Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1840 Clues to the Emperor Xuan Seal! (2 updates)

"As expected!"

Xue Ren was overjoyed. Not to mention the clues about the five imperial seals, the rewards of experience and attribute points brought by this lord-level monster were probably quite tempting.

"Do it!"

Blood Blade roared, and the three men in black robes behind him actually took out three staffs and chanted something in a low voice.

The next moment, a dark gray circle of light suddenly appeared under their feet, with the power to swallow the souls of the dead.

"Death Chanter!"

A smile appeared on Jian Wuji's face. With these three guys who changed their jobs to death chanters, their probability of successfully killing the immortal soul increased by at least 70%!

"Jian Wuji, I wonder what profession you changed into?"

Blood Blade said, a red light flashed in his eyes, two huge wings suddenly sprouted from his back, and he was holding a dark red Blood Sword in his hand.

"It turns out that Brother Bloodblade changed his profession and became the Dark Night Sword Demon!"

Jian Wuji swung the long sword in his hand, "It just so happens that I am also a swordsman, and I changed my profession to become a Spirit Controlling Swordsman!"

"Just in time, the two of us are facing each other head-on, and you guys are chanting the Necromantic Curse from behind."

The Blood Blade roared, soared into the sky, jumped towards the immortal soul, and struck down hard with his sword, successfully attracting the immortal soul's attention.

"Sword of the Spirit!"

Jian Wuji also directly used his professional skills and rushed out.

At the same time, three death chanters began to chant the Necromantic Curse. Once any undead creature hears this curse, its power will be suppressed by at least 50%.

With the five people's reasonable distribution of melee and long-range combat, coupled with the Death Chanter's natural suppression of the Immortal Soul, the lord-level monster was soon beaten by Blood Blade and the others until it screamed and couldn't even release its skills. It was completely defeated. He was so suppressed that he had no power to fight back.

In the dark, Ling Feng saw the five people cooperating in such an orderly manner, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious in his heart. This corpse king must have a lot of experience. Wouldn't it be a waste to let these guys kill him?

"My mission on the road to becoming a god is to kill ten people who were also brought in by Huangdi from the outside world. There are five people here, and half of the progress can be completed in one go!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly gave up his plan to kill them. With his current strength, facing the siege of these five people, even if he was immortal, it would be difficult for him to gain any advantage.

"I can't kill people, but I can give them the final blow."

A gleam flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the corners of his mouth gradually curved.

"Second brother! Hurry up and cast the final soul-dead curse!"

On the other side, Blood Blade roared, and the long sword in his hand became faster. Seeing that the breath of the immortal soul became weaker and weaker, everyone worked harder, with a lot of experience and treasures, as well as the five imperial seals. Clues are waiting for them!

boom! boom! boom!

The violent sword energy bombardment, the Dead Soul Ghost Curse continuously extracts the death power of this immortal soul, this lord-level monster is about to fall!

At this moment, Ling Feng held Shi Fang Jun Mie tightly and shot out. Between the lightning and flint, he swung his sword with all his strength and slashed down hard.


The body of the immortal soul suddenly fell to the ground.

The ten directions in Ling Feng's hand were destroyed, and the Immortal Soul's head was perfectly chopped off. A stream of multicolored rays of light lit up crazily on Ling Feng's body.


"who is it!"

The Blood Blade and the others were furious. They had been fighting hard for a long time, but all their experience was taken away by an uninvited guest!

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, waved his hand, and a milky white halo bloomed from the space spirit ring, completely retracting the body of the immortal soul on the ground. At the same time, he rushed out with a lunge, preparing to escape.

"Is it you? Looking for death!"

No matter how well-trained the Blood Blade was, they couldn't bear it anymore. Even if they robbed them of experience, even the body of the Immortal Soul was taken away. Their hard work was completely in vain.


Jian Wuji was also crazy. There were clues to find the five emperor seals hidden in the body of the immortal soul. He didn't care about other things, but the five emperor seals were something related to their lives!

Unfortunately, Ling Feng's speed was extremely fast. In addition, after he ran a certain distance, he directly rode on the donkey, and his speed soared again. The Blood Blade and the others could not catch up with Ling Feng, so they could only roar on the spot. roar.

"Damn it! Don't let me catch you! Otherwise, I will kill you with a thousand knives!"

Xue Ren clenched his fists and looked at the direction Ling Feng was leaving, with blazing anger in his eyes.

After riding the donkey for half an hour, Ling Feng found a cave, looked around, and after making sure it was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the rock wall with a proud smile on his face.

Killing the lord-level monster Immortal Soul immediately sent Ling Feng's level up like a rocket to level 49. He was still one level short of reaching the level where he could change his profession.

Seeing that the professional skills of Blood Blade and the others were so powerful, it was a completely different energy system, but the power was very impressive. Ling Feng was somewhat curious and wanted to see what profession he would change to.

"You bitch, this is the first time I've discovered that you also have the abilities you deserve as a mount!"

Ling Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up to Bitch Donkey.


The bitch was panting heavily. He was still a little black donkey. This guy didn't even say hello, so he just rode up!

"Hehe, at worst, when we get out, you will get an extra share of the treasures in the Five Emperors' Treasury!"

Ling Feng touched the donkey's head. No matter how you look at the shape of this little black donkey, it is much cuter than its adult form!


Hearing that there was a prize, the bitch had no choice but to "endure the humiliation".

"Let's first see what treasures the corpse king dropped."

With a flash of silver light in his hand, he took out the body of the Immortal Soul, and a lot of gold coins and equipment were scattered inside. Ling Feng used his appraisal technique to scan it, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

As expected of a lord-level monster, it suddenly dropped a lot of good things. Ling Feng put on these equipments and his attributes improved a lot.

He carefully looked through the body of the Immortal Soul, but found no clues about the five imperial seals that Jian Wuji mentioned.

"let me see."

The bitch suddenly jumped out, his eyes flashed purple, and the next moment, a sheepskin scroll floated up from the body of the Immortal Soul.

"Congratulations on getting a piece of the Xuan Emperor's Seal Treasure Hunt. You will automatically trigger the task to capture the Xuan Emperor's Seal."

"The pet donkey's treasure-grabbing pupil proficiency +1, and the soul attribute reward is 10."

A series of prompts came, and Ling Feng was immediately ecstatic. He eagerly opened the parchment scroll, but he did not see any content. The next moment, the prompts sounded: This scroll will be visible after changing jobs.


Ling Feng's head went dark, and he cursed the guy who called himself Huang Di again.

The rules of this Yanhuang world are simply too deceptive!

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