Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1890 The Blood God rises again! (3 updates)

One day later.

Ling Feng left Ling Shenzong. Before leaving, Ling Feng promised Duanmu Qingshan that if he met Lin Xianer on the road, he would persuade her to return to Ling Shenzong.

Of course, Ling Feng didn't think he would meet Lin Xianer again.

Everyone is destined to have his own way to go, and all he can do is try his best. He is not God and cannot arrange every step for everyone.

After leaving the Ling Shen Sect, Yu Junyao began to mutter again, "I said you are a guy who is already at the imperial level, and you actually recruited such a group of soldiers and generals. The strongest ones are all king-level. Such a weak sect. Door, what a joke.”

"Of course I can't compare to your descendants from the God Clan!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. He had special feelings for Ling Shenzong, as if it was his own home.

The son does not think the mother is ugly, the dog does not think the family is poor. No matter how bad Ling Shenzong was, he was still a force that he developed step by step.

Although the current Ling Shen Sect is not very good, one day, the Jiuli Divine Clan will also crawl at the feet of the Ling Shen Sect!

"You! Hey, aren't you so stingy?"

As if sensing that Ling Feng was a little angry, Yu Junyao bit her lips, but did not dare to say anything more.

Ling Shenzong took a deep breath and did not get too entangled with Yujunyao. He still expected Yujunyao to teach him a technique for tempering the fighting spirit.

All the way west.

Three days later, Ling Feng came to a familiar place again, Luohe City.

This Luohe City is located behind Qingtian Fortress in the northwest and is also the junction of Tianbai Empire and Tianyang Empire.

Back then, Ling Feng had come to Qingtian Fortress for training and had some contact with the Northwest Army.

Speaking of which, Gu Tengfeng, the captain of the East Campus Sword Team, and Miyagi, the vice-captain, both chose to join the Northwest Army after graduating from Tianwei Academy. Now, more than a year has passed. I believe that the Igu family Gu Tengfeng should be doing pretty well in his position in the Northwest Army.

As soon as he entered the city, Ling Feng felt that the soldiers guarding the city seemed very tired, and the number of troops stationed seemed to have increased several times, and the whole atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Logically speaking, the Tianbai Empire had just calmed down the civil strife, so it would not be appropriate to start a war in a short period of time.

Could it be that something happened at the border again?

After finding a random inn and ordering some light food and wine, Ling Feng pricked up his ears and began to listen to the conversations of the past diners.

Places like inns are often the source of news.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ling Feng to hear some valuable information.

"Have you heard that the Blood God Cult seems to be resurrecting recently?" (PS: For details on the Blood God Cult, please see "Chapter 782 Xiling City" ~ "Chapter 789 The Demon Lord Reappears")

"Yes, I heard that in the Xihuang generation, those terrible vampire mummies began to appear again!"

"So there's nothing going on recently. Don't go to that area. I heard that Qingtian Fortress has sent out several elite troops, but in the end no one came back alive!"

When people left, most of the warriors were talking about the Blood God Sect, and Ling Feng's frown deepened.

He naturally still remembers the Blood God Sect. Back then, it was the Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling who used the evil energy in the demon sword to create a large number of blood spirit corpses in an attempt to destroy the empire with blood spirit corpses.

However, in the end, he and Jianlu worked together to crush Li Qingling's conspiracy.

Later, something like Yan Jinghong happened again in the Tianbai Empire. Ling Feng was busy fighting Yan Jinghong at that time, but he ignored one person.

This person is Li Qingling.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingling quietly escaped from the palace that day. When the limelight gradually calmed down, he began to "return to his old business".

"I think it's because Li Qingling is so evil and wants to use the energy of living people to practice martial arts!"

A trace of anger flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He should have eradicated it completely, but unfortunately, everything was in a hurry, and the world was so vast that it was indeed too difficult to find Li Qingling.

"This time, this person must be dealt with completely!"

Ling Feng thought for a while and decided to kill the Blood Sword Lord first, so that he could leave the Tianbai Empire with peace of mind.

"Well, this kind of person should indeed die early and be born early."

Tuoba Yan also nodded. When Li Qingling was still at Wangduan Mountain, he often stirred up dissension, which intensified the conflicts between Elder Heiyu and the Great Elder.

Now, Li Qingling is burdened with so much blood debt, he really deserves to die!

"Ling Feng, I'm a little worried about the situation at Wangduan Mountain. I'll return to Wangduan Mountain first, and you can stay here to find out what's going on with the Blood God Sect."

Tuoba Yan glanced at Ling Feng and finally decided to split up.

After all, Wangduan Mountain is also in the Western Wasteland. If the Blood God Sect spreads rampantly here, Wangduan Mountain will also be in danger.

"This..." Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, then you go back to Wangduan Mountain first. If I take care of the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord first, I will go to Wangduan Mountain to find you!"

With Tuoba Yan's current strength, not only has he been promoted to the Great Emperor, but he also has the same power of Han Yue as Huiyue Shengji. Even when facing the three great emperors of the Destiny Realm, he may not necessarily be at a disadvantage.

Although the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord has the magic sword in his hand and his strength has increased by leaps and bounds, he won't be much stronger after thinking about it.

Tuoba Yan, at least, has the ability to protect himself.

Now, she was worried about the situation in Wang Duan Mountain, so it was reasonable for her to go back.

"Well!" Tuoba Yan nodded, "It won't be too late, I'll set off first!"

"Wait a minute." Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao again and said slowly: "Miss Yu, how about you accompany Yan'er for a walk?"

If Yu Junyao and Tuoba Yan act together, then nothing will go wrong.

"Tch! Not interested!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes and refused directly.

"I alone am enough!" Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and waved his small fist at him as if to demonstrate, "Maybe I can kill that Li Qingling before you do!"

"Haha, maybe."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Tuoba Yan and said in a deep voice: "Then you must be careful. If you really meet Li Qingling, you must not be careless. This person is too treacherous!"


Tuoba Yan bit her lips, her pretty face flushed for no reason: Ling Feng, is this considered caring about yourself? It seems that I still have some status in his heart!

Thinking of this, Tuoba Yan's heart felt slightly sweet again.

"Hey, you just said it wouldn't be too late!"

Seeing Tuoba Yan dazed, Ling Feng couldn't help but wave his hand in front of her eyes for a while.


Tuoba Yan gave Ling Feng an angry look, feeling annoyed in his heart. After all, this guy is still the same as before, he doesn't understand gentleness at all!

With the decision made, Ling Feng and the others split into two groups. Tuoba Yan went directly to Wangduan Mountain, while Ling Feng decided to go to Qingtian Fortress to understand the situation first.

By the way, maybe you can also meet your former captain, Gu Tengfeng.

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