Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1884 Under the Black Abyss! (3 updates)

Xuan Lei Hall.

"Boy Ling Feng, you're finally here!"

As soon as Lei Wensheng saw Ling Feng, he immediately rushed over, reached out and grabbed Ling Feng's shoulders, and said loudly: "Let's go, let's go to the black abyss with me!"

"Black Abyss?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he knew that there was a place where prisoners were detained. The periphery of the Black Abyss was just a place to punish the disciples for failing to complete their tasks, but the core of the Black Abyss was the truly terrifying place.

There is also the place where some extremely vicious prisoners are imprisoned in Donglingxian Pond.

Soon, Ling Feng realized that the master of Xuanlei Palace should take him to see the only remaining half-saint of Longjian Tianfu.

In the battle that day, the three Dragon Sword Tianfu experts brought by the Blood Shadow Alliance, the Tianlong Sword Master, were swallowed by the little goldfish, and Qing Mingzi was also killed by himself, Huiyue Shengji and the others.

There is still the last half-saint left. Although he was severely injured by the sword energy spitted back by the little goldfish, he still has a breath and is not completely dead.

How to deal with this half-saint strongman naturally became a big problem.

Lei Wensheng was in charge of punishment in Donglingxian Pond, and he was also responsible for handling this half-saint.

However, after all, this person came from Longjian Tianfu, and with such an important identity, it was difficult for Lei Wensheng to decide how to sentence this half-saint.

Longjian Tianfu is one of the three major forces in the West Sword Region. If Longjian Tianfu is completely angered, the consequences will be disastrous.

"That's fine."

Ling Feng nodded. Although Donglingxianchi was also passive in this battle, since Longjian Tianfu already knew that he had killed the disciples of the Long family, if Tianlong Sword Master did not return for a long time, would they do the same? I guessed that something unexpected might have happened to Tianlong Sword Master.

If this matter cannot be completely resolved, Donglingxianchi will always be like a thorn in the back.

The only way to solve the problem is to go to the West Sword Region in person and defeat those people one by one!

Of course, this is the most direct way. Although Ling Feng is confident, he is not arrogant.

It's already a bit reluctant to be a half-saint from the front, but it's just asking for death if you're a saint from the front.

Ling Feng's idea was to use another force to check and balance Longjian Tianfu.

For example, the One Moon Palace!

With the threat from the Duyue Heavenly Palace, Longjian Heavenly Palace would naturally be wary of doing things.

When he was in Sunset Ancient City, his relationship with Xiao Juanyun was pretty good. This relationship could be used to connect with Du Yue Tiangong.

As long as you show enough value, I believe that Duyue Tiangong will be willing to cooperate with you.

After all, Duyue Tiangong didn't need to do anything, it just needed to state its position, so Longjian Tiangong naturally didn't dare to act rashly.

And this can also temporarily resolve the threat of Donglingxian Pond.

Ling Feng's straightforward answer made Lei Wensheng stunned for a moment.

He had prepared a long paragraph to explain the cause and effect to Ling Feng, but who knew that Ling Feng was so smart that he could guess everything with just a turn of his eyes.

It really saves trouble to talk to smart people.

"Then let's go!"

Lei Wensheng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to take Ling Feng to fly with him, but he realized that although the current Ling Feng seemed to be in the early stage of the Destiny Realm, his strength was probably still above his own.

However, his rather youthful face was too confusing.

After a while, the two of them arrived under the black abyss.

This place is just like the name of this place, a dark abyss of despair.

At the bottom of the black abyss, even the origin of the soul is suppressed to a certain extent.

Lei Wensheng took out a token, handed it to Ling Feng, and said calmly: "With this token, you will not be affected by the black abyss."


Ling Feng put the token away, and sure enough, the invisible sense of oppression disappeared immediately.

Soon, Ling Feng came to the cage where the half-saint was imprisoned.

At this moment, the half-saint strong man was wrapped with more than a dozen arm-thick iron ropes, and there were talismans attached to the chains, and there were several layers of restrictions on the iron cage that imprisoned him. If you touch it, there will be thunder and thunder and burning fire.

The half-saint was covered in blood and smelled of burning. He had obviously suffered a lot.

"The lock is tight enough." Ling Feng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"There is no way, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and a half-saint will always be a half-saint."

Lei Wensheng said with a serious face: "If we are not careful and he escapes back to Longjian Tianfu, we will all be doomed!"


Seeing Ling Feng coming, the semi-holy eyes surged with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think that by trapping me here, you can sit back and relax? The elders of my Dragon Sword Tianfu are all in the ancestral hall. If the natal soul lamp is extinguished, it will naturally mean death! Now that the soul lamps of Qing Mingzi and Tianlong Sword Master are extinguished, and the top officials of Tianfu know about it, your entire Dongling Immortal Pond will be razed to the ground!"

"Damn it!"

Lei Wensheng suddenly sweated like rain. One Tianlong Sword Master almost bulldozed the Dongling Immortal Pond. If Longjian Tianfu sent more strong men, not to mention the Dongling Immortal Pond, the entire Dongling Territory could be destroyed. Clean it up.

"Those who are sensible, let me let you go obediently, and then I will tie this kid up and hand him over to Longjian Tianfu. You still have a chance to survive, otherwise..."

The voice suddenly stopped, but it was Ling Feng. A cold light flashed in his hand, and he had already pierced his neck with a sword.


Blood was flowing like a stream, and the half-saint looked at Ling Feng in complete disbelief, never expecting that she would dare to kill him.


Lei Wensheng's hands trembled. Ling Feng's attack was so fast that he didn't even notice it.

"He has already said that every elder has a natal soul lamp. Kill him or not. I am afraid that the senior officials of Longjian Tianfu have already learned about the death of Tianlong Sword Master."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and he said calmly: "In that case, what's the point of keeping him?"

"Having said that, but..."

Lei Wensheng wanted to say something else, but seeing the half-saint's body gradually collapse, he could only shake his head.

The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say more.

"Don't worry, this happened because of me, and I will handle it with all my strength!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and said solemnly: "I will not let any disciple of Donglingxianchi die because of me! This time, I will take the initiative!"

"Ling Feng, that's not what I meant. You have always been a member of Donglingxianchi. Without you, where would I be today? Your decision is our decision!"

Lei Wensheng took a deep look at Ling Feng with a solemn and understanding expression: "It's just that you can't act impulsively. No matter what, you are the last hope of Donglingxianchi!"

"I won't do anything to risk death."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. What he would face in the future was the Jiuli God Clan and even the Xantian Clan. Compared to that, what did Longjian Tianfu mean?

Dragon Sword Tianfu is destined to be just a small stepping stone on his own martial arts path!

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