Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1838 Cut off Duan Tianya! (3 updates)

Night fell.

This was Ling Feng's first night outside Jiukun City.

Ling Feng continued to go deeper into the forest and gradually came to a place similar to a mass grave.

He now had only one goal, to find higher-level monsters and upgrade like crazy!

The air was filled with the smell of decay.

"Roar! Roar!..."

The mass grave was extremely gloomy. Suddenly, the ground cracked and a group of hideous zombies crawled out.

"So I've arrived at a place where zombies are rampant."

Ling Feng remained calm. Since he set foot on the martial arts, he had seen everything he could deal with. He was no longer surprised by zombie puppets.


Ling Feng swung his long sword and rushed over like a tiger into a flock of sheep. He swept out one sword after another, and those zombies turned into Ling Feng's upgrade experience.

However, the experience of these ordinary monsters was pitifully small, and Ling Feng could no longer enjoy the pleasure of violent upgrades.

At this moment, a young man in a purple robe also stepped into the mass grave.

"Ling Feng?"

When the purple-clothed man saw Ling Feng, he immediately grinned and sneered, "Haha, Junior Brother Ling, I didn't expect that we would meet here!"

This purple-clothed man was Yue Huaqing's Senior Brother Duan, Duan Tianya.

Ever since Ling Feng discovered that Duan Tianya was a hypocritical villain, he had been looking for an opportunity to kill him!

"Yeah, I didn't expect it!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and laughed coldly, "Isn't this what they call, enemies meet on a narrow road?"


Duan Tianya did not act rashly. He first used the identification technique to check Ling Feng's level and found that he was just a rookie in his thirties. He immediately laughed, "Stinky boy, you can't escape this time!"


Ling Feng sent a zombie flying with a sword, "Do you think you are my opponent?"

"Hahaha, where do you think this place is?"

Duan Tianya grinned, "This is the Yanhuang world, boy, I have reached level 55! The Yellow Emperor said that if you die in this world, your soul will be wiped out. This time, I will make you doomed!"

If it were in the outside world, Ling Feng could escape from the hands of the Bloody Number Five Killer, which made Duan Tianya a little afraid.

But in this Yanhuang world, he is level 55, and Ling Feng is less than level 40. No matter how you look at it, Ling Feng is doomed.

"Oh? I want to see how you can make me fall into eternal damnation?"

Ling Feng sneered. Although his level was lower, he had many attribute points. Duan Tianya must have recovered some corresponding attribute-increasing skills, but Ling Feng was still absolutely sure.

"You are about to die, but you are still talking nonsense!"

Duan Tianya sneered, suddenly drew out a long sword, and attacked Ling Feng fiercely.

His level crushed Ling Feng, and his ability recovery was naturally much higher than Ling Feng, so he didn't take Ling Feng seriously at all.

When he was in the outside world, he hated Ling Feng to the bone, and attributed all the reasons why Yue Huaqing ignored him to Ling Feng.


The sword swept and pierced Ling Feng's heart.

"Get out!"

Ling Feng slashed with a sword, and the violent power swept, directly knocking Duan Tianya out.


Duan Tianya's pupils suddenly shrank, "Did you add all the attributes to strength?"

"Hehe, what do you think?"

Ling Feng sneered. All his attribute points were piled on luck, but with super high luck, he repeatedly obtained a substantial attribute improvement.


Duan Tianya glanced at Ling Feng with disdain, "Is it useful to have great strength alone?"

Duan Tianya grinned, suddenly put away the long sword, pinched a strange hand gesture, and the next moment, skeletons suddenly crawled up from the ground, holding bone knives, and besieged Ling Feng.

"Corpse puppet?"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. He didn't expect Duan Tianya to have such ability.

"What corpse puppet, ignorant idiot, I have changed my job to become a gravedigger, and can summon undead creatures to attack the enemy."

Duan Tianya grinned: "You are a rookie at level 30, and you haven't even started the job change yet, hahaha!"


Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. This world really has too many unknown things for him!

Duan Tianya summoned more than fifty skeletons in succession, and they rushed over one by one with their fangs bared. Each skeleton had half the strength of Duan Tianya, and was quite difficult to deal with.

Dozens of skeleton monsters, plus Duan Tianya himself occasionally released some attacks similar to the evil aura, which made Ling Feng a little flustered for a while.

After changing jobs, can you still learn the unique abilities of this world?

"Boy, you are dead."

Duan Tianya grinned, "This time, we all started from scratch, but the facts prove that you are just a waste!"

Ling Feng glanced at Duan Tianya and said lightly: "In my eyes, you are just a jumping clown. The person who will die today will be you!"

The next moment, Ling Feng's body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Duan Tianya felt a chill in his heart, and the sword in Ling Feng's hand had actually pierced his heart.


"What? I said that the person who will die will be you."

Ling Feng gently pushed Duan Tianya's body away. With his death, the undead creatures summoned by him turned into piles of bones again.

Duan Tianya could not figure out until his death why Ling Feng could have such a weird speed even though he had such terrifying power!

It’s so fast that it’s completely unreasonable!

As soon as Duan Tianya died, a ball of gray energy suddenly floated out of his body and was directly injected into Ling Feng's body. It was absorbed by the "Yellow Emperor's Mark" between his eyebrows. The Yellow Emperor's Mark shone slightly, and then Ling Feng felt energetic. Shock, the level directly increased by two levels, reaching level 38!

"In the outside world, if I want to kill you, it will take a lot of effort, but in this world, I am the father!"

Ling Feng sneered and asked who could be immune to the death rules of this world like him.

Unless the Yellow Emperor takes action himself, he will be immortal.

"Adventurer Ling Feng, killed Duan Tianya, completed the road to becoming a god, 1/10. Rewarded with one universal attribute point, strength, speed, body, soul, each +10."

"Complete the first adventurer's kill in Yanhuang World, and will be rewarded with a spiritual pet, a non-attributed elemental life form."

"Complete the hidden mission and kill the enemy, and you will be rewarded with a black donkey of unknown bloodline."

After killing Duan Tianya, another series of beeps sounded, and Zifeng and Jianlu were both back!

"Master! Boy Ling Feng!"

Jianlu and Zifeng appeared at the same time, but now Zifeng is still in the original insect form, while Jianlu is only the size of a puppy, and looks a bit cute.

"Boy Lingfeng, what is this place?"

The bitch looked around solemnly and frowned: "Why are the world rules in this place so strange? Also, this divine beast seemed to have been locked up in a void space before, and it couldn't even sense the spiritual pet contract with you. ”

Ling Feng curled his lips and gave a general introduction to the current situation. Bitch immediately shook his head. "How is it possible? Even if it is based on the rules of the soul, creating such a complete world is definitely not something that an emperor-level powerhouse can do. Even if it is a saint-level, it is absolutely impossible!"

The cheap donkey analyzed in a deep voice: "That Yellow Emperor definitely has a treasure above the immortal weapon in his hand. It is very likely that it is a divine weapon!"

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