Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1935: Old and dishonest! (3 updates)

When Ling Feng and Xiao Juanyun were discussing in detail about the Rookie Sword Masters List at the Sword Watching Tower, an extremely shocking news was quietly spread back to Yueling City.

"Dear me! Have you heard that the true form of the Sword of Shenxiao has appeared again on Shenxiao Mountain!"

In a wine shop, a lean man suddenly slammed the table and shouted loudly with several of his companions.

"What? Isn't it? Real or fake, that can only happen when someone breaks through the ninth level!"

The diners at the next table were shocked, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Nonsense, it took ten breaths, and many people saw it! I just don't know which family's strong man is so powerful."

The lean man said loudly.

"Besides the nine major families, who else could it be?"

For a time, everyone in the entire wine shop spread the news. The news that someone broke through the ninth level of the Shenxiao Hall and revealed the true form of the Shenxiao Sword spread almost throughout Yueling City.

After all, those who can break through the nine-layer boundary are all geniuses and unparalleled monsters.

In Yueling City, there are divergent opinions and various speculations, making the city full of trouble.

At this time, in a small tea basket on the roadside, an old man in gray robe was drinking tea from a teacup.

There is nothing unusual about this old man. Among the crowd, he seems to be just an ordinary old man. If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize him at a glance.

This old man is not the elder of the Linghu family, Linghu Song, who wants to recruit him in the Shenxiao Hall.

Hearing someone at the next table talking loudly about someone breaking through the nine boundaries of Shenxiao Hall, the old man suddenly felt a little curious.

"I've just stepped forward. In just a few days, someone has broken through the ninth level?"

Linghusong frowned slightly, "Could it be Sword Emperor Xuanzhen or one of the old men from the Jidao? No, no, those two guys should have broken through long ago. It can't be them."

The next moment, Linghusong thought of a very young face again, "It can't be that little guy, right? No, no, no, it's impossible. It's only been three days. In three days, have you broken through the ninth level? Haha , absolutely impossible!”

"It's just that if it's not him, who could it be? It can only be him!"

Linghusong's heart suddenly stirred up a wave of panic, "That boy, is he really such a monster? Three days, three days!"

Shaking his head, Linghusong smiled bitterly and thought to himself: "Not long after we are on the Rookie Swordsman Ranking, that kid might also scream in the competition for the Swordsman Ranking. By then, we might meet this little guy again! If If we can recruit this kid, hum, maybe this generation will not have a chance to surpass the Linghu family!"

"Yes, yes, we must find a way to keep this kid."

Linghusong held his chin and thought to himself: "How can we keep this kid? I think about it, it seems that the little granddaughter from Lao San's family is of the right age, with good looks and good talent, and the granddaughter from Lao Wu's family is also That’s right, we really can’t go out together and use a two-pronged approach. As the saying goes, it’s hard for a hero to be a beauty. I don’t believe that brat won’t take the bait! Hehehehe..."

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

On the other side, Ling Feng didn't know that he had been noticed by an old and crooked guy, but he sneezed for no reason and couldn't help but frown.

It stands to reason that with my own physique, I am immune to all evils, so it is impossible for colds, colds and the like to happen to me.

What's the matter with sneezing all the time for no reason?

After three drinks, Xiao Juanyun returned to the Xiao family with Ling Feng and Yu Junyao. This time, with Xiao Juanyun leading the way, no one dared to stop him.

It was getting dark, so Xiao Juanyun arranged for Ling Feng and Yu Junyao to stay temporarily, and he would visit the current head of the Xiao family, Xiao Juanyun's grandfather, tomorrow morning.

The entire Xiao family was as huge as the imperial palace. Xiao Juanyun casually arranged for Ling Feng and the others to live in a separate garden. The level of luxury was comparable to that of his Young Emperor's Mansion.

"Brother Ling, please rest at home first. Tomorrow morning, I will take you to see the master of the house. As for the old man, most of the powerful men at their level are in seclusion in the Single Moon Palace. They can't just meet each other. Arrived.”

Xiao Juanyun said with a smile.

"Well, I'm here to help Brother Xiao."

Ling Feng exchanged a few polite words with Xiao Juanyun, and then Xiao Juanyun left Bieyuan.

At this time, in the huge villa, only Ling Feng and Yu Junyao were left, as well as two maids who Xiao Juanyun had specially left to serve them.

After sending all the maids to Yu Junyao, Ling Feng went straight into the retreat room.

Rest does not exist!

The high-level inscriptions with various attribute rules in the Shenxiao Hall require a lot of time to digest and understand. For Ling Feng, every minute and second is very precious and cannot be wasted.

After a night of hard training, Xiao Juanyun came as expected early the next morning, taking Ling Feng to visit the elders of the Xiao family.

As for Yu Junyao, she didn't take the Xiao family seriously, and it was unrealistic for her to visit any seniors of the Xiao family.

Xiao Juanyun didn't dare to provoke this aunt, but since Ling Feng came to visit her, the courtesy was acceptable.

Soon, Ling Feng saw several white-haired old men in the main hall. In addition, there were several middle-aged men and women, as well as some warriors who looked slightly older than Xiao Juanyun. There were many men and women. .

These are some of the direct descendants of the Xiao family. Of course, these are only a very small part.

"Young man Ling Feng, I have met the Xiao family master and all the seniors!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the old man in front of him, and then circled around the crowd as a courtesy.


The old man of the Xiao family quickly stood up from his seat and walked to Ling Feng with a smile, "Little brother, there is no need to be polite. Xiao Qi'er has already told me that since the Ling Xiao Sword was found by the little brother for our Xiao family, Then you are the benefactor of our Xiao family, I would like to thank my little brother first."

(PS: Xiao Qi'er refers to Xiao Juanyun. After all, he is the seventh eldest in the direct lineage.)

"No, Brother Xiao and I are friends, and friends should help each other."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. This old man Xiao seemed to be much more approachable than expected. In appearance, he was no different from an ordinary old man.

However, Ling Feng could not see the depth of this person at all. With this level of cultivation, he was afraid that he had reached the state of returning to his original nature.

Holy level, definitely holy level!

The several old men beside Mr. Xiao, with strong or weak auras, were all half-saints!

And this is only a very small part of the strength of the Xiao family, not to mention that there is an old man who is who knows how powerful.

Among the nine major families, the Xiao family is only at the lower-middle level, but they are already so powerful. How terrifying will the entire One Moon Heavenly Palace be?

Sure enough, this time I came to the One Moon Heavenly Palace, I really came to the right place!

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