Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1893 Sacrifice! (3 updates)

In a dark and deep cave.

The bright firelight stretched out swaying shadows in the grotto, and there was a dry and hot breeze, mixed with the smell of sand and dust.

In the Western Wasteland, except for the oasis, there is only this endless yellow sand.



Outside the grotto, there were constant waves of blood-curdling roars, like wild beasts, but more terrifying than the roars of wild beasts.

In front of the fire, there sat a man covered in a large black robe, with a ferocious ghost mask on his face. Only the gray beard exposed under the mask could tell that he was an old man.

The old man seemed to be in a daze, sitting next to the fire, with yin and yang fish floating in his eyes.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is the divine pattern of heaven unique to the Eye of the Emperor!

And the identity of this old man has become apparent.

When they were in the Tianlan Sea Area, it was this old man who gave Ling Feng a thunder ball, and he was able to finally kill the Xuntian clan member.

Afterwards, it was with his help that Ling Feng refined the fire poison of the Sky Patrol Fire and promoted his own flame-swallowing ability to the fourth level!

However, what Ling Feng didn't know was that it was this old man who handed over "The Art of Forgetting Love to the Demon" to Lin Canglang!

The old man in black robes had a flash of light in his eyes. A ball of dim light gradually condensed and took shape. The light dissipated, revealing a familiar face.

Lin Canglang!

It was Lin Canglang who had died long ago!

However, this Lin Canglang didn't have any sparkle in his eyes or any mood swings, he just looked like a puppet on strings.

Then, another figure appeared, and this time, even Yan Jinghong was "reborn" again.

Likewise, this Yan Jinghong is just a puppet.

However, these two people exuded the purest evil spirit, and they seemed to be no longer human.

"Practice "The Heavenly Demon's Forgetting Love Art" in one day, condense the seven-emotion magic wheel, and then be controlled by the seven-emotion evil eye in life after life. Even if the body dies, the soul is imprinted, and I will be enslaved to me forever. Haha, it's ridiculous for the world to seek strength. , Use whatever means necessary! That’s how this world is!”

The old man in black robe murmured to himself, seemingly sneering and mocking himself.


A low moan came from the depths of the cave. It was the voice of a woman who seemed to have just woken up.

The woman couldn't help but struggled a little, but found that she was tied to a huge stone pillar, and she was wrapped with a special rope. No matter how much she exploded with energy, she could not untie the bonds at all.

Her expression changed drastically. She was already in the realm of the Great Emperor, yet she couldn't break free from a rope that seemed to be only as thick as a finger?

"There's no need to struggle, even a saint-level strongman can't break free of this dragon-binding rope, so why do you have to work in vain."

The old man in black robe did not look back, but he seemed to understand everything. His voice did not sound vicious, but had a sense of kindness.

"It's you!"

Tuoba Yan frowned and tried to recall the memories before he was brought here.

She thought that after she and Ling Feng separated in Luohe City, they went all the way to Wangduan Mountain.

However, this journey was not peaceful, and she encountered many blood spirit corpses attacking her.

With her strength, she was not afraid of blood spirit corpses. However, she also knew that these blood spirit corpses could be revived, so she did not kill them.

However, when she finally arrived at Wangduan Mountain, she found that all her people had already turned into blood spirit corpses, and they were basically all high-level blood spirit corpses.

It can be seen from this that Wangduan Mountain is the source of this Blood Spirit Corpse outbreak!

Tuoba Yan, who was so angry that she wanted to peel off Li Qingling's skin and convulse immediately. However, before she could go to find Li Qingling, she felt as if someone had hit her on the back of her head, and then she fainted. When she woke up, It's here.

However, the next moment, what shocked Tuoba Yan even more was that there were still two people standing next to the old man in black robe.

Two people who were not supposed to exist in this world.

Yan Jinghong!

Lin Canglang!

How come they were "resurrected from the dead" again?

It stands to reason that they should all have died in Ling Feng's hands, and their bodies and minds have been destroyed!

Then, she saw another tied woman on a stone pillar nearby.

This woman is none other than Lin Xianer!

In other words, Duanmu Xian'er.

"Xian'er! Xian'er!"

Tuoba Yan shouted several times, but Lin Xian'er didn't respond at all, but fortunately, her breathing was very stable, as if she was just sleeping.

"Who the hell are you!"

Tuoba Yan stared intently at the old man in black robes. The aura emanating from the old man was so powerful that it was almost suffocating.

What level of power is that?

Saint level?

Or, above the holy level?

"It's not important." The voice of the old man in black robe was still calm and soft, "But since you have already appeared, he should be arriving soon. A grand sacrifice will be held soon, and you will I would be very honored to be a sacrifice!”

"Have a good sleep."

The voice of the old man in black robe seemed to have a special power, almost like an instruction from a god.

Tuoba Yan was obviously full of anger and wanted to cut this man into pieces with a thousand knives, but under the words of the old man in black robe, he fell into a drowsy state and fell asleep completely within a short time.

After a while, a person strode in from outside the grotto, holding a dark magic sword in his right hand. It was the Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling.

At this moment, Li Qingling was almost completely swallowed by the magic sword. Half of his body was covered with terrifying black tentacles. His entire face was covered with scales and barbs, and there were even more growths growing out from behind. A pair of huge wings.

He no longer resembles a human being, he is completely a disgusting monster.

However, he could vaguely tell from his body shape and eyes that this person was Li Qingling.

"My lord, Ling Feng is indeed here. He is already close to Jinsha Town. Should you ask your subordinates to meet him?"

Li Qingling looked at the old man in black robe with a look of fear on his face.

Even though he had that powerful magic sword, even though his heart was completely demonized, murderous, bloodthirsty, and violent, he was as docile as a sheep in front of this black-robed old man.

This old man's power seemed to no longer belong to this world.

He is a god-like existence.

"Go ahead."

The old man in black robe flicked his finger, threw out a dark golden pill, and said lightly: "If necessary, take this Blood God Golden Pill, and your strength will increase tenfold!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

The Blood Sword Heavenly Lord's eyes flashed with joy, he put the pill away, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Please rest assured, Lord, Ling Feng will definitely not escape death this time!"

After saying that, Li Qingling's bloody wings behind his back shook and he flew out of the grotto.

The old man in black robes had neither joy nor sadness in his star-like eyes, without the slightest emotion. He just murmured to himself: "Ling Feng, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

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