Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1837 Donghuang Bell! (2 updates)

"Tombkeeper?" Ling Feng slowly leaned over. He couldn't die anyway, so he was naturally fearless.

"Young man, are you awake?" The old man suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Ling Feng quietly.

"Thank you for saving me, old man."

Ling Feng bowed to the old man and said.

The old man had no expression on his face and said calmly: "Adventurer, I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

"Old man, why are you waiting for me?" Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was probably what the girl in white before said, mission.

You can also level up by accepting tasks posted by characters in this world.

"It's been tens of thousands of years... It's been tens of thousands of years since Lord Huangdi and I have been waiting here! Adventurer, you are the person chosen by Lord Huangdi to shoulder the historical responsibility of collecting the five artifacts and destroying the world-destroying dragon!"

The next moment, a prompt sounded in my mind: Do you accept the task of destroying the world-destroying dragon?


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he immediately received the biggest task in the Yanhuang world.


Ling Feng was not a fool. He originally wanted to collect the five imperial seals, and for a task of this level, the rewards should be very rich.

"Adventurer, this is the scroll that Mr. Huangdi asked me to give you." The old man slowly took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Ling Feng. He smiled slightly, "My mission is over, and your mission, just started."

"Obtain the Yellow Emperor Scroll."

"Acquire the Yellow Emperor's brand, unlock the physique of a god, automatically accept tasks, and become a god."

"Get the reward of the tombkeeper, upgrade to ten levels, and get a universal attribute point."

There was another series of beeps, and Ling Feng was directly promoted to level 30 before he had time to react.

"Adventurer, I wish you good luck."

The tombkeeper glanced at Ling Feng meaningfully, and his body gradually began to disappear, turning into a black smoke and disappearing into the tombstone in front of him.

Two words gradually appeared on the tombstone, and it turned out to be "Yellow Emperor".

"Congratulations on completing the adventure on the mysterious map, obtaining the first weapon, and destroying all directions."

"You have reached level 30, and the power of the world will transport you to the main city of Jiukun City."

Ling Feng's eyes blurred as a revolving door of light began to tear open in the space behind him, and a long black sword appeared in his hand.

This is Shi Fang Du De, who has not yet awakened the sword spirit, and is temporarily unable to use the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique. The current Shi Fang Du De is just a very tough mortal sword at best.

"Old friend! You are finally back!"

Holding Shi Fang Jun Mie again, Ling Feng felt a little excited in his heart.

Then, Ling Feng strode into the revolving light door behind him, and his eyes flashed...

Beautiful scenery, beautiful wind and sunny weather!

"Finally out!"

Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. He must have been in that wilderness for a long time, and everyone he saw looked very handsome.

Ling Feng wandered around the city for a long time, but did not find Yue Huaqing, Zhou Xuantong, Xue Ren and others. He knew in his heart that although his level 30 seemed to be not low, others had passed it in two or three days. It should not be lower than this level.

"Zhou Xuantong, Xue Ren, Elder Luo, Zhao Mingcheng, as well as the two demon masters, as well as strong men from various other forces, there are about twenty people in total who have entered the Yanhuang world. According to Huangdi, as long as they are at full level or Obtaining one of the five imperial seals is considered as passing the test, otherwise our souls will be wiped out in one month."

"Although I cannot be obliterated by the rules of this world with the power of chaos, if I cannot complete Huang Di's mission, I am afraid I will still be killed by him in the end."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. Others didn't care, but he wanted to find a way to keep Yue Huaqing.

After going around for a long time, no one issued any tasks to Ling Feng. In desperation, Ling Feng could only carry Shi Fang Jiannian and go directly out of the city to find some monsters to hunt.

Ordinary monsters were no match for Ling Feng, they could all be killed instantly with one sword. And his super high luck value also brings him surprises from time to time.

"Broken Star Swordsmanship, with full proficiency, automatically transfers the Flower Burial Jade Sword, and increases the strength by +3."

"Chasing Cloud Steps, with full proficiency level, automatically comprehends Xiaoyao Sword Steps, speed increased by +30."

"Rock body, with full proficiency level, automatically comprehends the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique, and has a physical strength of +10."

"Kill the level 35 elite wolf king and obtain a piece of the Crazy Lightning Armor Breastplate collected by the wolf king."

After half a day, Ling Feng's level was raised to level 35, and he gradually recovered some of his own abilities.

"Is this world really created by the Yellow Emperor? Why is everything I obtain originally belonging to me? Rather than being created out of thin air, it is more like my memory..."

Ling Feng frowned. There were many things that made him confused.

"never mind……"

Ling Feng shook his head. If he couldn't think clearly about these questions, why should he think about them? It is better to find a way to reach the full level and leave the Yanhuang world as soon as possible.

There are still twenty-seven days!

In the endless void.

Huang Di sat on a dark dragon bone throne, looked at the world in a mirror, and couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose, "This kid, has he begun to discover the secrets of the soul world so quickly?"

"It seems that the Donghuang Bell has finally found its true owner. Hey..."

This guy who calls himself the Yellow Emperor traveled to this world because of the power of the Donghuang Bell. However, he never really mastered the Donghuang Bell throughout his life, but he could barely use some of the functions of the Donghuang Bell. Just strength.

And this Yanhuang world was built by the Yellow Emperor with the power of the Donghuang Bell. Otherwise, his power alone would not be enough to create such a complete world.

Carrying the destruction of all directions, Ling Feng continued to march in a green grassland.

"Your level is too low, and the area ahead is considered a dangerous area for you."

Ling Feng ignored the "World Power" prompt and strode into the fifty-level monster area in front of him.

Anyway, he can't die. Ling Feng dares to break into any dragon's pond or tiger's den.

Ahead, the bushes were windless and there was a tense atmosphere in the air, as if something was approaching.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sound was getting closer and closer, Ling Feng held Shi Fang Ji Mie in front of his chest and made a basic swordsmanship stance.

Although all abilities are sealed, these basic moves are Ling Feng's body memory and cannot be taken away at all.


A dark figure suddenly jumped out of the grass. Ling Feng sneered, stepped forward with a shadowy step, and stepped sideways to pass.

Looking back, I saw that it was an eye-catching white tiger.

Ling Feng casually slashed out his sword and sent the dazzling white tiger straight to the west.

The eye-catching white tiger at level 50 was instantly killed by Ling Feng at level 35. The next moment, Ling Feng's body lit up with a colorful light, and he was upgraded again.

"Dang Cang."

The white tiger fell, and a demon pill and a tiger skin fell from the body. These things had basically no effect on Ling Feng, but the demon pill could increase his experience.

Picking up the demon pill casually, Ling Feng suddenly saw a shiny ring.

It's the Naling Ring!

Ling Feng was overjoyed that he finally got his first space treasure. Most of the things he got before were mostly thrown away because there was no place to store them.

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