Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1916 The Valley of Underworld! (2 updates)

Soon, under the arrangement of the old lady of the Li family, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao moved into the Li family's villa.

Li Zui and Butler Wang, who arrived at Li's house the day before, surprisingly also lived here.

This Li Yao is an old man. He knows that Ling Feng and Li Zui have a good relationship, so he specially arranges for him to live with Li Zui. It is a way to please him, and it can also deepen the friendship between the two parties. This is also beneficial to the Li family. Beneficial and harmless.


Seeing Ling Feng coming this way, Li Zuiben, who was practicing in the yard, immediately rushed over, his little face full of excitement.

"You kid."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the back of the little guy's head, and said slightly reproachfully: "You don't even concentrate on practicing!"

"Didn't I see Brother Feng that you are here?"

Li Zui laughed, and then saw Li Yao coming, and quickly said hello, "Hello, Master!"


Li Yao reached out and patted Li Zui on the shoulder, laughing and saying: "Xiao Zui, then you should accompany Ling Shaoxia first, the master has other things to deal with."

"Well, sir, please walk slowly."

Li Zui scratched the back of his head. Normally, although the old man had a pretty good attitude towards him before, he was not so affectionate.

Ling Feng saw it and just smiled lightly.

Even though this level of intimacy is mixed with interests, at least from now on, Li Zui should not suffer any grievances in the Li family.

And this is enough.

Li family meeting hall.

"What? Brother, you want that kid to enter the Valley of Hell, no, I don't agree, I firmly disagree!"

Li Fenghua, the fourth prince, almost burst out of anger when he heard this, "Brother, do you still remember the family rules? Outsiders are never allowed to enter the Valley of the Underworld!"

"Okay, fourth sister."

Li Yao shook his head and said slowly: "Rules are made by people. Since they could be made at the beginning, they can also be abolished now. Ling Feng is not an ordinary person. There are only benefits for my Li family to be on good terms with him! What's more, he can help I break through the Silver Fighting Spirit! Fourth sister, you should understand that many forces are eyeing my Pegasus Ranch property. If I break through the Silver Fighting Spirit, those young people will not dare to act rashly!"


Li Fenghua hesitated for a long time and finally lowered his head and said nothing.

In this world, strength speaks for itself after all. The improvement of Li Yao's strength can keep the family as stable as Mount Tai.

"Your Majesty, there are only two places to enter Pegasus Ranch every year. How will we arrange this year?"

The head of the Li family asked softly.

"The original arrangement was for Xin'er and the kid Li Zui who just came over to go, but now..."

Li Yao frowned slightly, caught in a dilemma.

Li Xin is the best genius in the direct line of the family. Although Li Zui is a branch, he is also a bloodline of the Li family, and arranging for him to go can be regarded as a disguised way to please Ling Feng.

"Your Majesty, Xin'er is in a critical period of breakthrough this time. Li Zui, that kid, can do the same thing next time."

The head of the Li family quickly said: "I believe that Young Master Ling will not be dissatisfied because of this."

"Well, that's fine. Let's give the kid Li Zui some other compensation."

Li Yao nodded slightly and finally decided on two places to go to the Valley of Underworld, namely Ling Feng and Li Xin.

Eight days passed by in a flash.

In the past few days, Ling Feng stayed at Li's house for meditation. On the contrary, Li Zui and Yu Junyao didn't rest much. They ran out all day long to look at this and play with everything. Extremely fresh.

These two people, one is a frog in the well who came out of a remote town, and the other is a caged bird locked in a golden cage. After finally getting the opportunity, they naturally want to have fun.

Ling Feng didn't bother to care about these two guys. In the past few days, he focused on studying the secret method of tempering the soul that Yu Junyao taught him, and he also gained some experience.

Time passed day by day, and finally, it was the day when the Valley of the Underworld opened.

Early in the morning, Li Yao ordered people to bring Ling Feng to the main hall and prepared to leave for Pegasus Ranch.

"Haha, Young Master Ling, I've kept you waiting for a long time these days."

Li Yao walked up to Ling Feng with a smile, looked at a girl in black next to him, and said with a smile: "Let me introduce you, this is my great-granddaughter, Li Xin."

"No need to introduce Mrs. Li, I know her."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, looked at Li Xin and said, "Miss Li, we meet again!"

This Li Xin was naturally the girl from the Li family whom he met outside Pegasus City that day. He almost killed her red-blooded thunder leopard that day.

"Master Ling."

Li Xin bit her lower lip. In fact, she had already heard that Ling Feng was a guest in the house, and that he came with Li Zui and the others. She had already vaguely guessed that this Ling Feng was probably the one she saw that day. That young mysterious master.

But she didn't expect that this mysterious master would be so strong that even her great-grandmother was no match for him.

"It turns out we all know each other, that's even better!"

Li Yao laughed loudly, "We can take care of each other when we reach the Valley of the Underworld."

After another round of polite greetings, Li Yao finally set off with Ling Feng.

Originally, there was no need for him, the Supreme Elder, to come forward personally for this kind of matter, but this time the situation was special and there was no room for any mistakes.

After a while, the group of people left the city and flew westward for more than a hundred miles before finally reaching a relatively open area.

The entire area is covered by an invisible barrier, and there are special guards guarding it at intervals. It can be said that it is heavily guarded.

Looking from a distance, you can see many monsters lying on the open ground lazily basking in the sun, seemingly very leisurely.

"This is my Li family's Pegasus livestock."

Li Yao introduced with a smile: "My Li family has been running this ranch for generations. Most of the monsters here are sold as transportation mounts, so they are not too wild. Of course, there are also some monsters used for fighting. They are favored, but most of them are at the Demon King level, and not many have reached the Emperor level.”

Ling Feng nodded. For example, if the Shadow Wind Demon Tiger next to Li Fenghua could be raised in batches, the power of the Li family would be too terrifying.

"Okay, no more nonsense, I will take Ling Shaoxia to the Valley of the Underworld."

Li Yao said slowly: "The Valley of Underworld, located in the center of Pegasus Ranch, is actually an independent secret space. The aura of Underworld that escapes from that secret realm makes the surrounding generation very suitable for Underworld. The growth of flowers.”

After saying that, Li Yao lowered his voice and said very seriously: "Young Master Ling, this matter is of great importance. Please keep it secret."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Of course, please rest assured, Mrs. Li."

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