Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1861 Blood Shadow Alliance Leader! (1 update)

Among the elders of the Immortal Pond, a traitor like Qing Xuanzi of the Blood Shadow Alliance appeared. This incident undoubtedly shocked the entire Dongling Immortal Pond.

The Tianyuan Holy Emperor and the eight palace masters all showed great importance to this matter. After all, the Blood Shadow Alliance has always been trying to subvert the Dongling Immortal Pond and is the life and death enemy of the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Under various interrogations by the Lord of the Chiri Palace, Qing Xuanzi finally confessed that as an internal agent of the Blood Shadow Alliance, he had been secretly revealing some secrets of the Dongling Immortal Pool to the Blood Shadow Alliance. At the same time, he also participated in a big plan to help the Blood Shadow Alliance. The Shadow Alliance steals the spiritual power of Xianyao Pool.

From Qing Xuanzi's mouth, a shocking news was revealed. The strength of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance has reached the half-step Saint Realm, and is very close to the Saint Realm. As long as he can absorb the energy of the Immortal Yao Pool, he can break through almost at any time. .

Therefore, even if he is exposed, the Blood Shadow Alliance will eventually come to kill him, and that day will not be too long.

At this time, in a main hall in the core area of ​​the East Lingxian Pond, the eight main hall masters were all sitting upright, not looking very good-looking.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance has actually reached such an extent!"

The master of Xutian Palace, Shen Guang, looked solemn and sighed softly.


Yan Chihuo, the fiery leader of Liuhuo Palace, hammered his fist on the table and said in a cold voice: "What are you afraid of? I, the Dongling Immortal Pond, have tens of thousands of foundations. No matter how strong his Blood Shadow Alliance leader is, he is only a semi-saint after all. I, Dongling There are three half-saints, namely Turtle Lao, Long Lao and Jing Lao, in Xianchi. Are you afraid of him coming? "

"That's right!" Lei Wensheng, the master of Xuanlei Palace, also nodded and said: "Come as soon as possible, then, the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance. The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it. Trying to absorb the energy of the Immortal Yao Pond is simply a dream!"

"You two junior brothers, have you forgotten that more than a hundred years ago, the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance was able to defeat Elder Long and even severely injure him!"

Shen Guang sighed softly and said slowly: "Even after a hundred years, Mr. Long has never left seclusion, which shows how strong this person is! Now, he is finally making a comeback. Could it be that this is really a catastrophe for our Dongling Immortal Pond? ?”

"Whatever? My surname is Yan and I will live and die with the fairy pond!"

Yan Chihuo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Me too!" Lei Wensheng's eyes flashed with determination.

For hundreds of years, although they have been searching for traces of the Blood Shadow Alliance, they have made little progress. Now, they are finally in danger of raising tigers.

"You don't need to worry too much."

Tianyuan Holy Emperor glanced at everyone and said slowly: "Old Long is about to be released from seclusion, and together with Old Turtle and Old Jing, the three and a half saints are guarding the sect. No matter how strong the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance is, he can't even think of shaking me, Dong Ling." Immortal Pond. I have already broken through to Half-Saint, so I will hand it over to me and the three elders as the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance. As for you, as the masters of the Eight Halls, you still need to calm down and don’t mess up."

"The headmaster has also broken through to the semi-saint level!"

The eight hall masters all looked at Tianyuan Holy Emperor in surprise. In this way, there are four semi-saints sitting in Donglingxian Pond, so naturally they are as stable as Mount Tai!

"Haha, if the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance doesn't come, that's it. If he comes, there will be no return!"

After the palace masters calmed down for a moment, Holy Emperor Tianyuan gave a few more words, and then everyone returned to prepare for the upcoming war.

At the same time, Ling Feng returned to his Young Emperor's Mansion.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, he understood that the catastrophe of Donglingxian Pond was coming, and he must use the remaining time to intensify his training and break through to the emperor level as soon as possible.

Indoor retreat.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged, with all the information about the Five Emperors' Seal in his mind. He kept his mind close and began to practice this magical power.

On the other side, after the Shadow Seven escaped from the Dongling Fairy Pond, they hurried on their way in the starry night, and finally returned to the main altar of the Blood Shadow Alliance ten days later.

Ying Qi met with the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance urgently and explained the matter of Qing Xuanzi's identity exposure to the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

"Leader, now that we are missing an important internal agent like Qing Xuanzi, the matter of seizing Xianyao Pond may be..."

Ying Qi raised his head and looked at the man hidden under the gray robe. This man was the strong man who single-handedly founded the Blood Shadow Alliance, the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance, and the former senior brother of the Tianyuan Holy Emperor!

The man who killed his master and defected to fight against the overlord of the Eastern Spiritual Realm looked like a thin middle-aged man, and there was nothing surprising about him.

If I must say it, on his left cheek, there was an earthworm-like, thin and long scar that almost spread to the entire left face, looking a bit ferocious.

This was the scar left by his battle with Taoist Long, one of the three semi-sages of Donglingxianchi.

In the battle that day, although he severely injured Taoist Long, he did not get much advantage.

It can be said that that was the closest he came to death, but with his peak saint-level strength, he forced back the semi-saint strongman. Looking at the entire history of the Eastern Spiritual Realm, he is proud enough.

At this moment, this dominating tycoon didn't have much other expression on his face. He just nodded very indifferently, "Okay, I already know, you can go down."


Although Ying Qi was full of suspicion, he did not dare to ask any more questions. He just bowed his body and slowly exited the hall.

After Ying Qi left, a man in black robe who had been standing next to the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance sneered, and said with a sneer in a slightly hoarse voice: "Dark Blood, I have long said that Qing Xuanzi is totally unreliable."

This man in black robe is none other than Peng Zun, one of the former leaders of the Phoenix clan.

The face of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance did not change, and he simply said: "Even without Qing Xuanzi, the plan remains unchanged! The energy of Xianyao Pond belongs to me. Tian Yuanzi is just a thief who stole the throne that belongs to me. !”

"Dark Blood, although your strength has greatly improved, it's still not easy to deal with those three old guys in one fell swoop, right?"

Peng Zun was slightly worried. After all, he placed all his hopes on the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

He wanted to dominate the entire Phoenix clan with the power of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

"Of course someone else will deal with those three old guys."

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance smiled coldly, and the scar on the left cheek became distorted because of the smile, making it look extremely hideous and terrifying.

"Oh? Could it be that you also invited other helpers?" Peng Zun said a little strangely.

After nearly a thousand years of development, the Blood Shadow Alliance has cultivated many masters, but only the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance has reached the level of a semi-saint.

To be fair, it is not realistic to subvert Donglingxianchi with the current Blood Shadow Alliance.

Therefore, before this, the plan of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance had always been to break through the Saint level first and then subvert the Dongling Immortal Pond.

After all, after reaching the saint level, he can easily suppress the three half-saints, and the rest are naturally not a concern.

"If that person takes action, the three half-saints will do the same."

A fiery color flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance, "I have been waiting for this day for too long. Hum, Tian Yuanzi, the day I become a saint will be the day you die!"

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