Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1826 Immortal Hell Fire! (3 updates)

"Young Master Ling, don't think about it. We have never met before, and I don't have any ill intentions."

Zhao Mingcheng narrowed his eyes and smiled. He flashed his figure and rushed towards the immortal fire, without even using any magic weapon to protect himself.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and took a step forward, following Zhao Mingcheng.

The next moment, I saw three stars suddenly rising behind Zhao Mingcheng, firmly protecting his body, and suddenly rushed behind the Hellfire Gate.

The Immortal Hell Fire "rubbed" and directly covered Zhao Mingcheng's body, but in the blink of an eye, Zhao Mingcheng forcibly withstood the burst of Hell Fire and entered the bronze gate.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and directly activated the fourth-level swallowing flames to cover his body. He kicked off his legs and rushed through the door.

The Dark Fire and the Yan Yan collided and offset each other somewhat, but Ling Feng still successfully entered the Gate of Dark Fire.

"Haha, Young Master Ling, the flame you just made was extraordinary!"

Zhao Mingcheng was inside the bronze gate, waiting for Ling Feng to enter, as if he was sure that Ling Feng would be able to pass through the immortal fire.

"It's just a small skill, but in comparison, the city lord's power of stars is nothing short of trivial."

Ling Feng has always been wary of Zhao Mingcheng. The so-called courtesy for nothing is either a traitor or a thief.

If a person who is very familiar with him suddenly approaches him, he may have another agenda.

But he didn't know anything about him, which made Ling Feng feel even more uneasy.

In particular, Zhao Mingcheng's strength was something he couldn't see through at all, except if he wasn't under Zhou Xuantong and Blood Blade!

How could a casual cultivator have such strength?

This alone is already very abnormal.

Realizing that Ling Feng was wary of him, Zhao Mingcheng shrugged helplessly, but he no longer had anything to say.

The two people walked forward along a long and deep passage for a distance of about three hundred feet. Eight entrances suddenly appeared in front of them. Each entrance looked exactly the same, exuding an aura like the ancient times.


Ling Feng and the two stopped. It seemed that the guy who designed the Five Emperors' Treasure House really liked to make things difficult for others.

"Choose any door."

Zhao Mingcheng shrugged, stretched out his fingers and clicked a few times, then jumped directly into one of the entrances.

In comparison, Ling Feng was much more cautious.

After all, among these eight entrances, it is very likely that you will directly encounter the Blood Blade guy.

Xue Ren recognized him. If he met him alone, Ling Feng was not sure that he could escape from him.

Unless, the reincarnation technique is directly used to resurrect Tianyan Emperor.

But there was only one opportunity in three days, and Ling Feng didn't want to waste it.

Carefully feel the breath in the eight entrances. Chaos attributes are all-encompassing. Therefore, Ling Feng is very sensitive to the fluctuations of Yuan Power of any attribute.

After a while, Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and there was an entrance, but no one entered!

Ling Feng did not hesitate, stretched out his figure, and walked directly towards the entrance.

After walking into the passage, Ling Feng discovered that the passage in front of him was surrounded by a sea of ​​blazing fire, except for the scorched earth on the ground.

Similarly, the flames here are still immortal fire. The flames are like ice crystals, exuding an astonishing cold air.

Ling Feng had no choice but to cover his body with level four swallowing flames, otherwise he would be "frozen" into ice by the fire.

The deeper you go, the cooler the temperature becomes.

"Hell, boy Lingfeng, where are you? You won't fall into the ice hell, will you?"

At this moment, the voice of the cheap donkey came out leisurely, "This divine beast is a little chilly in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace."

"Bitch donkey, are you finally awake?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This guy had swallowed a large amount of blood essence from the Sky Horned Python. He thought he would sleep for a while, but he didn't expect him to wake up so quickly.

"This divine beast is almost freezing, how can I still sleep?"

The bitch complained softly.

"This is the treasure house of the Five Emperors. It is surrounded by immortal fire. It's no wonder it's not cold."

After Ling Feng entered the passage, he immediately switched to Destruction in All Directions. After all, in this environment, you still have to be careful.

"Immortal Hell Fire? No, this is probably not a simple immortal Hell Fire."

Bitch reminded: "Although the Hell Fire is cold, it is not able to penetrate the independent space of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. This divine beast feels that its soul is about to be frozen!"

"Never mind it." Ling Feng shrugged, "How can you enter Treasure Mountain and come back empty-handed, bitch, what do you know about the Five Emperors' Treasure House?"

"Old rules, 50-50 split!"

There was a flash of light, and the bitch actually jumped out. When he heard that there was a treasure to be divided, he naturally became interested.

Ling Feng glared at this guy angrily, this bitch is really useless and can't get up early!

One person and one donkey, keep moving forward.

I don’t know how long I walked before a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of me.

Ling Feng quickly quickened his pace, and after a while, Ling Feng finally walked out of the passage filled with immortal fire.

In front of it was a cave burning with flames, but this time the flames carried an extremely terrifying high temperature.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and rushed into the cave.

However, as soon as Ling Feng entered the cave, a blazing flame burst out in front of his eyes, and a puff of thick smoke choked his nose. Ling Feng quickly took a few steps back, barely avoiding the flames, but his face was still blackened. .


Ling Feng used the Xiaoyao Sword Step, and at the same time wrapped himself and the donkey with the fourth-level swallowing flames, one person and one donkey, and quickly rushed forward.

The flames spurting out on the ground are completely random. Sometimes they are bone-chilling ice flames, and sometimes they are hot and violent flames. Fortunately, Ling Feng's fourth-level flame swallowing is also extraordinary. Otherwise, with his strength, he would not be able to Fight hard.

In fact, other strong men who broke into the passage also faced the same test, but they were not ordinary people who could reach here. Even with various methods, these flames could not stop everyone's footsteps.

Of course, there are also some unlucky high-level emperors who are burned by two kinds of flames at the same time. Their protective magic weapons are broken, and their bodies and souls disappear.

Quickly rushing through the passage, Ling Feng came to a huge platform again. The surrounding flames suddenly condensed quickly and transformed into humanoid monsters similar to flame elves, directly surrounding Ling Feng. , blocking the way.

There are a total of eighteen flame people, each one is completely composed of immortal fire. The difference is that some are extremely cold and some are extremely hot.

The faces of these flame men are very blurry, but you can clearly see that in the empty eye sockets, two fireballs are flashing, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"Boy Ling Feng, these guards are handed over to you, and this beast supports you mentally!"

When the bitch saw that something was wrong, he immediately retreated into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. His speed was as fast as lightning!

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