Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1914 Soul Dao Master! (3 updates)

"This Eight Desolate Immortal Body is really powerful!"

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth curled up and he murmured to himself.

On that day, he knocked on three imperial doors in succession and was promoted to the Great Emperor. Naturally, his physical strength also increased greatly.

Coupled with the fact that the Great Wilderness Sword Master had completed the "Eight Desolations Body Training Technique" for him that day, he has now completed the second stage of the Eight Desolations Immortal Body training, and his physical strength is already comparable to that of the peak demon emperor. .

Power that is not at the semi-saint level cannot break through his physical defense!

"Impossible! The storm tears apart the palm!"

Li Fenghua's anger surged. She took a deep breath, and her body glowed with a bright black light. At the same time, the shadow wind demon's body also shone with a layer of blood-red light, as if it had integrated into Li Fenghua's body. In an instant, Li Fenghua's aura surged. This method was somewhat similar to the fusion of beast souls by the cheap donkey.


Li Fenghua tried his best and slapped Ling Feng from the air.


The earth is cracking, and the power of this palm has infinitely approached the semi-saint level!

"Thousands of Shadows, Explode!"

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure turned into thousands of golden lights and exploded. Li Fenghua's palm power shattered one shadow after another, but he was unable to capture Ling Feng's true body at all.

"Old woman, enough is enough!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly and lost interest in fighting Li Fenghua anymore. He flashed and flew towards Li Fenghua.

Everything in the ten directions in his hand was destroyed, fire surged, and with one move "Li Huo Sets the Sky", he was about to slash out wildly.

For Li Zui's sake, Ling Feng had been merciful at every turn, but this old woman was unyielding and vicious.

Ling Feng's patience also had limits.

"Little brother, show mercy!"

At this moment, an aura that was somewhat close to Li Fenghua, but more powerful than Li Fenghua, enveloped Li Fenghua and enveloped him.

At the same time, a huge force of spiritual consciousness, like a barrier, stood between Ling Feng and Li Fenghua.

Ling Feng smiled coldly, stopped pursuing, and stopped in place.

Soul master!

He knew that the Li family had the inheritance of silver soul skills. However, the masters of the Li family that he had met before seemed to have no soul masters except for controlling monsters.

Now, the most hidden soul master was finally forced out.

The crowd of onlookers screamed in surprise.

"It's the Supreme Elder of the Li family. He finally came forward! He has been in seclusion for more than ten years!"

"The Fourth Supreme Elder is in danger, so the Supreme Elder naturally has no choice but to step forward. But that kid is so powerful that even the Supreme Supreme Elder suffered a big loss at his hands."


Amid a burst of discussion, a white-haired old man finally flew over from the direction of the Li family's mansion.


Li Fenghua glanced at the old man and gritted his teeth. Unexpectedly, he was completely defeated in the hands of a junior.

If it hadn't been for the Supreme Elder's intervention, she might have been a dead person.

"Fourth sister, you are still so impatient, let me handle this matter!"

Li Yao sighed softly, looked in the direction of Ling Feng, and said slowly: "My little friend, is there any misunderstanding between our Li family and you?"

Li Yao looked around and saw that except for the third elder, Ling Feng did not kill other Li family warriors.

It can be seen from this that although this young man is a little arrogant, he is not an indiscriminate murderer.

Of course, this is also based on the fact that Ling Feng has sufficient strength. Otherwise, no matter whether he is right or wrong, this old lady will not come forward easily for such a trivial matter.

If it had been replaced by a weaker one, I'm afraid it would have been a corpse by now.

"It's not a misunderstanding." Ling Feng said with a cold face: "You elders of the Li family came to assassinate me in the middle of the night. Can't I still resist?"

"What nonsense!"

Li Fenghua suddenly cursed: "The third elder will come to assassinate you for no reason?"

"I also want to know why some people come to assassinate me for no reason!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly and glanced sideways at Li Fenghua. A fierce murderous intention erupted, and Li Fenghua did not dare to say another word.

"This little friend, I am Li Yao, the great elder of the Li family. I wonder what I call you young hero?"

"My surname is Ling, Ling Feng!" Ling Feng replied lightly.

"It turns out to be Young Master Ling. There is indeed something fishy about this matter. Please be patient, Young Master, and come to my house to rest for a night. I will find out the situation overnight. I will definitely give you an explanation tomorrow morning!"

Li Yao bowed his hands to Ling Feng, his attitude was respectful and he did not dare to neglect at all.

Li Yao was deeply afraid of Ling Feng's talent and strength. In addition, he sensed that Ling Feng also had a fighting spirit. This made him even more uncertain as to what was behind Ling Feng. What a huge force it is.

But one thing is certain, the Li family cannot cultivate such a genius.

Therefore, Ling Feng is definitely someone they cannot afford to offend!

Not only that, there was another companion beside Ling Feng, who never made a move, but he could feel that the mysterious girl had a higher level of cultivation than Ling Feng.

Being able to cultivate so many outstanding geniuses, what a powerful force would be behind them? This is something that their little Li family can't provoke.

"There's no need to go to your Li's house, but I can wait for you all night."

Ling Feng snorted coldly. If the Li family wanted to find out the situation, it would not be difficult. The so-called explanation was just a step down for both parties.

"In that case, I will not disturb Young Master Ling any more. Tomorrow morning, I will be at my house, waiting for Young Master to come to my humble residence."

After Li Yao finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Ling Feng again, then pulled Li Fenghua and disappeared into the sky together.

Ling Feng shrugged, and the matter was initially resolved. As the Supreme Elder, he was afraid that he might mistake himself for a disciple of a certain powerful force. In this case, he could take the opportunity to blackmail him!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but curl his lips. As long as the Li family felt guilty, he could eat them to death.

"Hey, brat, what bad idea are you planning again?"

At some point, Yu Junyao flew down next to Ling Feng. Seeing the cunning smile on Ling Feng's face, she couldn't help but push him.


Ling Feng shrugged and looked back at his guest room. Now there was only ruins left.

It seems that we have to find another place to stay tonight.

the other side.

Li Fenghua's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth with hatred and said: "Brother, why are you so humble? With your strength, brother, and the silver soul skill, it is easy to kill that kid!"

"Okay Fourth Sister, some things are not as simple as you think. Do you know the origin of that boy?"

Li Yao looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Beside that boy, there is a girl who has not done anything, but her cultivation level is still above that boy! Do you think that ordinary forces can cultivate such an outstanding disciple? , and more than one?"

Li Yao took a deep breath, glanced at Li Fenghua, and said slowly: "Okay, let me handle this matter. You should also change your temper. Otherwise, sooner or later, it will bring disaster to the family!" "

Li Fenghua clenched his fists, finally sighed and said no more.

Recalling that young man's last sword blow, if it had not been for the timely strike of the Supreme Elder, I would have been a corpse at this moment.


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