Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1874 Ten Thousand Swords Prison! (2 updates)

Sensing the change in Ling Feng's demeanor, Huiyue Shengji bit her red lips, patted Ling Feng's shoulder for the first time, and said in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, now is not the time to regret or blame yourself!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Feng suddenly woke up as if he was enlightened.

Yes, now is not the time to blame yourself.

If you want to make up for it, just solve the current crisis in Donglingxian Pond!

Turtle Lao said that he is the only one who can resolve this disaster.

Then, it’s up to you to end this!

"You, a native of the Eastern Spiritual Territory, dare to provoke my descendants of the Long family. Now, you can tell me your last words!"

The Tianlong Sword Master had a completely aggressive attitude.

Even though Ling Feng's appearance almost reversed the situation in an instant, in front of him, it was still just a small fight.

There is only one step between a semi-saint and a saint, but the difference is as big as the heavens.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to talk about!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked back at the eight hall masters, and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, it was me who dragged down the Dongling Immortal Pond, but I can't die now! So..."

"Boy, what are you talking about? Are we going to let you sacrifice just to survive?"

Lei Wensheng's voice was as loud as ever, and it was like thunder when he spoke, "If you want to fight, then fight. Who will I, Lei Wensheng, be afraid of?"

"That's right!" Yan Chihuo's eyes widened, "I have a big scar on my head, I'm not a coward!"

"Ling Feng, if..."

Biluo Shengji bit her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "If it really comes to the worst, I hope you can escape! As long as you are still alive, there is still hope in Dongling Fairy Pond. I only hope you can take my place. Take good care of that boy Lin Mu!”

"We will use our last strength to cover your departure!"

A famous palace master looked at Ling Feng expectantly, his eyes flashing with determination.

Ling Feng is their last hope!

Since ancient times, no sect and no force can be immortal forever, but as long as there is a seed of hope, there is a chance to make a comeback.

Ling Feng is undoubtedly this seed!

"It seems that these are your last words?"

Tianlong Sword Master smiled disdainfully, "Naive, do you think this kid can escape if he has a chance? Today, he will die!"

“It’s not certain who will win!”

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and all eleven Hunyuan Locks were opened. At the same time, he activated the "Holy Spirit Technique" to increase his strength crazily at the cost of burning the power of divine consciousness.

At the same time, the divine power of a hundred dragon elephants also exploded to the extreme.


The eight hall masters followed closely behind and rushed forward without fear of death.

Today, many people may die, but no one will shrink back!

"Han Yue Fengtian!!"

Huiyue Shengji roared and fought back hard!

Click! ——

Click! ——

The next moment, Tianlong Sword Master's whole body was covered by ice condensed by the power of the cold moon, blocking his retreat.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng, the Master of Chiri Palace, and the Master of Xuanlei Palace took the main attack, while the others supported him from the side. The nine people joined forces and were almost enough to kill the powerful semi-saint.

However, the Tianlong Sword Master had a sneer on his lips, without any hint of panic, "A bunch of idiots who don't know how to live or die, since you are seeking death, I will help you!"

The strength of a saint-level powerhouse is so terrifying. He can make a random move, even if Ling Feng and others try their best, they may not be able to escape completely.

But the attacks from Ling Feng and the others hit the Dragon Sword Master that day, but they felt almost no pain or itching.

Only Ling Feng and Huiyue Shengji's secret soul attack can cause some interference to Tianlong Sword Master.

But it's just some interference.

"Ants, no matter how many there are, are just ants!"

"Ten thousand swords in the sky!"

Tianlong Sword Master snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand suddenly erupted into a ball of extremely bright golden light.

In an instant, brilliance diffused across the starry sky, illuminating half of the sky, and Ling Feng and others were also enveloped in it.

In an instant, Ling Feng noticed that there was some profound and elusive meaning flowing in the brilliance.


The heads of the eight halls were all shocked.

Sure enough, a saint-level powerhouse is a saint-level powerhouse, and he has actually comprehended the realm of swords!

Ling Feng's eyelids were also twitching wildly. He had also received guidance from the Great Wilderness Sword Master in the ancient city of Sunset, and had gained some basic understanding of the Sword Domain, condensing the prototype of the Sword Domain.

However, this Tianlong Sword Master actually displayed a complete sword domain.

The gap between them is huge.

"Ten Thousand Swords Heavenly Prison!"

Tianlong Sword Master gave a low drink.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ——

Countless rays of brilliance were like sword rain all over the sky. The sword rays turned into cages and separated all the nine people in Ling Feng in an instant.

The formation that they originally cooperated with each other was instantly broken up. In front of the Tianlong Sword Master, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, completely losing their resistance.

In this world of swords, Tianlong Sword Master is the only master.

Ling Feng had nowhere to escape, so he was trapped!

No matter how many methods he used, the power of the hundred dragons exploded to the extreme, but he couldn't break the sword's cage at all.

The eight hall masters also used their own magical powers, but they were completely unable to cause any damage to Wanjian Tianlao.

"Hahaha, it's useless!"

The Heavenly Dragon Sword Master laughed ferociously, "You ants, how can you understand the power of the saint! These sword cages bear the mark of my holy mark. How can you even think about destroying them?"

"Now that you are all prisoners of my subordinates, do you still dare to have any hope of survival?"

Tianlong Sword Master sneered, and shot out with one finger. There was a "bang" explosion. Yan Chihuo, the master of Liuhuo Palace, had a bloody hole in his forehead, and his body fell limp. He was killed instantly with one finger!

"Senior Brother Yan! (Junior Brother!)"

Seeing Yan Chihuo's violent death on the spot, the other seven palace masters were filled with grief, and not only thought of themselves, but maybe one of them would be next.

A sad feeling of a rabbit dying and a fox dying, with cold lips and teeth dying, swept through my heart.

Is this the final fate of Donglingxianchi?

"Old bastard! You deserve to die!"

Ling Feng's eyes were about to burst as he stared hard at the Dragon Sword Saint that day, feeling that his body was almost burning with anger.

The strong self-blame almost made Ling Feng collapse!

All because of myself, I provoked the Long family!

Maybe, I should handle it more cleanly, maybe...

"Hahahaha! Are you angry? Are you in pain? Do you hate your own powerlessness?"

Tianlong Sword Master sneered and stared at Ling Feng, "Don't worry, I will save you until the last one to kill. I want you to watch these people die miserably in front of your eyes! All of them, Die because of you!”

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