Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1865 Dramatic changes in the Immortal Pond! (2 updates)


For a time, Tianyuan Holy Emperor fell into deep despair.

Today, could it be that the Dongling Immortal Pond really fell?

Although the eight hall masters received orders from Gui Lao, no one retreated. Instead, they asked the elders of each hall to lead their disciples to evacuate quickly. However, the powerful emperors of the Blood Shadow Alliance had already scattered and were tightly sealed around them. No matter which direction you flee from, you will face ruthless and cold fighting.

The Dongling Immortal Pond, which was originally like a fairyland, was now filled with heart-rending screams and a strong smell of blood floating everywhere, as if it had turned into a Shura hell!

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan clenched his fist tightly, but he could not hold on to all this!

"Hahaha! Junior brother Tianyuan, we are in the same class, don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance said with a ferocious expression: "Now that you and I each have three Half-Saints left, we might as well have a competition! The three Half-Saints will fight in turn, and we will win two out of three games. If we lose, I will leave here. If you lose, I will surrender and be captured! If this alliance leader wants to be the leader of the Dongling Immortal Pond, it will be boring if everyone dies!"

"How?" The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance grinned and stared at Tianyuan Holy Emperor with narrowed eyes, "Junior brother, this is your last chance!"

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan stared coldly at the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance. At this moment, the situation was completely controlled by the Blood Shadow Alliance, and he had no choice but to give it a try!

"Old Turtle, Old Whale, what do you think?"

Tianyuan Holy Emperor turned back to look at the other two half-saints. From the current point of view, the saint-level powerhouse on the opposite side has not taken action for the time being, which is undoubtedly their only chance of turning a corner.

"That's all!"

Turtle shook his head and sighed. If he continued to resist, Donglingxian Pond might become a river of blood.

Old Jing also nodded slightly, but the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance defeated Old Turtle with one move, and the remaining two Half-Saints, although they have not taken action yet, judging from their aura, they are also the best among the Half-Saints.

Do they really have a chance to win this battle?

"Haha, it seems you are all sensible people!"

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance sneered, looked back at one of the swordsmen wearing a green robe, and said with a little respect: "Brother Qingming, how about you start the first battle?"

The green-robed swordsman looked about fifty, with a pale face and no beard. A cold light flashed in his eyes. Hearing the words of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance, he swung the sword in his hand and jumped out.

"Hmph, my hands are itchy already!"

Qing Mingzi's sword pointed directly at Tianyuan Holy Emperor and the others, and said with a sneer: "How about it, who wants to fight with me?"

"Let me go first!"

Mr. Gui coughed a few times, gritted his teeth and stood up, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

After saying that, before the Holy Emperor Tianyuan could stop him, he flew out and landed in front of Qing Mingzi.

"Old guy, are you in a hurry to die?"

Qing Mingzi laughed loudly, Gui Lao had been injured by the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance, and he was undoubtedly the weakest among the three remaining half-saints in the Dongling Immortal Pond.

"Whether you are going to die or not, you will know soon!"

Turtle Lao roared, and an unparalleled pressure from the divine beast suddenly erupted around his body.

"Xuanwu bloodline?"

Qing Mingzi sneered, her face a little more solemn, "It's interesting, are you ready to fight me to the death?"

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"


The world froze, and Qing Mingzi had no time to dodge, so he immediately turned into an ice sculpture and was firmly locked.


Turtle Lao roared loudly. He directly burned his original essence and blood, and then he was caught off guard and sealed Qing Mingzi in ice. As long as he shattered the ice sculpture with one punch, Qing Mingzi would definitely die.


However, the next moment, the ice sculpture shattered, and Qing Mingzi escaped from the frost. She was not affected by the ice at all. She had an expression on her lips as she shook her head and smiled: "Old guy, this is your last trump card. Alright? Then, go to hell!"

Qing Mingzi shouted violently, and struck with a sword, piercing Gui Lao's chest!


The cold sword edge penetrated the protective shield around Mr. Gui and penetrated directly into his chest.

A look of despair flashed in Gui Lao's eyes: Is everything over?

At the same time, in Iron Ice City.

Ling Feng was hosting a banquet for Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan, but he had been feeling uneasy for some reason since just now.


Suddenly, the ground seemed to tremble slightly, spilling the wine in Ling Feng's wine glass.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

Lin Mu was slightly tipsy and frowned.

"I'm afraid it's not an earthquake!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, and in a flash, he jumped out from the window sill, looking towards the north with a solemn expression.

"Such a powerful aura, is it a semi-saint? No, there is another aura that is mysterious and unpredictable. It can be sensed from a distance, but it is also frightening!"

There was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead. Could it be that today is the day of great calamity mentioned by Mr. Gui?

"No, a breath has died? Who is it?"

Ling Feng felt anxious in his heart. He was very familiar with that aura. Among all the powerful semi-saints, the one he was most familiar with was naturally Guilao.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng frowned and ordered to the people in the room: "There is a situation in the Dongling Immortal Pond. You stay here for the time being. If the Immortal Pond is lost, I am afraid that even Tiebing City will be affected. If it’s affected, you should prepare early!”

After saying that, Ling Feng dodged and flew out in the direction of Demon Sky Snow Ridge.

"The Immortal Pond was lost?"

Lin Mu's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly remembered what Biluo Shengji told him a month ago that the Dongling Immortal Pond was about to face a catastrophe.

"Lin...Senior Brother Lin, what did Junior Brother Ling mean by what he just said?"

Yu Linglong felt slightly uneasy. Although she was naive and simple, she was not stupid, and she was by no means blind to the oppressive atmosphere in the Dongling Fairy Pond.

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen."

Lin Mu clenched his fists and said, "My sister is still in the fairy pool, I will never run away alone!"

After saying that, Lin Mu jumped up suddenly and rushed out without saying a word!

"I...I'm with you too!" Yu Linglong held Lin Mu's sleeve tightly, a look of determination flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Lin Mu held Yu Linglong's hand with his backhand. The two looked at each other and ran towards the teleportation circle.

Yu Junyao looked at the backs of several people leaving, frowned, and finally decided to chase after Ling Feng. Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and Feng Yan looked at each other in confusion. Although they were confused, seeing Ling Feng's anxious look, they understood that the matter was probably very serious.

"No matter what, there is no way I will abandon my eldest brother!"

Jiang Xiaofan stood up, followed closely behind Yu Junyao, and flew after him.


Although Li Bufan didn't say much, he proved everything with his actions.

Feng Yan, Fatty Huang, and Lan Yingying also had concerns, but they still chased after each other.

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