Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1847 Choice! (2 updates)

"Kill! Kill! If you kill one, you can save three. You only make money without losing money."

"Let's do it. Now that time and space have been frozen, no one will know that you killed your companion."

Countless bewitching voices exploded in the depths of his mind, disrupting Ling Feng's thoughts.

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Ling Feng held his head, his whole body shaking violently with anger.

kill? do not kill?

Is this situation impossible to resolve?

"Hahaha, humans, die!"

The World-Destroying Demonic Dragon looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "The only outcome of trying to compete with the God of Destruction is death!"

A mouthful of world-destroying ferocious flames spurted out crazily, directly covering Ling Feng's body.

The flames carried terrifying destructive power, constantly disintegrating the power of domination in Ling Feng's body.


A slight explosion sounded, and the invincible aura around Ling Feng began to show a trend of fragmentation.

"No matter what, you can't defeat the World-Destroying Demonic Dragon at all."

Huang Di's voice sounded again, "My rules are impeccable. I admit that you are excellent, but in the soul world I created, you still have to follow my game rules."

"You pervert!" Ling Feng glared angrily, "Isn't it fun to force others to kill their friends?"

Huang Di laughed playfully, "If you have the same power as me, you can also control the destiny of others. You will find that all this is very fun!"

"Put away that disgusting smile of yours." Ling Feng frowned deeply, "I will never succumb to your game rules!"

"Extremely stupid." Huang Di shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that you had the opportunity to possess the artifact, but because of your stupidity, you wasted this great opportunity! You only need to kill one person, easily and effortlessly, and you , but you chose the stupidest path!”

"Believe it or not, I won't die!" Ling Feng gritted his teeth.

"The power of this soul world cannot kill you." Huang Di laughed loudly and said, "But if you are unable to complete the task, I will kill you myself."

"There are no relatives in the way of heaven. If you pursue the pinnacle of martial arts, why should you stick to love and hatred?"

Huang Di looked at Ling Feng jokingly, "Wouldn't it be better to play games like me?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly fixed on Huang Di, and grinned: "I suddenly thought of a way to complete the path to becoming a god and achieve a divine body according to the rules of the game without killing my friends."

"Oh? What can I do?" Huang Di's pupils shrank slightly, "It's impossible, my design is perfect!"

"No, you still have to be careful after all." Ling Feng swung the sword in his hand and pierced his heart directly.

"You just said that you only need to kill one more person, right? And I also come from the outside world. If I kill you, won't I just complete the road to becoming a god?"

Blood spurted out from Ling Feng's chest, but there was a smile on his lips.

After a brief death, the power of chaos reborn Ling Feng. In his ears, the familiar prompt sounded: "Ding! Completion of the road to becoming a god, 10/10, achieving the Chaos Divine Body!"

"you you!……"

Huang Di was so angry that he scratched his ears and cheeks and pointed at Ling Feng, his whole body shaking with anger.

Ling Feng grinned, "Now, have I completed the path to becoming a god according to your rules?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, Huang Di, who was furious just now, suddenly smiled and laughed, "Boy, no wonder Donghuang Bell chose you, you are indeed extraordinary! Even in desperate situations, you did not give up on your companions! "

The next moment, Huang Di waved his sleeve, and the violent world-destroying dragon suddenly disappeared. Everything seemed to have never happened.

"Boy, congratulations, you have been recognized by Donghuang Bell."

Huang Di's voice came, and with a big move from his hand, Ling Feng flew to the opposite side of him uncontrollably.

"take it!"

Huang Di casually waved his hand, and the golden ancient clock, which was half a man tall, shrank to the size of a palm and slowly fell into Ling Feng's hand.

"Donghuang Bell?"

Ling Feng looked at the miniature ancient clock in his palm. It could change its size freely. This treasure must be at least an immortal weapon.

And according to Jianlu’s guess, this treasure is very likely to be a divine weapon!

A sealed artifact!

"No need to guess." Huang Di narrowed his eyes and smiled, "This treasure is a genuine artifact! At least, in my world, it is known as the top ten ancient artifacts!"

"Is it really a divine weapon?"

Ling Feng swallowed hard, a divine weapon just lying in the palm of his hand.

Inexplicably, he suddenly felt that the mouth in his hand became a little heavy.

"You did a good job. If you chose to kill your friend in the end, perhaps Donghuang Bell would not choose you. You may be able to complete the task according to my rules, and you may be able to leave the Yanhuang world, but you I will really miss Donghuang Bell forever.”

Huang Di smiled faintly, and his attitude towards Ling Feng was no longer the same as before, which was mysterious and condescending. Instead, he was like an old friend who had been with him for many years.

"So, is this a test for seniors?" Ling Feng took a deep breath. At the last moment, he was more or less shaken.

"Are you really sure that after committing suicide, you will definitely be able to achieve a divine body? Maybe it is really a dead end?" Huang Di asked with a smile.

"I'm not completely sure, but I'm 80% sure." Ling Feng said seriously: "But no matter what, I made the right bet, didn't I?"

"Haha, yes, you made the right bet!"

Huang Di patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily and looked at the Donghuang Bell in Ling Feng's hand with some reluctance.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Di said lightly: "This Yanhuang world was not entirely created by me, but the rules of the Yanhuang world were created by me. The East Emperor Bell is also known as The Gate of the World connects countless worlds and planes. This Yanhuang World can be considered one of them."

After a pause, Huang Di continued: "Now that you have been recognized by the Donghuang Bell, it is equivalent to gaining the faith of hundreds of millions of people in the Yanhuang world. I think you should understand what this means."

Ling Feng swallowed hard, "Faith? Have I...really become a god?"

"In this world, you are God!"

Huang Di smiled faintly, "If you can completely unlock the seal of Donghuang Bell, you can become a god in more planes and gain more power of faith, although the power of faith is not at your current level. It has no substantive meaning, but once you step onto the path of immortality, you will understand the meaning of the power of faith.”

Ling Feng nodded. The so-called immortal gods all have their own followers, such as the dragon god believed by the dragon tribe, the barbarian god believed by the barbarian tribe, the demon god believed by the monster tribe...

With the Donghuang Bell, you don't need to develop any sects or cultivate any subjects, and you can gain faith in one plane after another. This is simply a heaven-defying treasure!

"Okay, my mission has been completed. Maybe one day, we will meet again in another world. Haha..."

Huang Di raised his head and smiled, his figure gradually became illusory.

Ling Feng knew that this Yellow Emperor, who claimed to be an extraterrestrial visitor, came from a place called Earth. Perhaps, after completing his mission, he would be able to return to Earth.

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