Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1883 Teaching magical powers! (2 updates)

"Hey, brat!"

At this moment, a very discordant voice came, and Ling Feng knew without looking back that it was obviously the woman Yu Junyao.

Although she reiterated countless times that her name was Ling Feng, she still liked to call herself brat as always.

In this regard, Ling Feng had no choice but to acquiesce.

Yu Junyao walked over quickly, like a fairy under the moon, her every frown was charming.

Except for Ling Feng who remained unmoved, all the outer disciples around him looked directly at Yu Junyao, fascinated, but also feeling a sense of inferiority.

In front of such a proud woman, ordinary men can easily feel inferior.

In the world, the only man who can match such a woman is probably a proud man like Ling Feng.

Today, Yu Junyao is wearing a lavender dress, which is a little tight, but it outlines her exquisite figure vividly.

I have to say, she is indeed breathtakingly beautiful.

It's a pity that Ling Feng has always regarded beauty as nothing, and even the expression on his face has not changed at all.

If I insist on having it, I’m afraid I’ll just be impatient.


Seeing that Ling Feng was ignoring her, Yu Junyao gritted her teeth. Didn't this kid destroy a saint with an inexplicable little goldfish? Why did he pull it?

"Miss Jade, last time you acted righteously, I couldn't thank you enough."

Ling Feng glanced at Yujunyao. Anyway, Yujunyao saved Jiang Xiaofan and the others last time, so he owed her a favor.

"Hmph, does this girl need you to thank me?"

Yu Junyao spat lightly, but she was secretly proud in her heart: You have some conscience!

However, Ling Feng just cupped his fist and saluted her, then looked at Jiang Xiaofan and the others, and asked lightly: "By the way, where is Brother Feng?"

"Because he was the only one who passed the examination, he said that he would send Miss Lan and Brother Huang back to the Feng family and come back to practice." Jiang Xiaofan replied with a smile.


Ling Feng nodded slightly. Lan Yingying and the fat man Huang were determined to stay with Feng Yan, especially Lan Yingying. In addition to friendship, they also had some other special feelings for Feng Yan.

Even Ling Feng, a dull guy, could see things clearly when he was an outsider.

"It just so happens that you haven't divided the palace yet. I'll give you some suggestions."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took the two brothers to the Alchemy Hall and asked the elders of the Alchemy Hall to prepare a secret room. Ling Feng prepared to teach the two brothers a magical power each.

The elders in the Danding Hall were so excited that their eyes almost filled with excitement when they saw Ling Feng coming back.

After all, Ling Feng also came out of their Alchemy Hall. Now that Ling Feng has become famous and has come back, it really feels like he has returned home in glory.

Especially Elder Ye Xiong, who is Ling Feng's registered disciple.

Despite his age, this old guy is not ashamed.

When Ling Feng wanted to teach Jiang Xiaofan and the others the skills, Yu Junyao naturally disdained to watch. Among the Jiuli Divine Clan, there were many magical powers and secret techniques. She, Miss Yu, would not covet Ling Feng's breaking skills.

In the secret room.

"Xiao Fan, what you are good at is body refining. Unfortunately, the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" I practiced is not suitable for you, so I prepared some Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow for you, which can be used to temper your body. The effect is impressive.”

Ling Feng took out five bottles of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence. He didn't have much of these spiritual liquids in his own inventory, but to Xiaofan, these spiritual liquids obviously had a higher value.

"In addition, I also have a "Thousand Army Destruction Kick Technique", which is very suitable for you. You are good at using epee and boxing, but overall you are a bit clumsy. With this kick technique, you can improve your flexibility."

After all, Ling Feng was looking down at Jiang Xiaofan from a higher level. He just glanced at his moves from a distance and could basically give him pointers on his strengths and weaknesses.


Jiang Xiaofan nodded repeatedly and was even more grateful to Ling Feng.

"As for you, you are extraordinary..."

Ling Feng glanced at Li Bufan and said slowly: "I have a secret technique here called "Thunder God's Shadow", which is just right for you to practice."

As he spoke, Ling Feng touched Li Bufan's eyebrows, and the training techniques of Thunder God Shadow were imprinted on Li Bufan's spiritual sea.

Li Bufan's eyes flashed with shock. After a long time, he looked deeply at Ling Feng, his gratitude unspoken.

"Among the various attributes of Yuan Power that I have cultivated, the power of thunder is also one of them."

Ling Feng put his hand on Li Bufan's shoulder and said calmly: "Now, I will use my thunder power to temper your original thunder, and at the same time pass on you three thunder rule inscriptions!"

Ling Feng's understanding of the Thunder Rules has reached the third level. He put the rule inscription mark into Li Bufan's spiritual sea, which will help him understand the Thunder Rules.

This method was something Ling Feng learned from the Queen of Huanxin when he was on Tianhuan Island.

Soon, after being tempered and baptized by thunder, Li Bufan's aura instantly strengthened several times, and even his realm seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaofan also swallowed some Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow and was refining the spiritual power in the spiritual liquid.

Seeing that these two good brothers had gained something, Ling Feng smiled lightly and left the secret room, leaving the two of them to meditate here.

As soon as he went out, Yu Junyao appeared in front of Ling Feng again.

Ling Feng had no choice but to take her back to the Young Emperor's Mansion.

However, before entering, he met an acquaintance at the door.

Chu Tiange!

At this moment, Chu Tiange was already the direct disciple of the master of Xuanlei Hall, and his status had also risen with the tide.

"Brother Ling!"

When Chu Tiange saw Ling Feng, he immediately rushed to Ling Feng and said anxiously: "Brother Ling, I have finally found you. Is Master looking for you?"

"Master Xuanlei Palace is looking for me?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. The master of Xuanlei Hall was the loud-voiced Lei Wensheng. He had met him several times, but he could not be considered to have any friendship. How could he suddenly come to see him?

However, it just so happened that Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan were both suitable to join the Xuanlei Palace, and I could take the opportunity to mention this matter to him.

"Yeah, stop talking. If I go back late, Master will give me another lecture!"

Chu Tiange looked sad. Lei Wensheng looked like he had a bad temper. If he became his disciple, he might suffer a lot.

However, this kind of person often has a true temperament. He may appear to be strict with his disciples, but in fact he is extremely protective of his shortcomings.

"Then let's go!"

Ling Feng turned around and looked at Yu Junyao again, "How about it, Miss, do you want to come with us?"

"I'm too lazy to go!"

Yu Junyao walked directly into the Young Emperor's Mansion with a swagger, as if she was the owner of the Young Emperor's Mansion.

Ling Feng shook his head and then followed Chu Tiange to the Xuanlei Palace.

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