Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1917 Monster and Freak! (3 updates)

The entire Pegasus Ranch stretches for hundreds of miles. Along the way, Ling Feng saw countless monsters with special bloodlines.

Huangquan flower, for monsters, is like a treasure like elixir, which can greatly increase the strength of monsters' energy and blood.

And the most important thing is that the older the underworld flower is, the more potential it can unleash within the bloodline of monsters.

For example, the Shadow Wind Demon Tiger was originally just an ordinary Gale Wind Tiger, but because it swallowed an 800-year-old underworld flower, the power of its bloodline mutated, so it advanced into the Shadow Wind Demon Tiger.

For many years, the Li family has been running this Pegasus Ranch. There are naturally many monsters with mutated bloodlines and returning bloodlines to their ancestors, and the Li family has made a lot of money by selling these monsters with special bloodlines. Full.

Finally, the group arrived at the core area of ​​the ranch.

Li Yao took out a jade seal, walked to a huge stone, gently inserted the jade seal into a groove, and rotated it clockwise. Then, he heard a loud rumble and saw a portal. Appear in front of everyone.

"Young Master Ling, this is the secret door leading to the Valley of the Underworld. You only have one day in the valley."

Li Yao smiled and said: "Young Master Ling, your goal is only to absorb the underworld aura that is more than a thousand years old. You shouldn't want to absorb the underworld aura inside for cultivation, right?"

"Haha, that's hard to say."

Ling Feng shrugged, "If it's useful to me, it's not too much to smoke a little."


The corner of Li Yao's mouth twitched slightly, and you could see that the old guy's old face turned dark immediately.

However, this old man has matured with age, and he instantly regained his smiling expression, "Not too much, not too much!"

The elders of the Li family around them all dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

Generally speaking, clansmen who have reached the imperial realm or above are not allowed to enter the Valley of the Underworld. After all, the speed and efficiency with which the powerful emperor absorbs spiritual energy are too terrifying.

The recovery speed of Huangquan spiritual energy is extremely slow. Once it is excessively absorbed, it will directly cause the production of Huangquan flowers to decrease, or even wither.

The next consequence is that the monsters will attack each other due to lack of food, and even cause riots.

Ling Feng is not only an outsider, but also an emperor. In addition, his strength is heaven-defying. Monsters like this are usually big devourers of spiritual energy, the legendary "Big Stomach King". If he opens his mouth to absorb the underworld's spiritual energy, That would probably be a disaster for the Li family.

"Well, Young Master Ling, just take it easy a little bit."

Li Yao swallowed hard, really doubting whether his decision was correct.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, his goal was just the fruit of underworld, and he really didn't have much interest in the aura of underworld.

"Mrs. Li, I'll go in first."

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng jumped directly towards the teleportation gate. Things changed and stars moved before his eyes. After a while, Ling Feng arrived at the so-called "Valley of Underworld".

The first thing that comes into view is a huge blue lake, with extremely bright yellow spring flowers blooming on both sides.

All of them are over five hundred years old!

"It seems that Li Yao didn't lie to me. There must be underworld flowers that are more than a thousand years old in this valley of underworld!"

Ling Feng felt slightly excited. There are underworld flowers that are more than a thousand years old, which means that there is a great possibility that underworld fruits will grow!

At this time, the air around him rippled, and Li Xin's figure also appeared beside him.

This woman is obviously not the first time she has come to the Valley of the Underworld, and she seems to be quite familiar with everything around her.

"Master Ling, this lake is the source of the aura of underworld. There is a small island in the center of the lake, where there are the most aged underworld flowers. There are indeed some that are over a thousand years old."

"Oh?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "Didn't you collect it and take it away?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. If the underworld flower is more than eight hundred years old, it will easily wither automatically and it will be difficult for it to continue to survive. As for the flower that is more than a thousand years old, it is extremely rare.

"Master Ling, don't you know that underworld flowers that are more than a thousand years old have a chance to bear underworld fruits. Therefore, generally we will not pick underworld flowers that are over a thousand years old easily, but the probability of underworld fruits is too small. , so all this time, we basically can only watch the yellow spring flowers that were originally more than a thousand years old, wither in vain," Li Xin explained slowly.

"Knowing means knowing..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "In fact, my goal is to get the fruit of hell."


Li Xin didn't look too surprised, and just said lightly: "Actually, when you mentioned the underworld flowers that are over a thousand years old, I knew that your purpose was probably not just the underworld flowers, but I want to tell you, The probability of the Underworld Fruit being produced is very, very low. At least in the past two hundred years, our Li family has not harvested any Underworld Fruit."

"Then this time, let's try our luck."

Ling Feng shrugged and looked at a small island in the middle of the lake. He stretched out his body and wanted to fly across the lake.

"Master Ling, be careful!"

Li Xin quickly called Ling Feng, but unfortunately he was still a step too late. Ling Feng jumped into the air, and then he felt as if he had turned into an ordinary person and actually lost the ability to float in the air.


Ling Feng fell down hard, but fortunately he was strong enough to turn over, relieve himself of his strength, and stand up again.

"Master Ling, this underworld spiritual energy is different from ordinary spiritual energy. It is not strong at all, so it cannot support the warrior's body to levitate. Let alone fly with Yuanli, even a bird with wings cannot even think of flying here."

Li Xin pursed his lips and smiled.

Ling Feng's face turned red, he was actually looked down upon by a little girl, and with a strong movement of his feet, he shot directly towards the island in the middle of the lake like a cannonball.

Since I can't fly over, I'll just jump over!


The whole space seemed to shake violently, but Ling Feng actually landed firmly on the other side.

"This this……"

Li Xin was stunned and his eyes almost fell out: What kind of monster is this guy?

After taking a deep breath, Li Xin finally calmed down a little, took out something similar to a boat, and threw it directly on the lake.

This boat is specially made from the stems and leaves of the Huangquan flower. Only this kind of boat will not sink in the Huangquan Lake.

She didn't have Ling Feng's monstrous brute strength, so she could only paddle the boat gently and slowly approach the small island in the middle of the lake.

And when Li Xin slowly approached the island, Ling Feng's eyes had already begun to search for the extremely rare underworld fruit among the dense underworld flowers.

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