Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1891 The King of the Emperor! (1 update)

Leaving Luohe City, we flew all the way to Qingtian Fortress in the northwest.

At this time, the entire fortress is heavily guarded at all levels. According to the Qingtian Fortress’s alert classification, it is likely that it has reached level five or above, which is one level higher than when the Northern Demon Territory’s army pressed upon the territory. .

(PS: For details on the classification of martial law status, please see Chapter 834: Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies)

It seems that the disaster caused by the Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling this time is really not small.

Ling Feng sighed slightly. It seemed that it was not easy for his good brother Feng Mo to secure his position as emperor!

Although he originally handed over the Heavenly Slaughter Ten Jue Token to Feng Mo, he could rely on this token to mobilize the elite and powerful people in the Palace of War.

However, after all, the Palace of War is far away from the Tianbai Empire. It is said that water far away cannot save fire near. Moreover, the Blood Sword Heavenly Lord was acting secretly in this remote place in the Western Wilderness. By the time he was discovered, the situation was already very serious.

Yu Junyao followed Ling Feng all the way. Seeing Ling Feng's gloomy expression, she was very sensible and did not argue with Ling Feng, but just followed silently.

After a while, Ling Feng arrived outside a fortress outpost. When the guarding soldiers saw someone flying towards them, they immediately became tense and asked loudly: "Who is coming!"

"General Weiyuan, Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, suppressed the impatience in his heart, and shouted loudly.

"What General Weiyuan! It's ridiculous, the empire has no General Weiyuan for a long time! You are so bold, you dare to pretend to be King Ling!"

The sentry guarding the tower immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Shoot an arrow!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, thousands of arrows were fired, like half of the pear blossoms in a rainstorm, shooting in the direction of Ling Feng.

These arrows are all made of special materials to break the army's crossbow. Even the strong body-protecting Qi of the Human Emperor is not completely immune to the penetrating power of this army-breaking crossbow.


Ling Feng frowned, Prince Ling?

Could it be that after he left the Tianbai Empire, that guy Mo Feng changed his title from General Weiyuan to King Ling?

"How dare you shoot an arrow at this girl!"

Yu Junyao frowned, and when she was about to take action, Ling Feng held her shoulder tightly.

Ling Feng shook his head slightly at her. Although these guys shot arrows without asking the cause and effect, it was still reasonable under the fifth-level alert state.

What's more, these are Mo Feng's soldiers and horses, so he has to be merciful to some extent.

The next moment, Ling Feng waved his sleeves, and a terrifying force exploded in the void. Tens of thousands of arrows just disappeared into thin air and were annihilated in ashes.


The guards on the towers were all dumbfounded. Ling Feng's move just now was like a god to them, far beyond their ability to understand.

Then, a one-armed middle-aged general walked out from the tower.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, already recognizing this person.

This one-armed general was actually the General Sun Gongming Sun who worked with him to pacify the Blood God Cult. When he was suppressing the Blood God Cult, his troops were wiped out, so he was demoted to guard the city. In addition, he broke an arm, so this position was relatively safer for him.

Sun Gongming was also deeply shocked by Ling Feng's terrifying methods, but when he took a closer look at the young man under the tower, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"Ling...General Ling! No, His Highness Prince Ling!"

Sun Gongming immediately jumped down from the tower and knelt down respectfully. He also prostrated himself to the ground, almost completely prostrate on the ground.

"He...he is really King Ling!"

The sentry who ordered the archery shot before almost had his eyes popped out and almost fell off the tall building.

Prince Ling, that was conferred by His Majesty the Emperor himself, and he was known as the "King under the Emperor"!

Under the emperor, the first king!

No royal family, royal relatives, or even the emperor's descendants can surpass King Ling's status.

This is absolutely unique in the history of Tianbai Empire.

In other words, in the Tianbai Empire, King Ling's power was second only to King Tianbai.

As long as Ling Feng said a word, not to mention his life, even if the entire Northwest Army was buried with him, he was definitely qualified.


For a moment, everyone knelt down and looked at Ling Feng with deep awe.


Ling Feng was also shocked by the scene in front of him. He thought that Mo Feng was just casually saying that he wanted to share power with him. Unexpectedly, even after he left, he still gave himself the title of King Ling.

However, being a king or not does not mean much to me.

But in this country, he is already equivalent to a master-like existence.

"Get up!"

Ling Feng casually waved his hand, and a soft force lifted Sun Gongming up, and then said slowly: "General Sun, these red tapes will be dispensed with. Take me to see the Grand Governor! I want to know everything about the Blood God Cult. trend!"

"Yes, Prince Ling!"

Sun Gongming nodded heavily and personally took Ling Feng straight to the Qingtian Fortress camp.

Along the way, Ling Feng also learned some things about the Blood God Cult from Sun Gongming. Fortunately, the Northwest Army had already preserved the prescription that Ling Feng left behind to resolve the Blood Spirit Gu.

Blood spirit corpses of the average level can be defused with the smoke refined from this recipe.

However, this time the Blood Sword Lord has been dormant for a long time and has created millions of blood spirit corpses, among which many high-level blood spirit corpses have evolved.

On the one hand, the Northwest Army considered that these blood spirit corpses could still be saved and did not dare to kill them. On the other hand, they had to resist the pressure of those high-level blood spirit corpses, so they almost lost consecutive battles and suffered a lot of casualties.

A month after the Blood God Cult broke out again, almost all of the Western Wasteland had been turned into a dead land. If the Northwest Army had not sent out a large army to suppress it, I am afraid that this army of blood spirit corpses would have rushed into the densely populated city, causing even more terrible disasters. .

On the other side, Sigh is an important pass between the Tianyang Empire and the Tianbai Empire. There has never been much peace between the two countries. If they resist the Blood Spirit Corpse with all their strength, the Tianyang Empire may take the opportunity to launch another attack.

At this moment, Han Li, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, was probably very exhausted.

The more Ling Feng heard about the situation here, the more he frowned. He only regretted that he had not completely eradicated the roots and completely wiped out this damn Blood Sword Lord, which led to the current tragic situation.

"Your Highness Prince Ling, now that you are back, I know that everything will be fine. With you here, all problems will be solved!"

Sun Gongming looked back at Ling Feng with a burning look in his eyes. In his eyes, Ling Feng was already a myth.

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