Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1915 Nine Apertures Concentration Pill! (1 update)

Early the next morning, Ling Feng took Yu Junyao to the Li family's residence as promised.

The Supreme Elder of the Li family had obviously greeted the people of the Li family. When Ling Feng entered the Li family, everyone in the Li family treated Ling Feng respectfully, with awe in their eyes. .

What happened last night has been spread throughout Pegasus City. Ling Feng single-handedly defeated the masters of the Li family and almost killed the fourth elder. This kind of strength is terrifying.

Therefore, although these people from the Li family were quite resentful towards Ling Feng, they did not dare to show it.

After a while, under the leadership of the old housekeeper, Ling Feng and the two came to the Li family's main hall. The Li family was worthy of being the most powerful force in Pegasus City, and the Li family's main hall was also magnificent.

"Haha, Young Master Ling, you are indeed the one who keeps your promise!"

Before entering the main hall, Li Yao, the supreme elder of the Li family, came up to him with a smile.

Although Ling Feng killed the elder of their Li family, the old lady not only did not dare to get angry, but even greeted him with a smile.

This is the law of this world, the strong are respected. If Ling Feng was just a mediocre junior, what he would get in return would not be a smile, but a ruthless shock and death.

Ling Feng glanced around the hall. In addition to Li Yao, there were several other emperor-level elders, but Li Fenghua was not here.

Presumably Li Yao also knew that Li Fenghua had a bad temper and did not dare to let her come forward, lest he offend Ling Feng again.

Li Yao welcomed the two of them into the hall with a smile, then glanced at Yu Junyao behind Ling Feng, and asked tentatively: "I wonder who this girl is?"

"Mrs. Li, let's solve the problem between us first." Ling Feng directly interrupted the elder Taishang's words and said with a slightly cold face: "I wonder if Mrs. Li has found out what happened last night?"

"Yes." Li Yao nodded, "I have already found the waiter at the inn. It is indeed the third elder who secretly attacked you. He was at fault first. Now that you have killed him, it can be considered even."

"Humph!" Ling Feng sneered, "What a tie!"

"Haha, Master Ling, please be patient."

Li Yao said quickly: "Fourth sister was so angry last night that she attacked you regardless of the circumstances. I am willing to compensate for this mistake!"

Ling Feng nodded and said, "People of the Ming Dynasty don't speak secretly. Li Zui and Butler Wang, who are members of your Li family branch, and I can be considered friends. I won't make any excessive demands."

Li Yao quickly nodded and smiled. With his ability, he naturally found out that Ling Feng followed Li Zui into the city.

Precisely because of such a relationship, Ling Feng finally had some room for action last night.

"I have already met that kid Li Zui. He is indeed qualified to inherit the old man's mantle." Li Yao quickly smiled and praised Li Zui a few words. Let's talk about the talent or not. Li Zui can compete with mysterious geniuses like Ling Feng. Being on good terms will naturally be of great benefit to the family's future.

Without getting entangled in this issue, Ling Feng said straight to the point: "I need aphrodisiac flowers. The higher the year, the better!"

"Underworld flower?"

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Ling Feng was going to propose something difficult, and he was already prepared in his heart. Unexpectedly, it was for the Underworld Flower. The Underworld Flower may be a rare spiritual flower to the outside world, but to Li For family members, this is not uncommon.

The Li family has been running Pegasus Ranch for generations, and Huangquanhua is just "fodder" for raising various monsters.

Of course, high-year aphrodisiacs are relatively rare.

Li Yao said cautiously: "It is extremely difficult to cultivate Huangquan flowers. Most of them will die after five hundred years. There is not one in ten thousand that can grow to eight hundred years. I wonder how many years of Huangquan flowers the young hero will need?"

"More than a thousand years old!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Li Yao, and said slowly: "I need Huangquan flowers that are over a thousand years old, and I want to pick them myself!"

"Wha... what? Thousand years?"

Li Yao couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "Young Master Ling, it's not like I can't get Huangquan flowers that are over a thousand years old at Pegasus Ranch, but picking them myself, this..."

Ling Feng felt happy at first, then frowned slightly and said coldly: "What's the problem?"

Li Yao quickly explained: "It's not a problem, it's just that the Valley of the Yellow Spring is a forbidden area that my Li family has guarded for generations, and outsiders have never been allowed to enter."

"I didn't enter your forbidden area in vain."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "To tell you the truth, I am still an alchemist. Your black iron fighting spirit has reached the peak nine-star level. It is only one step away from being promoted to the silver fighting spirit. I can do it for you Refining ten Nine Aperture Condensation Pills and swallowing them will ensure that you will be promoted to Silver Fighting Spirit within three years!”

"This..." Li Yao's eyelids twitched wildly, and he naturally understood what it meant to be promoted to Silver Fighting Spirit.

His cultivation level has already stopped at the semi-saint level. If there is no great opportunity in this life, he may not be able to continue to make breakthroughs.

However, fortunately, he is also a soul monk, and relied on Zu Yin to obtain a silver soul skill.

With this silver soul skill, he, Pegasus Ranch, was able to stand tall in Feijiang County and become an existence like a local emperor.

But after all, he was limited by his realm and talent, and could not break through the Silver War Spirit. And he also knew very well that once he broke through the Silver War Spirit, coupled with the Silver Soul Skill, he would become comparable to some of the weakest saint-level powerhouses. The status of the family is as stable as Mount Tai.

Originally, he had not dared to have any extravagant hopes for the Silver War Spirit, but Ling Feng's words made a raging flame rise in his heart.

"You... Mr. Ling, do you really mean what you said?"

Li Yao looked at Ling Feng with a shocked expression.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and did not say a word, but sacrificed his fighting spirit.

A ray of silver light rose from behind Ling Feng, and in the silver light, there was a hint of golden light!

That is the silver fighting spirit, and he is thinking about the symbol of the transformation of the golden fighting spirit.

"Nine...nine-star silver fighting spirit!"

Li Yao was stunned, and the elders of the Li family in the hall were all dumbfounded.

A mere young boy actually possesses a silver fighting spirit, and it is a nine-star silver fighting spirit. This is incredible!

"How is it? Can Mrs. Li trust this kid?" Ling Feng asked calmly.

"Okay, deal!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and finally nodded in agreement.

Rules are dead, people are alive.

The opportunity to break through the Silver Spirit was right in front of him, how could he miss it in vain.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. The Valley of Underworld, since there are underworld flowers that are more than a thousand years old, is very likely to bear the fruit of underworld.

It seems that Tuoba Yan will be resurrected soon.

"Young Shaoxia Ling, the Valley of the Underworld will not be opened for a few days. I will inform you at that time. It is better for Shaoxia Ling to stay in the house for the next few days so that I can fulfill my duties as a landlord." Li Yao Hehe laughed.

"That's fine."

Ling Feng nodded, "In that case, I won't bother you."

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