Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1846 The world-destroying dragon! (1 update)

The world suddenly stopped.

Ling Feng looked at his companions beside him and reached out to push them, but found that their bodies were as stiff as iron plates.

Then, a golden light seemed to come from the nine heavens like a shooting star.

Finally, the golden light slowly fell down and floated in front of him. It was a golden ancient bell half a man tall, with mysterious and strange inscriptions floating on it, which seemed to contain many incredible powers.

"Boy, we meet again!"

The next moment, a familiar voice sounded from my ears.

Ling Feng looked up and saw that the person coming was naturally Huang Di.

"Is it your fault?"

Ling Feng raised his head and stared at Huang Di, but suddenly found that the world seemed to be frozen. Not only everyone was still, but even the breeze blowing the treetops had stopped.

The world seems to be frozen!

The entire world was "created" by him. Now that the world is fixed, it is naturally the work of the Yellow Emperor.


Huang Di just smiled faintly without comment, then stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "The power of chaos in your body is really far beyond my expectation!"

Huang Di looked at Ling Feng playfully, "You can even circumvent my game rules and display your original power."

"That's really thanks to you, Mr. Huangdi!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "So, can this so-called game end early? Can my friends and I be allowed to leave this place?"

"No no no."

Huang Di stretched out a finger and shook it, "Do you think this is over? It seems that your mission has not been completed yet, right?"

"Then don't make trouble here." Ling Feng frowned, "There are still twenty days, so you don't have to jump out so impatiently, right?"

"I just wanted to remind you out of kindness."

Huang Di grinned and said: "According to the current situation, as long as you complete the road to becoming a god, you can become the dominating god of this world. Not only can you get my greatest inheritance, but you can also fully activate the power of chaos in your body. . How are you feeling?"

"The premise is that I must continue to kill four more people?" Ling Feng asked.

"Not bad, very simple."

Huang Di pursed his lips and glanced in the direction of Yue Huaqing, "Aren't there three ready-made people here? They are all fixed now and will not resist at all. You only need to raise the knife and drop it, and no one will. I know, but God doesn’t know, and ghosts don’t know.”

"Stop talking!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly: "Impossible, I will not kill my companions just to survive!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you missed the best opportunity, boy, I never thought you could be such a stupid person."

Huang Di sneered and stared at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shook his head violently, looked up at Huang Di sitting on the clouds, and said coldly: "Are you stupid? Maybe, but I will not do anything that goes against my own heart!"

"Then you will die in this world?"

Huang Di smiled sinisterly and said: "I can tell you that the other people who entered this world are basically dead. If you want to find other people to complete your road to becoming a god, that is absolutely impossible. It’s possible! If you can’t become a god-level being, even if you reach the full level, you still won’t be able to defeat the world-destroying dragon I created. Hahahaha!”

"How do you know I will die if you haven't tried?"

Ling Feng stared at Huang Di angrily and asked him to kill his companions. He couldn't do this kind of thing!

Let alone Yue Huaqing, even Elder Luo, who had no close friendship with him, or Zhao Mingcheng, he would never do it.

"Then, just give it a try!"

Huang Di sneered and waved his hand. In an instant, the whole world became dim.


Amid the violent shaking, the whole world seemed to collapse, and the sky seemed to be about to collapse.

Amidst the roars, the earth fissured, and red fire clouds rose from the sky. Endless blood was lost in the boundless sky.

At the same time, deep in the earth, there seemed to be a huge creature waking up.


A high-pitched dragon roar penetrated into the sky and shook the world.

The sky and the earth seemed to collapse, and as the earth shook violently, a huge demonic dragon covering the clouds and the sky seemed to rise from the Nine Nether Purgatory, carrying with it the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Its eyes suddenly opened, bursting out with a destructive force that burned the sky and destroyed the earth!

The magma shoots out in all directions, covering the sky and the earth, and has the power of annihilation.


"Human, do you want to be a snack for me?"

As soon as the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon appeared, his eyes turned "Gulu" and locked directly on Ling Feng.

"The disgusting aura of chaos."

The World-Destroying Demonic Dragon spit out a stream of black flames, "Turn it into charcoal for me!"

Ling Feng stood on the spot, and the rules of chaos formed a circular shield, directly blocking the flames from the shield. "Ugly reptile, with your appearance, do you dare to call yourself a magic dragon? It's nothing but a demon dragon." Just a lizard!"


The World-Destroying Demonic Dragon roared, "I, the supreme God of World-Destroying, and humble human beings, die!"

"Kill you and I can go out."

Ling Feng suddenly drew out the weapon and destroyed all directions, his whole body bursting with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Huangdi's game must be over!

"Kunlun breaks the prison!"

Ling Feng's long sword was raised high above his head. At this moment, he actually ignored the rules of this world and used his own Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, like a fierce god fighting the evil dragon.

"Fire that burns the sky!"

The world-destroying demonic dragon spits fierce flames from its mouth and is fierce. Its body is as huge as an ancient sacred mountain. When its fleshy wings flutter, strong winds are generated, enough to crush the void, and instantly turn Ling Feng's sword light into nothingness.


The World-Destroying Demonic Dragon roared crazily, flapped its wings, and charged hard with its huge body, "I'm going to burn you to death, a stupid human being who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"The talent of the Lord of Domination, activate!"

Ling Feng quickly activated the Chaos Lord's innate ability, all attributes increased tenfold, and he was also invincible.

"Haha, idiot, you are just a demigod. How can your power of domination be immune to my power?"

The huge eyeballs of the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon rolled around, "The God of Destruction is invincible. I will turn this world into a sea of ​​flames!"

boom! boom! boom!

The overwhelming fireballs smashed down hard, continuously erupting into terrifying world-destroying flames.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth and struggled to support.

Soon, he was burned by the overwhelming flames and could only keep running away. Even though he had become a "demigod" in this world, he could not shake the God of Destruction at all!

"Submit, I can give you an extra chance. As long as you kill the last person, I will let you directly obtain the divine body, and you can obtain my inheritance? How about it?"

Huang Di's voice sounded in his ears again.

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