Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1849 The Five Emperors' Seal! (1 update)

"Who wants to be destined to be with you?"

Huang Di almost roared, forgetting that the East Emperor Bell had returned to Lingfeng, but his wish to return to the earth also failed.

However, despite his unwillingness and unwillingness, Huang Di quickly chose to accept his real life.

"Boy, it seems that if I want to return to my original world, I need to rely on you!"

After a long time, Huang Di stared at Ling Feng, looked at it for a long time, and said slowly: "If you can unseal the East Emperor Bell and open more planes, it will be easy for me to return to the original world!"

"Unlock the Donghuang Bell?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled.

"That's right." Huang Di took a deep breath and said: "This treasure has been in my hands for hundreds of years, and I have only opened the first layer of seals. To put it bluntly, I am just an ordinary literary young man from the earth. Like this Why did this happen to me? It’s so annoying!”

"Artistic young man?" The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

However, Huang Di ignored Ling Feng's rhetorical question and just continued to chatter: "I have lost my body now, and only a trace of my soul is left. I can survive with the power of the East Emperor Bell. From now on, it seems that I can only follow you. Since I want to follow you, let me introduce myself first, kid, listen up, my name is Huang Shaotian."

"It turns out to be Senior Huang."

Ling Feng curled his lips. He knew a little about the Donghuang Bell. It was convenient to have the Yellow Emperor by his side.

What's more, there are still many things that I want to know about the Five Emperors' Treasure House. I can't count on the underworld dragon. The return of the Yellow Emperor has actually done me a big favor.

The underworld dragon on the side was confused when he saw his former master and current master chatting together.

Who will be his master from now on?

"Stop calling me senior, I don't look old, do I? I don't mind if you call me brother Shaotian, or if you like to be more friendly, call me brother Tian. You can choose one yourself!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Huang Di, who had lost his mysterious veil, still had the enigmatic look before. He was just a chatterbox!

"Hey, hey, hey, where am I talking to you? Do you hear me?" Huang Shaotian continued to chatter.

"heard it……"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, "I'd better call you Brother Huangdi."

"Hehe, that's okay! Speaking of which, the name Yellow Emperor has a lot of background. In our country of China, the Yellow Emperor is equivalent to the ancestor of mankind. The people of our country of China are all descendants of Yan and Huang. But what's a little strange is that, Both Huangdi and Yandi are men, descendants of Yan and Huang, tsk tsk tsk, a bit evil!”

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Black lines appeared on Ling Feng's forehead. He quickly interrupted Huang Shaotian and said with a wry smile: "Brother Huang Di, are there any other secrets about the Five Emperors' Treasure House besides the Donghuang Bell?"

There was a hint of hope in Ling Feng's eyes.

This is your chance to be promoted to the Great Emperor!


Huang Shaotian saw Ling Feng's serious look and pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's true!"

"When I first came to this world, I managed to make a name for myself with the help of the Donghuang Bell, and I also recruited a few younger disciples who practiced body refining, qi refining, and soul refining respectively. You This guy looks like he is a fellow practitioner of the Third Path, right?"

"Yes!" Ling Feng nodded quickly, "It's a fellow practitioner from the Third Path!"

"No wonder!" Huang Di held his chin and said calmly: "No wonder you have such a profound background, but you are still just the Ultimate Human Emperor. In your situation, it is difficult to break through to the emperor realm! Knock three times in a row The Great Emperor’s Gate is something that only ordinary people can achieve!”

"So, please help me, Brother Huangdi!" Ling Feng looked up at Huang Shaotian and said in a deep voice, "A senior told me that the opportunity for me to break through to the Emperor realm is the Treasure House of the Five Emperors!"

"Oh?" Huang Di was slightly startled, "I never thought that there would be some capable people in future generations! Yes, I do have a secret method that may help you break through to the imperial realm!"

"Brother Huangdi, please help me!" Ling Feng bowed to Huang Shaotian.

"Of course I have to help you. If I want to return to China, I still need to rely on you!"

Huang Shaotian curled his lips and said calmly: "But I don't dare to guarantee it. Even if you practice this secret method, the chance of breaking through to the imperial realm is only 50%!"

"Fifty percent is enough!" A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. If there is a 50% chance, it is worth a try.

"All right!"

Huang Shaotian raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Actually, the Five Emperor Seals are not just the five keys to open the Five Emperors Pagoda. These five Emperor Seals contain a very powerful secret technique! The secret technique I want to teach you is based on the Five Emperors' Pagoda. The seal is the medium and controls the power of creation of the universe."

"Among the invincibles, Xuan Emperor and I are majoring in soul cultivation, Huang Emperor and Qing Emperor are majoring in qi cultivation, and Dragon Emperor is majoring in body cultivation! If you master all the Five Emperor Seals, with the help of the Five Emperors Seal Technique, Maybe we can open the doors of three great emperors in one fell swoop and break through to the imperial realm!"

"I see!"

Ling Feng nodded and said quickly: "Then I'll get the Five Emperor Seals!"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome!"

Huang Shaotian waved his sleeves, and five emperor seals floated out at the same time. It turned out that the five emperor seals had been put away by Huang Shaotian a long time ago.

"Hehe, I thought I could return to China this time, but I had to keep some treasures at the bottom of the box. Only after I return to Earth can I dominate the city!" Huang Shaotian grinned, "I can't go back now anyway. , I’ll leave it to you first!”

"Thank you, Brother Huangdi!"

Ling Feng cast a grateful look at Huang Shaotian, put away the five imperial seals, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely unlock the East Emperor Bell seal as soon as possible and help you fulfill your wish, brother!"

"You don't have to be too anxious!"

Huang Shaotian shook his head and smiled, "Thousands of years have passed, I can afford to wait! Anyway, there are finally other people around me now, haha, if there is someone to talk to, I won't be too bored!"


Ling Feng's forehead went dark, he was finished. It seems that from now on, it will be difficult for him to have clean ears!

Soon, Huang Shaotian introduced the content about the Five Emperors' Seals into Dao Lingfeng's spiritual sea, and soon began to talk endlessly about the country called Huaxia, such as cars, TVs, mobile phones, online games, these things, Lingfeng Totally unheard of.

However, Ling Feng didn't have much time to chat with Huang Shaotian. He gritted his teeth and threw the Donghuang Bell into the Palace of Five Elements. It was better to leave the job of chatting with him to that cheap donkey.


After sending Huang Shaotian to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. Such talkative things are really terrifying!

The underworld dragon on the side actually showed an "I understand you" look in his eyes. When he looked at Ling Feng, his eyes were less filled with hatred and more filled with a sense of recognition that he was "the same person who has fallen from the world."

Apparently, this guy had been nagged by Huang Shaotian a lot in the past!

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