Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1836 Immortality! (1 update)

"Adventurer Ling Feng, you were killed by the level 70 elite Wasteland Demon Rat. The power of chaos reshaped your body, and you were resurrected on the spot with full health, without any loss."

The soft prompt sound came to my ears again, and I saw a flash of chaotic light, and Ling Feng's body appeared in the wasteland again.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that when he checked the attributes before, a column appeared, the power of chaos, which is a power higher than the soul world created by Huang Di, so even if the entire world is created by Huang Di, " "Created" cannot erase its own power of chaos.

At this moment, Ling Feng realized that the power of chaos was actually powerful enough to be immune to the Yellow Emperor's death rules.

Ling Feng was ecstatic, but the next moment, the wasteland demon rat pounced on him again.

In this way, Ling Feng was resurrected seven or eight times in a row. The wasteland demon rat seemed to be frightened by Ling Feng, thinking that he was some kind of undead creature. He screamed in surprise and ran away.


Ling Feng looked at the direction in which the Wasteland Demon Rat was escaping, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly found a green thing falling on the ground.

Ling Feng quickly stepped forward and picked it up.

"Lucky trigger, the Wasteland Demon Rat dropped a demon snake inner elixir. Taking it can increase the level by twenty."

"Is this okay?!"

Ling Feng shook his head, dumbfounded for a while, and swallowed the pill in one gulp. The colorful light on his body flashed twenty times in a row.

In an instant, he soared to twenty levels!

But what made Ling Feng feel speechless was that the upgrade seemed to only add twenty attribute points.

"Add rules, strength, speed, and physique. Each additional point consumes one attribute point. Each additional point in the soul attribute consumes five attribute points. Each additional point in the luck attribute consumes ten attribute points."

There was a familiar sound in my mind.

"Tsk tsk, no wonder my luck value is off the charts when I only have a little bit of luck. It turns out that luck costs so many attributes!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. The girl in white said before that the power of the world gave him some universal attribute points. Fortunately, he didn't stupidly add power to useless things.

"Just give me two points of luck!"

Ling Feng tasted the benefits brought by luck, so he added all attributes to luck without hesitation.

"Adding points is completed, and the luck attribute has been increased to 3 points."

"Lucky trigger, unlock your first body training technique, rock body."

"Luck trigger, proficiency, mastery."

"Achieving mastery will reward you with ten points of physique, ten points of strength, and ten points of speed."

There was another series of beeps, and Ling Feng almost smiled from ear to ear. With so many attribute points, even a person at level 50 couldn't compare to him.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that other people's skills can reward attribute points.

But he didn't know that other people worked hard to upgrade in the Yanhuang world, basically adding one point to each level. Who could have so many attribute points to spend on the lucky attribute?

"I'm gradually getting used to this world!"

Although he is still a little uncomfortable with the Yanhuang world, Lingfeng's ability to accept it is still strong enough. To put it bluntly, this world operates according to the rules created by the Yellow Emperor. As for other differences, we need to slowly understand them.

What reassures Ling Feng the most is that he has the power of chaos and cannot die in this world. In a sense, he is already invincible.

In a void space, Huangdi can view the experience of any tester who enters the Yanhuang world he created from the perspective of God.


When Huang Di saw that Ling Feng was able to resurrect with full blood after death, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"It's just cheating!"

Huang Di was speechless for a while, but with his own abilities, he still couldn't get rid of Ling Feng's "plug-in".

The power of chaos is the source of any power, far above the rules of the soul.

"Forget it, although I try to create fair conditions as much as possible, there is no such thing as absolute fairness in this world. With the power of chaos, this kid's talent and potential can only be described as terrifying!"

On the other side, Ling Feng thought to himself that with his incredible luck and the fact that the power of chaos could make him immune to death, he would not be able to die anyway, so he became more and more courageous.

Keep moving forward along the bone road paved with white bones.

Suddenly, a violent tornado hit far ahead, covering the sky and the earth, and seemed to have the power of annihilation.

Ling Feng raised his hand, originally wanting to slap the tornado away with his palm, but he quickly remembered that he was just an ordinary person now.

With his current strength attribute, there is no way he can compete with the tornado.


Ling Feng made a quick decision and ran away.

However, at his current speed, how could it be faster than a tornado?

In just an instant, Ling Feng felt his eyes blur, and his whole body was swept high into the sky by the strong wind. Then, his consciousness gradually became blurred.


When Ling Feng suddenly woke up, he found that he was lying on a huge stone bed.

This is a very simple room, made of earth-yellow bricks and stones, with an oil lamp burning on an old wooden table in the center.

Ling Feng raised his hand, he was not injured, but why did he suddenly arrive here from the wilderness?

"Looks like someone saved me."

Ling Feng got up from the bed, moved his hands and feet, and slowly walked out of the door. What came into view were huge tombstones.

On the first tombstone, it reads "The tomb of Long Yunfei, the war emperor of the human race."

War Emperor?

Ling Feng blinked, not knowing whether it was an emperor-level person from the Yanhuang world, or an emperor-level expert from the outside world.

Ling Feng continued to look.

"The Ghost Emperor of the Yellow Emperor Clan, the Tomb of Hunter Shadow."

"The Demonic Black Hell Emperor, the Tomb of Angry Eyes."

"The Feiyu Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan, the Tomb of Tianyi."

Here, there are all kings of various races, and the races are all kinds of strange. Some Ling Feng knew, but some Ling Feng had never even heard of.

"This Yanhuang world seems to have been created based on Huangdi's memory, so it's not surprising that characters who only exist in the outside world appear."

Ling Feng slowly walked into the forest of tombstones, one after another, with seemingly no end in sight.

This forest of tombstones is built on a dark barren mountain. On the top of the mountain, there is an extremely huge tombstone that towers over all the tombstones and is unique.

Ling Feng walked over quickly.

It is a monument without words.

When he walked directly in front of the tombstone, he suddenly saw an old man who was as skinny as a zombie, standing hunched over in front of the tombstone.

The old man had his eyes closed, his clothes were ragged, and his cheeks were dry and shriveled. He just stood there quietly, as if he were dead.

But Ling Feng could feel his breathing, which was long and powerful, and he was obviously not a weakling.

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