Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1848 Variables! (3 updates)

As Huang Di's figure gradually disappeared, Ling Feng's eyesight dimmed, and then everything around him changed. When the light returned to his eyes, everyone returned to the Five Emperors' Treasure House.

And around him, other warriors who had been taken into the Yanhuang World by the Five Emperors Pagoda were also lying on the ground in a mess.

However, those who have died will probably stay in the Yanhuang world forever and become cold bones.

Spreading his palms and looking at the golden ancient clock in his hands, Ling Feng clearly realized that all this was not a dream.

Among the Five Emperors' Treasure House, the greatest opportunity finally fell on him.


Soon, some people woke up one after another and were a little shocked when they saw the situation around them.

They were obviously in the Yanhuang world, working hard to reach the full level. Why did they suddenly come out of the Yanhuang world inexplicably?

"Junior Brother Ling, what's going on?"

Yue Huaqing also frowned. She clearly remembered that they were fighting with the Blood Blade group and suddenly lost consciousness.

Then, when he woke up again, he had returned to the outside world.

Could it be that everything before was just a dream?

"I don't know either."

Ling Feng shook his head. Naturally, he would not foolishly talk about the artifact he obtained.


Suddenly, a warrior frowned and analyzed: "The Yanhuang world suddenly disappeared. Things are definitely not simple. I suspect that one person has received the inheritance of the Five Emperors, so the Yellow Emperor released everyone!"


A round-faced emperor next to him looked at the crowd.

"Asshole, who has the inheritance of the Five Emperors? Come forward!"

The demon clan's Shi Tiankuang roared angrily, and his aura exploded. He looked at everyone with his eyes, grabbed one person and roared to interrogate: "Is it you? Is it you?"

"I...when I woke up, I saw that...that guy, he was the first to wake up!"

A thin human emperor pointed in the direction of Ling Feng and said in a trembling voice.


In an instant, Shi Tiankuang's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng coldly, and he roared and asked: "Boy, hand over the inheritance of the Five Emperors, and I will spare your life!"

"Haha, how ridiculous!"

Ling Feng naturally refused to acknowledge it and said with a sneer: "I woke up first and said that I had the inheritance of the Five Emperors? Then what about the Blood Blade of the Blood Shadow Alliance? When I woke up, he was gone. Yes, I suspect that he simply took the Five Emperors' Inheritance and sneaked away! Are you still wasting your time here? By the time we are here, the sky is dark and the people have already taken the Five Emperors' Inheritance and are at ease!"

"Blood Blade?"

Shi Tiankuang raised his eyebrows and jumped up immediately, "Damn it, I just think something is wrong with that bastard!"

After saying that, he roared and rushed out of the secret room.

Yu Qianshan also hurriedly followed Shi Tiankuang, and the other human warriors were more or less cautious and chased after him, hoping to fish in troubled waters.

Zhou Xuantong, on the other hand, looked at Ling Feng thoughtfully, but without saying anything else, he turned around and left.

The inheritance of the Five Emperors has disappeared, and there is no point in him continuing to stay here.

After all, Blood Blade is not the only one missing in the secret room!

There are too many people who are suspected.

"So it seems that Tianya has also disappeared."

Elder Luo frowned. The Tianya he mentioned naturally meant Duan Tianya, but this person had already died in Ling Feng's hands.

Ling Feng curled his lips and said nothing. It was enough for him to know about the Donghuang Bell.

However, Mr. Gui said that the Five Emperor Seals were related to his chance to break through to the emperor level, but now it seems that he has only obtained the power of faith in the Yanhuang world. Although it seems that there are many things in his soul imprint, Something happened, but it didn't seem to have any substantial help to my own strength.

Could it be that there are other variables in the inheritance of the Five Emperors?

"Hey, let's go. It seems that there is nothing else left in the Five Emperors' treasure house."

Elder Luo sighed. Who would have thought that the legend of the Five Emperors' Treasure House had been circulating in the Eastern Spiritual Territory for thousands of years, but in the end, he finally entered the Five Emperors' Treasure House without even getting a piece of Yuan Stone.

Yue Huaqing looked back at Ling Feng, gritted her silver teeth, and asked calmly: "Junior brother Ling, what are your plans?"

"Haha, let me go find the underworld dragon first."

Ling Feng shrugged. The underworld dragon was also a big help to him. It seemed that he had not entered the Yanhuang world before, but with the connection of the Shura magic ring, he could still sense the existence of the underworld dragon.

"Is that the big black dragon that was following you before?" Yue Huaqing asked curiously.

"Yes. You can wait for me outside the treasure house for a while. I will meet you after I find it."

After saying that, Ling Feng didn't waste any time and turned into the alleyway. After a while, he found Yalong Xiaoming.

This guy is lying on the ground sleeping soundly!

Kicking the guy awake, Xiao Ming opened his big copper bell-like eyes and was about to curse when he realized it was Ling Feng. He showed a flattering smile and said with a smile: "The great master is you!"

However, he secretly cursed in his heart, why didn't this damn boy die in the Yanhuang world.

Ling Feng glared at it angrily and asked in a cold voice: "Are there other things hidden in the Five Emperors' treasure house? If you dare to lie to me, you know the consequences!"

"Great Master, how dare I lie to you!"

The underworld dragon immediately said with a sad face: "As far as I know, there is really nothing else in the treasure house! I swear!"

"This is strange..."

Ling Feng frowned. At this moment, golden light flashed, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

And when Ling Feng got the golden light and condensed it into a human form, when he saw the person in front of him, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Damn, it's you again, kid!"

When that ball of golden light saw Ling Feng, it became even more angry and cursed: "I'm going to fuck you about the Donghuang Bell, are you kidding me!"

It turned out that the golden light was none other than Huang Di!

This guy is full of joy and thinks that he is finally going to return to the earth. With his current ability, if he returns to the earth, wouldn't it be equivalent to the male protagonist in a novel about urban immortality?

But the result was that after coming out of the dark space-time passage, the first face he saw was Ling Feng!

He did not return to Earth, but came back again!

Even if he changes to another plane, he can still have some balance in his heart!


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "It seems that the fate between us has not ended yet!"

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