Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1863 Half Saints come out! (3 updates)

"Ling Feng, your aura has become stronger, but it seems unstable. It goes up and down sometimes. What's going on?"

Li Bufan, who has always been relatively calm and calm, looked at Ling Feng and couldn't help but ask.

Ling Feng sighed softly and said slowly: "It's just that the breakthrough failed."

Recalling that over the past month or so, with the power of the Eye of the Emperor, he had completely mastered the Five Emperors' Seals in almost no time.

The next step is to knock on the door of the Great Emperor and break through to the Imperial Realm.

It's a pity that during this period of time, he has tried to break through three times, causing strange phenomena in the world every time. It seemed that he was going to succeed in breaking through, but in the end, he all died down and failed to make the final breakthrough.

It is unprecedented and unprecedented to have failed to break through the Great Emperor three times in a row.

Moreover, what depresses Ling Feng the most is that every time he fails to break through, the realm barrier becomes more stable, and the difficulty of knocking on the door of the emperor becomes more and more difficult.

Only then did Ling Feng realize that although the Five Emperors Seal Technique claimed to have a 50% chance of breakthrough, when it came to his own situation, it might not be 10%.


Yu Junyao on the side finally found an opportunity and couldn't help but taunted: "You brat, you are the only one of the three practitioners who still want to break through to the imperial realm? Unless a miracle happens, you will never break through in this life!" "

In fact, when she learned that Ling Feng was actually a fellow practitioner of the Third Path, Yu Junyao was also shocked. After all, even among their Jiuli Divine Clan, very few people dared to join the three great practitioners and chose the same Those who cultivate the three paths have their own priorities in the end and do not dare to easily condense the three great emperor gates, otherwise they are likely to stop at the realm of the human emperor.

And now that Ling Feng has condensed the three gates of the Great Emperor, there is no way back, he must either break through or be trapped in the ultimate human emperor realm for the rest of his life.

Or, if Ling Feng is determined, he can abandon his cultivation and start over.

However, he is probably destined to miss Mu Qianxue.

Although even now, Yu Junyao doesn't think Ling Feng has a chance to be compared with Mu Qianxue's fiancé.

"Miss Yu, what step along the way has Brother Ling not been a miracle?"

Feng Yan couldn't help but argue, Ling Feng has always been a man who creates miracles.

"Brother, I also believe that you can definitely make a breakthrough!"

Jiang Xiaofan also believed in this.

"Haha, let's not talk about this now. Xiaofan and Bufan, you have come all the way, and I want to hold a banquet for you to welcome you!"

The brothers reunited, and the sense of loss in Ling Feng's heart due to repeated failures in breakthroughs dissipated a lot.

Along the way, he basically had smooth sailing and rarely failed. However, the failure to break through the Great Emperor three times in a row more or less made Ling Feng doubt himself.

But he knew better that his journey was destined to go against the will of heaven!

If you want to fight against the sky and be enemies with the immortals and gods all over the sky, you are destined to do things that ordinary people cannot do!

While Ling Feng was extremely excited about the reunion of his brothers, at the same time, outside the Dongling Fairy Pond, a group of uninvited guests had already arrived.

I saw a middle-aged man in gray robe, stepping on the back of a roc bird dozens of feet wide. Behind him, there were a dense group of black-clothed warriors, and on their left shoulders, they were all They have blood emblems that show their identities, and they are clearly members of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

Each member of the Blood Shadow Alliance was riding a roc underneath him, and more than a hundred people appeared in the sky above the Dongling Fairy Pond. It looked so spectacular.

Phew! ——

A series of sharp neighing sounds shook the sky, shaking the entire Donglingxian Pond almost instantly.

Countless outer disciples from the Earth Realm rushed out of the house in a hurry and looked at the figures riding Dapeng in the sky in surprise. These people were all powerful emperors!

Moreover, the mounts they were riding were at the Demon Emperor level!

"Oh no, what's going on? So many powerful emperors?"

"Oh my god, Dongling Fairy Pond, I'm afraid things are going to change!"


Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, figures flew out from the eight floating fairy islands, all of which were ready.

The eight hall masters each led the powerful emperors in the hall to form a large formation and block all paths leading to the Immortal Yao Pond.

They already know that the purpose of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance is to seize the Immortal Yao Pool and advance to the Holy Realm. In this case, the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise, once he breaks through to the holy realm, no one will be able to stop him.

"Senior Brother Darkblood, you are finally here!"

A sigh came, and then, a long rainbow rose into the sky from the depths of Donglingxian Pond.

The next moment, the figure of Tianyuan Holy Emperor appeared in front of the eight hall masters, and at his feet was a colorful phoenix bird, facing the blood shadow alliance leader from a distance.

A scream sounded out, and from behind the fairy pond, blue luan and colorful phoenixes soared out from the top of the mountain, and the strong men of the Phoenix clan also came out in full force.

"Yuhuang! Long time no see!"

The big roc at the feet of the leader of the Blood Shadow League saw the phoenix divine bird that Tianyuan Holy Emperor was riding, and immediately roared, "Hmph, today I will unify the Phoenix clan!"

"Tianpeng, you are still stubborn!"

Huang Zun screamed, it was because of Peng Zun's selfishness that the Phoenix clan split.

And today, regardless of victory or defeat, the Phoenix Clan will be reunited.

"Junior brother Tianyuan, I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years. It seems that you have made a lot of progress."

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance narrowed his eyes, looked at Junior Brother Tianyuan coldly, and said with a cold smile: "You have been the leader of the Dongling Immortal Pond for a long enough time. Today, it is time for me to take back everything that belongs to me. !”

"You could have guarded all of this! But you are so treacherous that you killed the Master. How could the Dongling Immortal Pond be left in your hands!"

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan stared at the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance, his whole body glowed like a god, and he said coldly: "Brother, it's time to turn around, it's still too late!"

"Winning king or losing bandit, if you defeat me today, you will have the final say in everything!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance leader's eyes flashed with a fiery color, he grinned widely, and shouted into the void: "What's wrong? Have the three half-saints turned into three-headed tortoises? This alliance leader will not come even if he comes in person. See me? Hahahaha!”


A roar, like thunder and thunder, exploded from the clear sky.

Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon roar, a golden dragon descended from the sky, transformed into a human form, and condensed into an old man with blond hair.

This person is Taoist Long among the three half-saints of Donglingxianchi.

A hundred years ago, it was Taoist Long who discovered the traces of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance. He originally wanted to strangle him, but was repulsed and seriously injured. It took him a full hundred years to recover before he finally returned to his peak.


Immediately afterwards, two more sighs came from the high sky, one green and one blue, two rays of light like a curtain hanging from the sky, and the two people slowly appeared.

One of them is Mr. Turtle, and the last one is Mr. Jing.

At this point, the three powerful semi-saints from Donglingxian Pond have all appeared!

(PS: The climax is coming, please vote again~)

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