Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1885 I want to be quiet! (1 update)

After coming out of the Black Abyss, Ling Feng was obviously in a heavy mood.

As the half-saint said, extinguishing the natal soul lamp means death. The people of Longjian Tianfu may have already known the death of Tianlong Sword Master and others.

For the time being, they don't know the specific situation, but there is no airtight wall in the world. Once Longjian Tianfu finds out the cause and effect, what awaits Donglingxianchi will be an even greater disaster.

And I must hurry up and nip this matter in the bud.

It seems that there is no need to choose the next stage of his journey. The destination is locked in the West Sword Region.

As for Luo Hanzhou, the genius from the Northern Cold Territory, if he really came to the Eastern Spiritual Territory to look for him, he would probably be in vain.

After making up his mind, Ling Feng went to find Mr. Gui again and expressed his intention to go to the West Sword Region to experience.

Gui Lao was a mature man, so he couldn't guess Ling Feng's intention. He just told him to be careful and said no more.

Now Ling Feng already possesses strength comparable to that of an ordinary half-saint, and he has nothing that he can teach Ling Feng.

Three days later.

At the junction of Tiansheng Empire and Tianbai Empire, inside a restaurant.

"Hey, brat, where are you taking this girl?"

A girl in purple clothes glared angrily at a young man in front of her, but she was so beautiful that even her angry look was enough to confuse all living beings.

At least, the diners around were attracted to this girl.

Of course, the eyes of the other half of the diners were attracted by a girl in white next to them.

"You have to understand that it's not me who wants to take you, but you who have to follow me!"

Ling Feng frowned and glanced at Yu Junyao with a salty look. He recalled that three days ago, after making up his mind to go to the West Sword Region, he went to look for Tuoba Yan.

Ling Feng's original intention was just to say goodbye to Tuoba Yan, but Tuoba Yan said that this trip was going to the West Sword Region, passing through the Tianbai Empire, and that it was going westward and might also pass through Wangduan Mountain.

After being away from home for a long time, she also wanted to go back to Wangduan Mountain.

Ling Feng naturally had no reason to refuse this request, so he had no choice but to take her with him.

Huiyue Shengji naturally had no objections. After all, Tuoba Yan's current strength was indeed enough to go out and practice.

And with a monster like Ling Feng around, there won't be any danger.

Originally, Ling Feng only planned to bring Tuoba Yan with him, but who knew that the lingering Yu Junyao also followed him.

Then, this scene happened.


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng, gritted her silver teeth and said, "If it weren't for my cousin's sake, even if you knelt in front of me and begged me, I wouldn't even bother to talk to you!"


Ling Feng smiled coldly, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Ever since he became a disciple of Duanmu Qingshan, Ling Feng's drinking ability has also improved a lot.

After drinking and eating, Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and then said slowly: "I still have some things to do. You guys stay at the inn and wait for me. I will be back soon."

What Ling Feng meant when he said he had something to do was to go to the misty ghost forest to find Emperor Tianbai's Dharma.

Now that he has broken through to the Emperor Realm, he can add two more Forging Qi Hunyuan Locks.

If only Tuoba Yan was present, he could naturally take Tuoba Yan with him, but with Yu Junyao accompanying him, it would be a bit troublesome.

Ling Feng couldn't completely trust this woman.

At least for the time being, Ling Feng was not willing to expose too many things in front of her.


Tuoba Yan nodded and said lightly: "Then you go early and come back early."

How smart she is, the way of nature, the reason why Ling Feng didn't take her with him was probably because he wanted her to stay and watch Yu Junyao.

"Hmph! It must be some shameful thing to sneak up on someone!"

Yu Junyao snorted lightly, but since Ling Feng also kept Tuoba Yan, he probably didn't want to get rid of her.

"Yes, yes, the last thing I want to see is you!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this young lady is probably mentally ill. She doesn't want to be a good young lady of the God Clan and insists on messing around outside.

You can just mess around, and you got yourself caught up in it!

How depressing!

Shaking his head and putting aside his distracting thoughts, Ling Feng left the restaurant and quickly left the city. When he found a hidden place, he took out the teleportation token and went directly to the misty ghost forest through the teleportation circle.

There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and after a while, Ling Feng came to this familiar place again.

I remember the scene when I first came here, when I met that bitch, as if it was yesterday.

After a while, Ling Feng entered the end of the underwater mineral vein and came to the retreat place where Bai Di Dharma was retreating that day. He said loudly: "Senior, I'm here again!"

The stone wall opened a vortex, but this time, the suction force was obviously insignificant to Ling Feng.

"You brat, how long have you been here? Why are you here again? I told you not to come to me all the time if you have nothing to do. Every time I wake up, I have to..."

There was another murmuring of complaints, but soon the sound stopped and turned into an exclamation.

"you you you……"

Emperor Tianbai looked at Ling Feng with dumbfounded eyes, looking up and down, looking at Ling Feng carefully, over and over again.

"Emperor Realm?"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang's eyes almost fell out. In less than half a year since he last left, Ling Feng has actually broken through to the imperial realm.

And it has only been more than three years since Ling Feng first came here and accepted the first Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock!

In three years, he trained from an ant in the Qi Condensation Realm to a great emperor...

Emperor Tianbai's inner shock can simply be described as indescribable.

Originally, he thought that Ling Feng would stay in the human emperor realm for more than three years, but Ling Feng's progress was simply terrifying.


Tianbai Emperor Faxiang swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and walked to the corner without saying a word, seemingly doubting life.

"Senior, I'm here..."

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by the White Emperor's Faxiang that day.

"Please leave me alone first! I want to be alone!"

The true form of Emperor Tianbai is a powerful man from the Immortal Realm. His talent is definitely first-class, not inferior to any of the gods. However, even he became a human emperor in ten years and a great emperor in twenty-five years. , which is already unparalleled in contemporary times.

And Ling Feng...

It was ten times shorter than his time!

No wonder Tianbai Emperor Faxiang is doubting life.

After a long time, Emperor Tianbai breathed a sigh of relief, walked slowly in front of Ling Feng, narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man, "By the way, you can be considered my descendant, right?"

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