Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1892 Not now! (2 updates)

Not long after, under the leadership of Sun Gongming, there were no blind people who continued to block the road.

When they learned that King Ling had arrived at Qingtian Fortress, the soldiers all showed disbelief, and then they all bowed to Ling Feng with awe and reverence in their eyes.

Everyone in the Tianbai Empire knows and knows that it was with the help of this young man that the Tianbai Empire came into existence today.

If not, the Tianbai royal family would have changed its dynasty long ago.

Coming to Qingtian Fortress again, Ling Feng felt a sense of emotion in his heart again, but there was no time for him to remember it now.

"See His Highness Prince Ling!"

In the distance, a sonorous and powerful voice was heard, and it was Han Li, the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies, who came to greet him personally.

Han Li strode to Ling Feng and knelt down on one knee. Even with his status, he still needed to kneel down in front of Ling Feng, the "King under the Emperor".

"The Governor please arise."

Ling Feng quickly helped Han Li up. After seeing each other for several years, things changed and people changed.

Now Ling Feng, both in terms of status and strength, has far surpassed the high-ranking and powerful Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armed Forces in front of him.

"His Royal Highness Prince Ling, it is truly a blessing for our Northwest Army to have you here!"

Han Li sighed softly. His hair on the temples was already as white as frost, and he looked much older than the few times they had met before.

"The reason why I am here is also a coincidence. Okay, let's not mention these. I want to know the active scope of the Blood God Religion. Since I am here, I must solve it once and for all this time to avoid future troubles."

Ling Feng looked solemn, Li Qingling escaped from his hands again and again, but this time, he would definitely die!

Unless, he has broken through to the holy level!

However, if he was really so powerful, why would he hide in the Western Wasteland and create an army of blood spirit corpses?


Han Li nodded and immediately invited Ling Feng to the commander's tent. Only Yu Junyao was left completely alone, which made this proud woman somewhat unbalanced.

After all, no matter where he goes, he is always the center of attention. But now, why are all eyes being attracted to Ling Feng!

How depressing!

"Here, here, and here! They are all areas where the Blood Spirit Corpse breaks out, and among them there are high-level Blood Spirit Corpses that are comparable to the king level. The strongest one has even initially reached the level of a half-step Human Emperor!"

Han Li pointed to a map in front of him and truthfully informed Ling Feng of all the circumstances in detail.

A solemn look flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, because the three cities Han Li pointed to vaguely seemed to surround Wangduan Mountain, and Wangduan Mountain was where the Tiance clan was located.

Is all this just a coincidence?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng looked at the area west of Qingtian Fortress and asked in a deep voice: "Where is the Tianyang Empire? Is there any change in the Tianyang Empire?"

"The Tianyang Empire is being watched by the Gu family's army, so they don't dare to make any moves for the time being."

Han Li's face softened a little, "The Gu family's army has produced an incredible boy. The Tianyang Empire is completely suppressed by that boy from the Gu family. In just a few years, that boy has already reached the mid-level king level." , whose strength can even overwhelm ordinary late-stage king-level warriors, the Northwest Army has added another powerful general! Speaking of which, the boy from the Gu family is also a student from Tianwei Academy!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly. He had also given Gu Tengfeng a Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill back then. It seemed that Gu Tengfeng had not wasted this top-quality pill. Although it might not be able to reach the level of Xiaofan and the others. But in the Tianbai Empire, sooner or later, it will be able to grow into an overlord.

However, Gu Tengfeng has now arrived at the front line of Tianyang Empire, and I may not be able to meet him for the time being.

"I already know the specific situation."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Grand Governor, go and take out all the Yueying Qiluoxiang stored in the fortress."

"Okay, come here! Do what His Highness Prince Ling wants!"

Han Li shouted, "Yueying Qiluoxiang is the main elixir that Ling Feng used to resolve the blood spirit poison last time. Because there is a precedent for the outbreak of blood spirit corpses, Qingtian Fortress also has some in reserve."

This time the Blood Spirit Corpse broke out again, and the Northwest Army purchased a large amount of Yueying Qiluo Incense, which was enough to treat millions of Blood Spirit Corpse.

When the soldiers went to carry Yueying Qiluoxiang, Ling Feng narrowed his dual-mode and looked at the direction of the Three Thousand Worlds.

Within the Three Thousand Realms, there are the so-called Three Thousand Great Avenues. I also entered the Three Thousand Realms back then, but unfortunately, I was unable to benefit from the power of any of the Great Avenues.

However, he did meet the demon queen Keweili in the Four Spirits God Monument.

He had promised that day that he would help her break out of the formation, and to break through the barrier of the Four Spirits God Monument, one would need the immortal source of the Xuntian clan, or the dragon essence of the Void Cursed Dragon lineage.

And by chance, he had obtained the immortal source of a seriously injured member of the Xantian clan. (PS: For details, see the chapter where Ling Feng passed through the Tianlan Sea when he went to Donglingxian Pond, which is probably more than 1,200 chapters away.)

Now that he has returned to the Northwest Qingtian Fortress, should he release Nakweli?

After thinking about it, Ling Feng suppressed this thought.

Although Kavli said that her enemies were only immortals, for the time being, he was too weak in front of those powerful immortals.

He didn't think that as the Queen of the Demon Race, Keweili would be a kind person. Perhaps before asking him to save her, she made all kinds of sweet talk, and even said that she would form an alliance with him to deal with the Xuantian Clan.

But why should a little ant like him form an alliance with Kavli?

He needs to rely on the power of the Demon Queen, so he must rescue Kavli, but not now.

At least, he must reach the realm of immortality before rescuing that woman.

Ling Feng thought about it and still felt that releasing Keweili now was not a wise choice.

There are too many factors beyond your control.

It may not be a good thing to release her before she is strong enough, or before she is strong enough to enter Keveli's eyes.

"Anyway, she has been trapped for who knows how many hundreds of thousands of millions of years. She might as well be locked up for a while longer."

Ling Feng secretly made up his mind and stopped thinking about it.

After a while, more than 100,000 Yueying Qiraji incense arrived. Ling Feng put all these Yueying Qiraji incense into the Naling Ring, then bid farewell to Han Li, the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies, and prepared to leave alone to eradicate the blood. Sword Heavenly Lord Li Qingling.

With his current strength, there is no need to bring extra troops and horses. The Northwest Army only needs to complete the aftermath work.

In his heart, he still had some bad premonitions. The core area where the Blood Spirit Corpse broke out seemed to be Wuduan Mountain. In this way, Tuoba Yan might really encounter Li Qingling earlier than himself.

Although Ling Feng had confidence in Tuoba Yan's strength, the uneasiness from the bottom of his heart still made him worried.

Perhaps, it is really not a wise choice to let Tuoba Yan separate from herself.

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