Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1873 Kill Half Saint! (1 update)

"Holy Princess Huiyue, hall masters, let's join forces to deal with these two half-saints!"

Ling Feng rescued Huiyue Shengji and immediately gathered his energy, staring at Qing Mingzi. With his strength, he was not enough to face a strong man of this level alone, but with the addition of the eight palace masters, The difficulty is reduced a lot.

Especially the Master of the Blazing Sun Palace and the Master of the Star Palace. The strength of these two people is already very close to that of the Half-Saint. In addition, Ling Feng made a surprise attack before and cut off an arm of Qing Mingzi. With the joint efforts of the Eighth Palace Masters and Ling Feng, , the situation finally began to turn.

Even though they were two semi-saints, they started to retreat steadily.

Especially the "Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique" used by Ling Feng seemed to have the pressure of the will of heaven and earth. Even with their cultivation level, they unconsciously felt a little wary when facing Ling Feng.

"Damn it, this guy's swordsmanship is weird!"

Qing Mingzi was full of depression and aggrievedness. Whenever Ling Feng used his sword, his momentum would be suppressed a bit. The other palace masters would take the opportunity to take action, and he would inevitably suffer some small losses.

The other half-saint also frowned deeply, unable to believe that a junior who had just broken through to the imperial realm could be so powerful.

In particular, the power of his spiritual consciousness is so terrifying, and the secret techniques of the soul path he performs are endless.

Sometimes the world is in chaos, yin and yang are reversed, sometimes the light of petrification makes them unable to guard against it, and sometimes thick tentacles of the void stretch out from the void to bind them tightly.

As time passed, the two demi-saints not only failed to gain any advantage, but were beaten to a pulp by the other eight hall masters!


Finally, Qing Mingzi was accidentally hit by Huiyue Shengji's secret soul summoning technique. Her soul was wiped out on the spot, and her body and soul disappeared!

A half-saint, die!


Huiyue Shengji gasped for breath. She almost died in the hands of Qing Mingzi just now, but now she killed the opponent, and she felt extremely happy.

There was only one semi-saint left, his eyelids were twitching wildly, and he still dared to show his strength. He used strong means to withdraw from the battle circle and quickly flew to the side of Tianlong Sword Master.

This half-saint strong man who was so aggressive just now is actually scared!

On the other side, the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance was also entangled by Emperor Tianyan and the Underworld Dragon. With the participation of other zombie emperors in the battle, the entire balance of victory gradually tilted towards the Dongling Fairy Pond.

High in the sky, Peng Zun and Huang Zun each led the Dapeng clan and Caifeng clan to fight fiercely. After a long battle, Huang Zun also began to have a slight advantage in the battle.

But Ling Feng knew very well that although Donglingxianchi seemed to have a certain upper hand at the moment, in fact, it was just because the saint-level strongman had not yet participated in the battle.

Moreover, although the duration of the reincarnation seal he cast has been increased to one hour, one hour is not long.

If no one can deal with that saint-level powerhouse, then the intermediate-level Dongling Immortal Pond will be the loser today.

The eight hall masters naturally knew this, so even though they killed Qing Mingzi, everyone's expressions were not very relaxed.

Ling Feng glanced in the direction of Tianyuan Holy Emperor. At this moment, Tianyuan Holy Emperor was covered in blood and had completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Beside Tianyuan Holy Emperor, there was an old man lying, and the clothes on his chest were completely dyed red with blood.

That old man was none other than Mr. Gui!

At this moment, Gui Lao no longer had any breath.

Ling Feng clenched his fists: Mr. Gui, have you sacrificed yourself after all...

Perhaps, dying for what you protect is also a kind of happiness.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng looked at Tianlong Sword Master. This was the biggest problem that needed to be solved urgently.

If you can't deal with this person, all your hard work will be in vain!

At this time, the Dragon Sword Saint that day had a gloomy face and scolded in a cold voice: "A bunch of trash!! They were overturned by a kid!!"

Another half-saint who fled back to Tianlong Sword Master said with a slightly fearful expression: "Elder Tianlong, there is something weird about that kid. His swordsmanship seems to be beyond the saint level!"

Tianlong Sword Master's face turned cold, his whole body aura swayed, and an invisible aura exploded. Everyone within a radius of a thousand feet seemed to be suppressed by a terrifying aura, and even breathing became extremely difficult. .

"Boy, when you first entered the Emperor Realm, you already had a silver fighting spirit. When will a peerless monster like you appear in the Eastern Spiritual Realm?"

That day, Dragon Sword Saint's gaze was directly fixed on Ling Feng. As for the other eight hall masters, they were completely unable to catch his eye.

As long as he waved his hand, the so-called eight palace masters were nothing more than ants.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. A saint-level powerhouse should not be taken lightly. He said with a solemn expression: "Senior, the Blood Shadow Alliance has been completely defeated. If senior is willing to stop, we, Donglingxianchi, are willing to pay a higher price!"

The heads of the eight halls all frowned, but they had nothing to say.

This day, Dragon Sword Master killed Elder Long instantly with one move. Emotionally speaking, they all wanted to avenge Elder Long.

But intellectually speaking, it would be unwise to be an enemy of this person.

If Tianlong Sword Master is willing to stop, even if he pays a certain price, it is not a bad idea.

"I'm afraid you can't afford this price!"

Tianlong Sword Master narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Ling Feng with a sneer.

"Senior, you can tell me!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, Tianlong Sword Master's gaze made him feel very unhappy, but in order to reduce casualties, he could only endure this breath for the time being.

"Hahaha!" Tianlong Sword Master laughed wildly. After a while, he stared at Ling Feng and said word by word: "What if what I want is your life?"

"Senior, my life is not worth much!" Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged and he said neither humble nor arrogantly: "There are many things in this world that are more valuable than my life. There should be no grievances between me and senior." No grudges, right?”

"No injustice or enmity?" Dragon Sword Saint stared at Ling Feng that day, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "Then I will give you some more tips, Sunset Ancient City, Dragon Sword Tianfu, and Long Family!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. They really were enemies on a narrow road. This Tianlong Sword Master was actually a member of the Dragon Sword Tianfu, and he was also the elder of the Dragon Clan!

He did have many conflicts with Longjian Tianfu in the Sunset Ancient City. Long Aotian, Long Tengyuan and others from the Long family all died indirectly in his own hands.

I just didn't expect that people from the Long family would actually come all the way from the West Sword Region to seek revenge on me!

This family is really determined to retaliate!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but tighten his fists. Half of the reasons why Donglingxianchi faced such a situation were probably because of himself.

If he hadn't provoked the Long Family, and without the Saint-level experts from the Long Family, perhaps everything would not be what it is now, and the Dongling Immortal Pond would not have suffered such heavy losses.


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