masters hiding in the darkness all flew towards the west, unwilling to be left behind.

"Let's go too!"

The disciples of Yunluo Holy Land were also ready to take action.


Elder Luo's eyes flashed, and his body turned into a rainbow and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the disciples followed closely. Ling Feng shrugged, mixed in with the group of Yunluo Holy Land disciples, and also flew towards the west.

Soon, Ling Feng discovered a huge black fog in front of him, and in the fog, there was a revolving light door.

The dazzling divine light rising into the sky is this revolving door of light.

"Could it be another secret realm?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and without much hesitation, he immediately jumped into the revolving door of light.

There was a moment of illusion before his eyes, and the next moment, Ling Feng appeared, surrounded by a large group of people, all standing in front of a door burning with blazing flames.

And this flame is also extremely strange.

It was burning extremely brightly, but it gave people a chilling feeling that penetrated the heart. Even Ling Feng could feel his goosebumps trembling.

"Immortal Hellfire!"

Some knowledgeable people have already recognized that this flame is the legendary immortal fire.

The bronze door shrouded in flames exudes an ancient aura, with a terrifying and terrifying pressure that makes one's heart palpitate.

Directly above the bronze gate, there is a red plaque hanging, with four large characters like burning hellfire, "Treasure House of Five Emperors" engraved on it.

Everyone stood guard in front of the door, all showing incredulous expressions.

Ling Feng's eyelids also jumped.

Obviously, the Five Emperors' Seal has not been collected yet, so why was the Five Emperors' Treasure House actually opened in advance?

Could it be that the function of the Five Emperors' Seal is not to open the Five Emperors' treasury, but to open something else?

But no matter what, since it is the Treasure House of the Five Emperors, there must be some extremely precious things buried in it.

Ling Feng glanced at the bronze gate. On the ground directly in front of the gate, there were already several bodies frozen in ice, and most people were blocked from the door and unable to enter.

It is obviously a flame, but it freezes people into ice cubes. It is indeed an immortal fire!

Of course, strong men like Zhou Xuantong, Xue Ren and others have already broken into the Five Emperors' treasury with their extremely powerful methods.

In addition, many warriors are also trying, but most of them are still waiting and watching, not daring to act rashly.

"The Immortal Hell Fire is quite tricky."

Elder Luo narrowed his eyes, stared at the bronze door entwined with hellfire, and said slowly: "With what I can do, I can take up to two people through this door! Hua Qing, you count as one."

Elder Luo directly named Yue Huaqing, but no other disciple had any objection.

"Elder Luo, I'm going too!" Duan Tianya said quickly: "Among the disciples who came out this time, I have the most seniority and the strongest strength, so I am the most qualified to enter."

Elder Luo pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, so be it."

Yue Huaqing gritted her teeth. Although she wanted to suggest that Elder Luo take Ling Feng into the treasure house, Ling Feng was not a disciple of Yunluo Holy Land after all.


Duan Tianya had a look of pride on his face and glanced at Ling Feng provocatively, as if he had decided that Ling Feng could only stand stupidly in front of the bronze door.

"Junior Brother Ling, you..."

Yue Huaqing looked back at Ling Feng and frowned deeply.

"It doesn't matter, I will find a way to get in."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and did not pay attention to Duan Tianya's provocation.

"Let's go!"

Elder Luo waved his sleeves, and a golden light shone around him, covering Duan Tianya and Yue Huaqing, and immediately rushed towards the Immortal Hell Fire.

Although the Hell Fire was terrifying, it was still isolated by the golden light shield. After a while, the three of them passed through the bronze door and entered the Five Emperors' Treasure House.

"Fuck, someone went in again. Damn it, am I going to enter Baoshan and come back empty-handed?"

Some warriors who are not strong enough are aggrieved. They have already arrived at the door of the Five Emperors' Treasury, but they can't get in?

"If you don't want to come back empty-handed, just go and break through the Hellfire Gate."

A casual cultivator next to him sneered, "No one can enter except those who possess immortal protective magic weapons!"

As for the immortal body-protecting magic weapon, it is not something that is found in the street. It is even rarer than an immortal-level weapon.

Of course, you can also use powerful attack methods to forcibly blow away the immortal fire, but you must break through the fire at that critical moment, otherwise your life may be in danger.

And just now there was a warrior who was at the sixth level of the Destiny Realm. He relied on his advanced cultivation and forced his way into the bronze door. Although it went smoothly at first, he still paid the price of a leg in the end before he entered the Five Emperors' Treasure House.

At this moment, although there were many warriors gathered outside the bronze door, most of them were turned away.

While everyone was cursing, they saw a man in a golden robe entering this secret realm.

The man looked to be in his forties, very handsome, with a cynical smile on his face and a clever and cunning look in his eyes. He looked like an "old fox" at first glance.

"It's the lord of Fengyuan City, Zhao Mingcheng!"

As soon as this person appeared, many warriors immediately recognized his identity.

Fengyuan City is the city closest to Fengxiao Woodland, and its status is somewhat similar to Tianyun Holy City in Cangyun Daze.

And this City Lord Zhao was also a casual cultivator, so he was more familiar to most casual cultivators.


Zhao Mingcheng nodded and smiled at everyone. When his eyes saw Ling Feng, he suddenly nodded to Ling Feng. After looking at him carefully for a while, he walked up to Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Young Master Ling, I have heard about it for a long time. It’s famous!”

"Huh? City Lord Zhao, do we know each other?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Does this guy know him?

"It's hard not to recognize Zhao, the number one genius in the Eastern Spiritual Realm!"

Zhao Mingcheng glanced at Ling Feng thoughtfully, as if there was something in his words.

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment and kept thinking about it, but he never remembered that he had seen such a number one person.

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