Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1841 Chaos Sword God! (3 updates)

"Continue to upgrade!"

Ling Feng swung his long sword, found another tribe of 50-plus level wolf demons, and began to spawn monsters like crazy.

Almost an hour later, Ling Feng's body finally shone with a colorful light, and an ultimate sense of comfort lingered in his heart. Level 50 had been reached!

The moment the upgrade was completed, a notification sound came from Ling Feng's ear.

"Dear adventurer, congratulations on reaching level 50. The Power of the World will automatically assign you the task of transforming into a Chaos Sword God based on your physique and attributes. Do you accept it?"


"The mission is to change the class of the Chaos Sword God; hunt down the human traitor Luo Ao, cut down his rank, and obtain the Chaos Scroll."

"Tip: Luo Ao is a level 55 lord-level humanoid monster with terrifying strength. The difficulty level is five stars."

"Level 55 Lord..."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. He seemed to be a very difficult opponent, and the difficulty was as high as five stars. It seemed that this Chaos Sword God's profession should be quite powerful.

Ling Feng carefully read the news about the job transfer mission in his mind, and found that Luo Ao was injured. He was originally a level 75 lord, but he could only display the strength of level 55. Now, Luo Ao is hiding in the area along the western coast of Jiulun City.

"Just this little bit of news is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, but time was running out. Ling Feng directly crushed a precious scroll to return to the city, returned to Jiukun City first, and then hurried towards the west.

The streets of Jiukun City are bustling with people, with people from all races coexisting peacefully in this huge city.

Suddenly, Ling Feng saw several city guards wearing armor, pushing an old-looking man, and shouted loudly: "How dare you humble untouchables to cause trouble in Jiukun City, according to the laws of Jiukun City, You must be detained for thirty days!”

When the man who was pushed heard "thirty days", he couldn't help but trembled, and he immediately resisted, "Damn, thirty days? In another twenty days, it will be the deadline. No, hurry up." let me go!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, why is this voice so familiar?

Ling Feng looked back and suddenly discovered that the man who was pushed by the city guard was actually Elder Luo!

"Elder Luo?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. For this elder Luo, Ling Feng had neither a good nor a bad impression.

However, since he is here, he might know something about Yuehua Qing.

"Elder Luo!" Ling Feng was a little unsure and shouted in the direction of Elder Luo.

Elder Luo's body shook suddenly, and the next moment, he shouted with ecstasy: "Little friend Lingfeng, it's me! Save me quickly, oh no, go save Hua Qing!"

"Senior Sister Yue?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he stood in front of the city guards in a flash, "Elder Luo, what do you mean? Something happened to Senior Sister Yue?"

"She was captured by a force in the city called Qingyu Hall. The leader of the hall saw that Hua Qing was beautiful and wanted to forcefully marry her as his concubine."

Elder Luo clenched his fist tightly and said bitterly: "But in this place, I can't use my true strength at all!"

"Are you done?" The city guard escorting Elder Luo looked at Ling Feng with a cold face and shouted: "Who are you? Get out of the way, otherwise, I will arrest you too."

Ling Feng slapped the city guard hard and flew the city guard away. He grabbed Elder Luo's arm and said, "Elder Luo, take me to Senior Sister Yue!"


The city guard covered his cheek and roared. The next moment, more than a dozen patrolling city guards surrounded him. They were all level 65 elites, and a general wearing golden armor was directly displayed as a level 70 lord. .


Ling Feng grabbed Elder Luo and immediately ran away without daring to delay.

"Damn it, you actually dare to cause trouble in Jiukun City!"

The golden-armored general snorted coldly and grabbed the collar of the city guard who was escorting Elder Luo. "You go and cooperate with the painter to draw the portraits of these two people. This general wants these two bastards wanted in the whole city!"

"Yes, General!" the city guard said tremblingly.

Ling Feng pulled Elder Luo and ran all the way, when a series of notification sounds suddenly came to his ears.

"Ding, you are wanted by the entire Jiukun City!"

"Ding, you cannot accept any tasks from the people of Jiukun City."

"Ding, you have been deducted a little bit of luck from the power of the world."

Ling Feng felt a black eye. He saved an elder Luo, but ended up getting so many punishments.

Although he was depressed, Elder Luo had to save him.

"Tell me quickly, how did Senior Sister Yue get caught?" Ling Feng asked urgently.

"It's not because of the job transfer mission!" Elder Luo said bitterly: "Hua Qing and I finally reached level 50, and then we received a job transfer mission. We went to Qingyu Hall to steal a golden orb. The magic ball contains the job transfer scrolls for me and Senior Sister Yue."


Elder Luo gritted his teeth and said with a regretful look on his face: "It's also my fault that I was too arrogant and broke into Qingyu Hall. I met a large group of masters and was almost beaten to death."

"Now is not the time to regret." Ling Feng said solemnly: "Take me to Qingyu Hall, I want to save Senior Sister Yue."

"But..." Elder Luo said with some fear: "You are only level 50, and the two of us combined are no match for them. Moreover, I just got a reminder that I am wanted by the entire Jiukun City."

"Don't worry about it." Ling Feng snorted coldly. No matter what, Yue Huaqing had to save herself!

"Anyway, it's because of me that Hua Qing is put in such danger!"

A flash of fire flashed in Elder Luo's eyes. Death sooner or later would be death. Anyway, if he can't get the scroll for job transfer and can't continue to upgrade, he will still die and will eventually be obliterated by the rules of this world.

Qingyu Hall is in the west direction of the city. Not long after, the two of them arrived at the door of Qingyu Hall.

"Everyone inside, get out of here!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly and kicked the door open. Seventeen or eight guards rushed out of it. Sure enough, as Elder Luo said, they were all elite level 60 warriors at the end.

"Get out of my way!"

Ling Feng drew out and destroyed all ten directions, swung his long sword, and exploded with a fierce sword energy.


The violent power swept out and directly knocked away the three guards who were rushing forward.

With one sword, a level 60 elite can be instantly killed!

"Killing three people from Jiukun City, the crime value is 3."

"Level 50 has not changed profession, experience +0."

"Ling...little friend Ling Feng, did you use all your strength? You're too powerful!"

Elder Luo was shocked. At level 50, Elder Luo felt that his strength was not even one-tenth of Ling Feng's.

Ling Feng ignored Elder Luo, and with one sword and one man, he rushed into the crowd and shouted: "Master Qingyu Hall, get out of here quickly, I don't have much patience. If you don't surrender, I will burn you." Territory.”


"you dare!"

Two figures, one black and one white, flew out from the depths of the mansion, each holding a ring in their hands, and rushed over with murderous intent, "Boy, take your life!"

"Little friend Ling Feng, be careful. These two people are Yin and Yang evil spirits. They were the ones who captured me before."

Elder Luo reminded loudly.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Ling Feng raised his head high and stared at the Yin and Yang evil spirits, saying in a cold voice: "Get away, otherwise, you will die!"

(PS: It is expected that the Yanhuang World will be over in about three chapters. Of course, this is an accelerated version. If anyone thinks the setting of the Yanhuang World is interesting, I can also put the originally conceived upgrade plot into a free extra chapter. . Originally, I designed Ling Feng to kill ten people and then become a god in the Yanhuang world and obtain the Donghuang Bell, but since everyone said it was a bit of a drama, forget it and end this "dungeon" as soon as possible.)

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