Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1936 Xiao Hen! (1 update)

What followed was nothing more than some polite words. After a casual chat between Mr. Xiao and Ling Feng, he asked Xiao Juanyun to take Ling Feng for a walk, and then left the main hall.

Most of the other Xiao family members have an indifferent attitude towards Ling Feng. In their opinion, Ling Feng is just a native from the Eastern Spiritual Territory. Even though he has some talents, compared with the Western Sword Territory, he is not. There is still a big gap.

What's more, the Xiao family is one of the nine major families in the Du Yue Tiangong. Being able to invite Ling Feng to live there is already a great honor for him.

Ling Feng saw this but didn't take it seriously.

Whether they are a mule or a horse, and how much they weigh, they will know sooner or later.

It is worth mentioning that among them was a man who looked pale and exuded a biting cold air. Although he had not spoken a word, his gaze made Ling Feng feel very uncomfortable.

He had felt this feeling when he first came to Xiao's house that day, but he didn't pay attention to it at the time, and even thought it was an illusion.

It seems now that it must have been this guy who took a look at himself at that time.

This person seems a little weird!

Although this person looks a little frail, with a thin body, a pale face, and long hair hanging randomly behind him, like a sick man suffering from a long illness, but if you look closely, you will find that whether he is a junior of the Xiao family, Or some of the elders of the Xiao family, intentionally or unintentionally, kept a distance of about five steps from him.

It's hard to imagine that this is also a member of the Xiao family.

After leaving the main hall, Xiao Juanyun seemed to be relieved and said to Lingfeng with a smile: "Brother Ling, the Rookie Swordsman List is happening recently, so the elders are a little busy and can't hold a banquet. Brother Ling, I hope Brother Ling won’t take offense.”

"I always like to be quieter."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He couldn't help mentioning that very special man and asked: "By the way, Brother Xiao, among the younger generations of your Xiao family, there is a man who looks very weak..."

"You're talking about fourth brother, right?"

Xiao Juanyun's expression suddenly became serious, "His name is Xiao Hen. Actually, don't look at him like this. He turns out to be the best genius in our Xiao family!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Why do you need to add the word "original"?"

"Originally, he was practicing the secret art of swordsmanship passed down by our Xiao family, and his progress was extremely fast. In his early thirties, he had already understood the rudimentary form of the sword domain. Among the nine major families, he is a rare existence."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. He also condensed the prototype of the sword domain, but it was only with the help of the Great Wilderness Sword Master that he succeeded by luck.

That Xiao Hen was able to condense the prototype of the sword realm at the age of thirty shows that this person is indeed a swordsman wizard.

"It's a pity that the fourth brother later became obsessed with soul refining. He seemed to have acquired a soul skill, which made him exude a terrible cold air. Even his temperament became a little cold and weird. Over time, he gradually became alienated. ”

Xiao Juanyun sighed softly, and then continued: "However, no one knows the specific strength of the fourth brother. I just remember that once, a semi-saint senior from the Baili family taught a lesson to a person next to him for some reason. Servant, the servant was seriously injured and could not die. Then the next day, the semi-saint senior died."

At this point, Xiao Juanyun lowered his voice, leaned into Ling Feng's ear and said: "Because of this matter, the Baili family almost fell out with our Xiao family, but they had no evidence, so they were suppressed by the Xuanyuan family. Come down! However, everyone can basically guess that it was probably the fourth brother who did this."

"Can you kill a semi-saint without making a sound?"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, this Xiao Hen is not simple!

Ling Feng thought to himself, with his own strength, could he do it so neatly?

I’m afraid it’s difficult!

"Hehe, so don't provoke fourth brother if nothing happens. Although fourth brother has become a little weird, he usually doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble. Therefore, the elders of the family turn a blind eye to his changes. Eye."

Xiao Juanyun warned with a serious look.

Ling Feng nodded, "Of course."

However, Ling Feng was still a little curious in his heart as to what kind of soul skills Xiao Hen was practicing, and how he could actually change his temperament through training.

"Haha, forget about fourth brother for now. There are only a few days until the Rookie Swordsman Ranking starts. Don't worry, fourth brother won't participate."

Xiao Juanyun smiled and said: "But there are also many powerful and ruthless characters in the other major families. I will introduce them to you in detail."

"Well, thank you very much, Brother Xiao."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. It is said that knowing yourself and the enemy means winning every battle. Although Ling Feng is confident, he will never underestimate the world's heroes.

Ten days passed by in a flash.

And the rookie swordsman list has finally begun.

Early in the morning, Xiao Juanyun was gearing up to show off his skills today.

At this moment, in the east of Yueling City, a large and dense group of warriors appeared on a hilltop, and here was the starting point for the battle for the rookie swordsman list.

Starting from this mountain, go to Xuanjian Villa and compete for Jianlu.

This road is about a hundred miles away, and during this period, you can choose to occupy Jianlu first, or you can directly fight on the way.

All in all, after ten days, only the one hundred people occupying the Sword House will be eligible to enter Xuanjian Villa and compete for the ranking on the swordsman list.

At a glance, the entire mountaintop is densely packed with warriors, at least two thousand of them!

They are under fifty years old and have been promoted to the level of the Great Emperor. Even with such "harsh" conditions, so many people still participated in the end. It can be seen that the foundation of the Western Sword Region is indeed not that of the Eastern Spiritual Region. comparable.

After all, in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, even in places like the Three Holy Lands, every powerful emperor is a very precious backbone, a mainstay!

"Damn it, I will definitely be on the list of swordsmen this year!"

"Forget it, I am the man destined to become a swordsman this time!"

"Everyone, stand down, I'm going to start showing off my power!"


A few heroic words broke out from time to time in the crowd, but among this dense crowd of warriors, not even a single wave could be made.

All the warriors held back their energy and looked in the direction of Xuanjian Villa. They must sprint for this hundred miles distance!

After all, whoever can occupy Jianlu among the first hundred people will have a head start.

Of course, it is just a head start. Whether it can be stabilized depends on its true ability.

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