Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1862 Brothers reunited! (2 updates)

Time passed day by day, and it was more than a month in the blink of an eye.

The matter of Qingxuanzi seemed to be gradually forgotten by time, and the disciples of Donglingxianchi were practicing, practicing martial arts, competing and performing tasks every day as usual.

However, anyone can feel that there seems to be an invisible sense of oppression in the sect, which makes everyone feel depressed.

With the arrival of the annual recruitment day for Donglingxian Pond's disciples, the Iron Ice City at the foot of Donglingxian Pond seemed extremely lively.

On this day, two tall men came from the south of the city, both of them looked quite young. There is a person on the left, wearing a green robe, with a thin figure, sharp edges on his face, and determination in his eyes.

The person on the right has a taller figure. He is wearing a short coat sewn with animal skins, revealing his bronze skin. He also carries a black epee as tall as a person on his back. He looks very attractive when walking among the crowd. Attention.

In contrast, this burly young man seemed a little more curious about the outside world. He looked around and exclaimed in amazement from time to time.

"Wow, extraordinary, is this the Iron Ice City that big brother said? There are so many masters!"

The young man in green shirt named "Bufan" on the left had a cold face and said lightly: "If Ling Feng lets us get to Tiebing City, we can just go directly to Xianyao Pavilion and wait."

These two people are naturally the good brothers Ling Feng made in the Tianbai Empire, Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan.

Relying on the medicinal power of the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill, high-level skills, and trump cards such as the treasure of heaven and earth, the two people traveled around and got a lot of opportunities.

Today, Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan are both powerful Human Emperors at the fifth level of Creation Realm. Perhaps they are not top-notch among the geniuses in Iron Ice City, but in terms of actual combat ability, I am afraid that they all have the ability to fight one against ten, and they are by no means inferior to the ordinary inner disciples of Donglingxianchi.

"Haha, the one-year appointment has come, I don't know if eldest brother still remembers it!"

Jiang Xiaofan rubbed his hands excitedly, thinking that he would see Ling Feng again soon, and he felt excited in his heart.

"Ling Feng always attaches great importance to commitments. Now that we have made a one-year appointment, we will naturally come."

Li Bufan couldn't help but smile slightly as he recalled the time he spent with Ling Feng in Tianwei Academy.

At the same time, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. Meeting such a monster and weirdo was indeed a very stressful thing, especially for a strong person like him.

But even if he had to do it over a hundred times, he would never regret meeting Ling Feng.

Xianyao Pavilion is extremely famous in the city. After casual inquiries, the two learned the specific location of Xianyao Pavilion.

After a while, the two arrived at Xianyao Pavilion.

Before entering, he was stopped by the guard guarding the door.

"You two, do you have qualification tokens?"

The leading guard looked at the two men and found that they had extraordinary bearings and a rather respectful attitude.

"Qualification token?"

Jiang Xiaofan frowned, "What?"

"You are not allowed to enter without a token. You two should go back, and wait until you get the qualification token..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice came from the hall and said slowly: "Their qualification tokens are with me."

The guard looked back and saw a man in white robes walking out with a smile. He quickly bowed and saluted: "Ling... Young Emperor Ling!"

The person coming is not Ling Feng!

During the one-year period, Ling Feng always remembered that even in seclusion, he would never delay the deadline.

"Brother! (Ling Feng)"

Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan both looked excited, and the three brothers hugged each other excitedly.

"Haha! Xiaofan, you've gotten a lot stronger!"

Ling Feng excitedly patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder. This guy was already as big as an ox, but now he looked like a ferocious humanoid beast.

"Brother, I finally see you again!" Jiang Xiaofan's voice was even choked with sobs.

"Haha!" Ling Feng smiled casually and punched Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder. He then looked at Li Bufan and smiled lightly at him: "Bufan, I haven't seen you for a few months. Your strength has improved a lot!"

"It's a pity that compared with you, the number one genius in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, you're still far behind!"

Li Bufan shook his head and smiled bitterly. It turned out that while traveling around, the two of them also heard about the fact that Ling Feng became famous in a battle at Longxiao Holy Mountain and was chosen by the sunset to be the leader.


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and smiled, "It's all just a false name!"


Seeing Ling Feng and Jiang Xiaofan chatting happily, the guards were secretly sweating. Fortunately, their attitudes were quite good before. Otherwise, if they looked down upon others and offended the Young Emperor's friends, it would be a disaster. The calf has rested his fart.

"Come in! I'll introduce you to some new friends!"

Ling Feng welcomed the two of them into Xianyao Pavilion. In fact, Ling Feng had been waiting for Jiang Xiaofan and Jiang Xiaofan in this pavilion for several days.

In addition to Ling Feng, Feng Yan, Lin Mu, Yu Linglong and others were also waiting in the inn.

It's a pity that Huiyue Shengji is too strict with Tuoba Yan. Since the end of the Sunset Chosen, she has been arranged to go into seclusion. Ling Feng rarely sees her on weekdays.

Of course, there was also Yu Junyao, who looked like brown candy, who also came out with her. Ling Feng couldn't get rid of her even if he wanted to.

"Brother Feng Yan, and Fatty Huang, and Lan Yingying, you all know each other."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. After more than a month of recuperation, Feng Yan's right arm has completely recovered. Coupled with the power of the flesh and blood reconstruction pill, Feng Yan's current cultivation level has broken through to the sixth level of the Human Emperor. Jiang Xiaofan and the others are one level higher.

However, if there is a fight, it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

"This is brother Lin Mulin, and this is the young senior sister, Yu Linglong."

Ling Feng introduced them one by one, while Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan greeted several people one by one, but in the end, Ling Feng simply ignored the woman Yu Junyao.


Yu Junyao frowned, glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and said angrily: "You bastard, why didn't you tell me!"

"It doesn't matter whether I know you or not."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and ignored Yu Junyao's anger.

"You!" Yujunyao was so angry that she glared at Ling Feng fiercely, but Lin Mu said with a smile: "This is Miss Yujunyao, she has a lot of background!"

"Hmph! I want you to talk more!"

Yu Junyao crossed her arms and turned around, leaving everyone with a dark back.


Lin Mu felt bored, shrugged helplessly, and said no more.

Jiang Xiaofan, on the other hand, scanned the crowd and didn't see Tuoba Yan. He asked curiously: "Brother, why don't you see Miss Tuoba?"

"She is still in seclusion within the sect and cannot come out for a while."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and then said: "Now you are finally here, very good, not bad!"

It's a pity that due to the gap in strength, gradually, it will be difficult for those former members of the East Campus Sword Team to have a chance to reunite together.

On the road to martial arts, having friends like Xiaofan and Bufan together makes me feel less lonely after all.

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