Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1864 Saint-level powerhouse! (1 update)

"Anxue, why are you so stubborn!"

Old Turtle sighed. He had predicted today through the Turtle Mirror Technique.

The catastrophe has come to the East Spirit Immortal Pond, and Ling Feng, the only person who can resolve this catastrophe, has repeatedly failed when breaking through the Emperor Realm.

Perhaps, everything cannot be changed after all.

But no matter what, he will protect the East Spirit Immortal Pond with his flesh and blood until the last drop of blood dries up!

"Hahahaha, you old guys, you are full of benevolence and morality, to put it bluntly, isn't it the winner who is the king and the loser who is the enemy!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance Leader snorted coldly, and the body burst out with rolling divine power, and boundless murderous intent swept across. For a time, the sky above the entire East Spirit Immortal Pond was all black, as if the end of the world had come.

"Don't be so arrogant!"

The Taoist Dragon looked up to the sky and roared, and the golden light flashed around him, turning into a golden dragon dozens of feet long, and then rushed towards the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader.

As soon as the semi-saint made a move, the entire space seemed to be shattered by his boundless power. The golden dragon roared, and the rolling dragon might burst out, which actually confronted the boundless murderous intent of the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader.

"Hmph, Old Man Long, I'll use you as a sacrifice first!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader, and then, with a "swish", the space was torn apart in an instant!

"Not good!"

The pupils of the old turtle suddenly contracted, and he hurriedly reminded loudly: "Come back quickly!"

However, everything was too late!

The next moment, three breaths that made them tremble with fear came with a bang!

Two of them were semi-saint-level breaths like the old turtle, and the other was... Saint-level!

As soon as these three strong men appeared, the situation changed instantly.

Originally, the East Spirit Fairy Pond had three semi-saints plus a Tianyuan Saint Emperor, four semi-saint strong men. No matter how strong the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader was, he would never be able to defeat these four people together.

But now, a Saint-level warrior appeared in the Blood Shadow Alliance camp!

That's a Saint-level warrior!


The Saint-level warrior in silver robe waved his palm, and a giant hand appeared in the sky, descending from the sky and grabbing the golden dragon transformed by Old Long.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

A violent explosion sounded, and Old Long couldn't even struggle. He was crushed into a pool of blood foam by the Saint-level warrior in one encounter!

One of the three semi-saints of Dongling Xianchi, a legendary figure believed by countless disciples, couldn't resist the opponent's understated move!

Is this a Saint-level warrior?

There is only one step between Saint-level and semi-saint, but the gap between them can almost be said to be a world of difference!

The blood of Old Long was sprinkled all over the sky. Under the refraction of the setting sun, the whole sky seemed to be bleeding, and it was terribly red.

Whether it was the outer disciples or the inner disciples, they all held their breath, their hearts seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand, and they were about to burst at any time.

They could hardly breathe!

"Old Long!"

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan and the eight hall masters all looked at the broken body of Old Long with their eyes wide open, and a strong sense of powerlessness arose in their hearts.

"Old buddy..."

Old Turtle also clenched his fists, and grief appeared in his eyes.

The three semi-saints have been together for more than a thousand years, and the feelings between them are naturally self-evident. Now, his old friend died on the spot, but he could not do anything at all!

The disparity in strength made people unprecedentedly desperate.

If the sect is destroyed, it is very likely that they will also be destroyed, unless they are willing to be slaves! !


Unlike the solemnity and grief of the Dongling Xianchi, the disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance were grinning. The eyes of the Blood Shadow Alliance leader were full of burning colors, "Tianlong Sword Saint, thank you for your help!"

The silver-robed old man stood with his hands behind his back and said indifferently, "It's just a small favor. The Alliance Leader must not forget the promise before, otherwise, it will be a matter of waving my hand if I want to destroy you."

"Of course, of course!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance Leader showed a trace of fear on his face and said slowly, "Sword Saint, you don't have to do the rest."

The Tianlong Sword Saint had completely shocked the scene with his move, laying the tone for the Blood Shadow Alliance's victory. Then the rest was to destroy the dignity of the Dongling Xianchi bit by bit.

"What do you think, Junior Brother Tianyuan, why don't you surrender?"

The Blood Shadow Alliance Leader said indifferently.

For a moment, all the disciples and elders of the Dongling Xianchi were in a sad mood, looking at the desperate situation, and their hearts were even more sad.

Tianyuan Saint Emperor, Gui Lao and others also showed solemn expressions.

Long Lao's strength could not withstand the opponent's Tianlong Sword Saint's move. If the remaining people of them resisted stubbornly, the outcome would be self-evident. Even if they had the strength to fight against opponents of higher levels, they would still die on the spot.

Could it be that they really had to surrender and become slaves?

"Master, as long as there is a green mountain, there is no fear of running out of firewood! I am already old, even if I am buried here, it is not considered a premature death. If you can break through the Saint level one day, you still have a chance to come back!"

Gui Lao took a deep breath. Ling Feng has not yet broken through the Emperor level. No matter how talented he is, he is unable to participate in this level of battle.

The only thing that made him feel fortunate was that Ling Feng was not in Dongling Xianchi at the moment.

As long as Ling Feng was still alive, with his talent, he could avenge Dongling Xianchi sooner or later!

And with the ability of Tianyuan Saint Emperor, if he escaped alone, he might not be able to escape.

However, Tianyuan Saint Emperor just stared at the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader, his anger and sadness blending into one.

"Swear to live and die with the Immortal Pond!"

Holy Emperor Tianyuan let out a deafening roar!

"Hahaha! Whatever, whatever!"

Turtle Lao laughed loudly, and at some point, Jing Lao stood beside him. For a moment, they seemed to have returned to their youth, when newborn calves were not afraid of tigers.

What about the holy level?

If you want to destroy what I want to protect, just step over my corpse!

"The masters of the eight halls obey the order and take their disciples to evacuate quickly!"

Turtle Lao roared angrily, and his figure turned into a blue rainbow, directly attacking the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

As long as the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance dies, everything may turn around.

The Heavenly Dragon Sword Saint is not a member of the Blood Shadow Alliance. If the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance dies, they can promise a higher price to make the Heavenly Dragon Sword Saint stop.

"Old guy, you are already old, and your strength has declined a lot compared to before!"

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance smiled coldly. His cultivation level has almost reached the Saint level. Although Turtle Lao has been at the semi-saint level for hundreds of years, he is not as strong as the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.


The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance punched out and exchanged palms with Gui Lao. Gui Lao retreated violently and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In a face-to-face encounter, Gui Lao was already at a disadvantage.

"Old Turtle!"

Tianyuan Holy Emperor flew out and quickly supported Gui Lao, only to see green light flashing around him, and the protective shield shaped like a turtle shell was shattered inch by inch.

Turtle Lao once inherited the Xuanwu lineage and was best at defense. However, with his strong defense, he could not withstand the punch of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

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