Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1860 Bewitching people! (3 updates)

"Ling Feng, you are too arrogant! You are bound to retaliate and you are narrow-minded. Fortunately, I thought you were a man before!"

"Bah, he is the only genius in the Eastern Spiritual Territory? He is simply the most scumbag in the Eastern Spiritual Territory!"

"Elder Qingxuan, we believe you! Ling Feng, if you want to kill Elder Qingxuan, you must step over my body first!"


Under Qing Xuanzi's very bewitching words, everyone believed in him and only thought that Ling Feng was avenging personal revenge and slandering him from the bottom of his heart.

For a time, almost everyone pointed their fingers at Ling Feng. Although they were afraid of Ling Feng's strength, they did not believe that Ling Feng dared to be an enemy of everyone here.

Otherwise, he would be betraying the sect!

"Hmph, fight me, you are still young!"

Qing Xuanzi secretly sneered in his heart, although he didn't know how Ling Feng knew that he was colluding with the Blood Shadow Alliance, but no matter what, without evidence, nothing could be done.

Seeing those disciples staring at him angrily with red eyes, Ling Feng suddenly frowned deeply.

I still underestimated Qing Xuanzi too much. I didn't expect that this person could confuse people's hearts with just one mouth and make everyone believe in him.

"Old Qingxuan, don't you still admit it until now?"

In Ling Feng's hand, a cold light flashed, destroying all directions, and it was already unsheathed.

The next moment, the terrifying killing sword intent swept across, the Dzogchen level killing intent, making almost everyone tremble.

For a moment, the disciples who were cursing just now couldn't help but take a few steps back. The actual intention of killing made them feel terrified.

"Look, this Ling Feng is already red-blooded! Everyone, please move away. I walk and sit upright, so I just stand here and let him kill!"

Qing Xuanzi stood proudly, looking really brave and unafraid of death, and said righteously: "Everyone, please retreat, don't sacrifice your life in vain because of me! I believe that he will not escape the sect's trial!"

As soon as these words came out, the disciples who had been frightened away by Ling Feng's murderous sword intent just now gritted their teeth and stood up.

"What are you talking about? We will never bow to such a person!"

"Yes, Elder Qingxuan, we will live and die with you!"

"Ling Feng, if you dare, kill us all!"


Ling Feng held Shi Fang Ju Mie tightly and really had the urge to kill all these stupid pigs.

But he also knew very well that if he really did this, no matter what the final result of Qing Xuanzi was, he would definitely be accused of rebellion.

When the time comes, what I will have to face is probably the joint pursuit by the eight palace masters and countless powerful men from the Immortal Pond.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng tried his best to keep himself calm. He stared at Qing Xuanzi. He could clearly kill him with one sword, but under the protection of these fooled disciples, he seemed to be separated. There are layers of copper and iron walls that make it impossible for you to start.

"This old bastard is so cunning!"

Lin Mu on the side turned to stare at Ling Feng and said, "What should I do? These guys have been deceived by Qing Xuanzi. I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him today!"

"Kill even if you can't!"

Ling Feng would not let Qing Xuanzi off easily. He flashed his figure and directly used Thunder God Shadow to turn into thunder, forcing the disciples in front of him away, preparing to kill Qing Xuanzi on the spot.

If he was determined to take action, how could those ordinary disciples stop him?

However, at this moment, from the depths of the Blazing Sun Temple, a round of golden light rose into the sky, and immediately seemed to turn into a red sun, covering the heaven and earth.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt a terrifying energy that blocked him, making him unable to move at all.

"Ling Feng, have you had enough trouble?"

The cold voice slowly came out from the red sun, and it was the Lord of the Chiri Palace.

If Ling Feng hadn't brought a lot of glory to Dong Lingxian Pond during the Sunset Selection; if it weren't for the extraordinary relationship between Ling Feng and Gui Lao, the Lord of Chiri Palace would have done more than just lock him down.

"Master Chiri Palace, I'm not fooling around. Every word I said is true. I understand that half of it is just lies!"

Ling Feng pointed to the sky and swore: "I dare to swear with my martial arts heart. If I tell a lie, my martial arts will be stagnant from now on, and there will be no recovery!"

Taking an oath with a martial heart is naturally extraordinary. Especially a genius like Ling Feng, who understands better what the heart of martial arts means.

The face of the Lord of Chiri Palace changed slightly, and he looked at Elder Qingxuan. He still could not believe that Elder Qingxuan would actually collude with the Blood Shadow Alliance.

"Lord of Chiri Palace, believe him!"

At this moment, a green light came from the sky and shrouded down. Even the golden light around the Lord of the Blazing Sun Palace looked dim under the green light.

"Greetings, Mr. Turtle!"

The Turtle Saint arrived, and the Master of Chiri Palace quickly bowed to salute. Then, all the disciples and elders also knelt down to salute.

Ling Feng felt relieved. He didn't expect that in the end, Gui Lao would have to come forward in person.

I didn't expect that Qing Xuanzi's ability to confuse people was so great, and I learned a lesson today.

Fortunately, I told Mr. Gui about this matter beforehand, otherwise, I would really be unable to defend myself today.

However, any rhetoric turns into sophistry in front of a powerful figure like Mr. Gui.

As long as Gui Lao says something, that is ironclad proof.

Therefore, Gui Lao believes in Ling Feng, which means that everyone will absolutely believe in Ling Feng.

"Qing Xuanzi, what else do you have to say!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Chiri Palace, and he turned around and glared at Qing Xuanzi coldly.


Qing Xuanzi could no longer argue, and fell to his knees dejectedly, completely admitting defeat.

"Master of Chiri Palace, the presence of a traitor in the Blood Shadow Alliance among the elders is not a trivial matter. This matter will be left to you to handle."

Turtle Lao glanced at the Lord of Chiri Palace lightly, and the Lord of Chiri Palace nodded quickly and said: "Yes, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly!"

As the master of the Blazing Sun Temple, there was a traitor under his jurisdiction, and he would be affected to some extent. Gui Lao only asked him to find out, which was considered as giving him a chance to make amends.

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Qing Xuanzi. With the master of Chiri Palace personally taking action, there was no need for him to do anything more.

Anyway, in the end, Qing Xuanzi will definitely not escape death.

dark place.

A black figure was hidden in the shadows. This person was the mysterious master who had been following Qing Xuanzi, named Ying Qi. (PS: See "Chapter 1367 Yin Yang Soul Jade" for details. As mentioned before, there are blood killers and shadow killers in the Blood Shadow Alliance. Shadow Seven is naturally the seventh shadow killer.)

"Qing Xuanzi has been completely exposed. It seems that the plan has failed. We must return to the Blood Shadow Alliance immediately and report the matter to the alliance leader."

Ying Qi hid carefully. At this moment, with Gui Lao, a powerful semi-saint, present, he could hardly even take a deep breath. Every minute and every second was a kind of torture for him.

Fortunately, the Turtle Saint left soon after, and the Master of Chiri Palace was also eager to interrogate Qing Xuanzi, and soon grabbed Qing Xuanzi and left. Ying Qi breathed a sigh of relief and left in a hurry without stopping any longer. To the East Lingxian Pond.

(PS: Please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~)

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