Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1948 Xuanyuan Yu! (1 update)

"Brother Ling!"

While Ling Feng was observing the playing field and looking around at some noteworthy opponents, Xiao Juanyun appeared out of nowhere and said hello to Ling Feng.

"Brother Xiao!"

Ling Feng looked back at Xiao Juanyun and nodded slightly to him. The aura on this guy's body became more condensed. It has to be said that even though he failed to win a good ranking in the end, he could be in the wing of Xuanjian Villa. A night of practice would not have been in vain during the ten days of fighting for the sword house.

However, the competition for this swordsman ranking lasts for about five days. Once eliminated, you can only become a spectator and lose the qualification to continue to live in the wing.

Therefore, even in order to practice in the villa for a few more days, everyone was working hard and was unwilling to give up easily.

The Rookie Swordsman List is held every five years. The nine major families have always screened out many outstanding talents in this way.

Most of these geniuses have been recruited into the nine major families. This is also the unwritten rule of the rookie swordsman list. For ordinary warriors, being able to join the nine major families is equivalent to finding a big backer. Why not for.

Before the game officially started, Xiao Juanyun was beside Ling Feng, explaining some rules about the rookie swordsman list.

The so-called swordsman list is a battle between swordsmen, so the winner naturally needs to be determined by swordsmanship.

This also limits the contestants to a certain extent from using other soul attacks or various other secret techniques.

For example, Xiao Juanyun's fourth brother, Xiao Hen, is many times stronger than Xiao Juanyun in terms of strength. He is also under fifty years old and fully meets the qualifications to participate in the sword master list.

Unfortunately, he chose to major in soul skills, so he was no longer interested in the name of a swordsman.

"Brother Ling, you are from the Eastern Spiritual Realm. Maybe you are not used to this kind of competition purely based on swordsmanship."

Xiao Juanyun reminded in a deep voice: "However, you must not try to use other abilities to defeat your opponent. I remember that you seem to have mastered a very powerful flame. These are not allowed to be used. The competition for the swordsman list, It must be related to swordsmanship. For example, if you are performing fire-based swordsmanship, if you integrate the fire-based swordsmanship into your sword moves, there will be no problem.”

Ling Feng nodded, "Thank you, Brother Xiao, for reminding me."

"Hehe, it's just a trivial matter." Xiao Juanyun grinned and cast an encouraging look at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, I wish you good luck!"

Among all the people, only Xiao Juanyun knew Ling Feng's true purpose, so only by getting to the top of the swordsman list could he achieve his purpose.

However, the top geniuses of the nine major families are not weak. It is difficult to defeat them and get the first place!

"According to past rules, you first need to participate in some swordsmanship tests. On the one hand, it is to better select the seed players and avoid premature meetings between the strong ones. On the other hand, it is also to verify the abilities of each contestant. ”

Xiao Juanyun said with a smile: "The standard of the Sword Master List has always been to have fewer than to overdo it. I would rather not have a hundred than to ensure that every warrior on the Sword Master List is a true leader and worthy of being a swordsman." Two words.”

Ling Feng nodded slightly, the actions of these nine major families were indeed extraordinary.

It is no accident that Du Yue Tian Palace can stand at the top of the West Sword Region and become a hegemon-level existence.

"If you want to truly step into the arena of the Swordsman Ranking, you must first pass the Swordsman Three Exams."

Xiao Juanyun introduced to Ling Feng in great detail the so-called Three Swordsman Tests. In fact, they were nothing more than tests on swordsmanship skills.

In addition to Ling Feng and Xiao Juanyun, other contestants also arrived one after another, and they kept talking with each other. The content was all about topics such as the Rookie Sword Master List and the Third Sword Master Examination.


Finally, as everyone was eagerly waiting, the elders of the nine major families arrived.

Xuanyuan Longteng first gave a rather impassioned opening speech, and then announced the official opening of this year's rookie swordsman list. All warriors will take the three swordsman tests in sequence.

Only by passing the three levels of assessment can one truly be crowned a swordsman.

On the left side of the huge square, there are several rows of relatively low-looking open-air huts. In front of and behind the huts, there are warriors from the nine major families. They have been waiting in them for a long time to take charge of this third sword master test. .

"That's where the swordsman's third test will take place."

Xiao Juanyun pointed to the houses arranged as a whole and said lightly.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. From the appearance of these houses, they were very simple and nothing out of the ordinary. If it were normal times, no one would take a second look.

The furnishings inside seemed to be very simple, consisting of rows of weapon racks with some simple swords placed on them.

Ling Feng sensed it for a moment, but found that these swords were actually just ordinary iron.

Not even the most basic spiritual weapon!

A sword of this level would probably not even be able to withstand the energy of a king-level warrior, let alone these geniuses who generally have emperor-level cultivation, right?

At this time, there was already a commotion in the audience.

"Look, that's Feng Yun'er from the Feng family, the most outstanding genius among the younger generations of the Feng family, and Zhuge Wan'er from the Zhuge family, they are called the twin prides! Tsk, tsk, tsk, so beautiful!"

"I think Zhuge Wan'er is more beautiful!"

"A toad wants to eat swan meat. Misses, is that what you can think of?"

"Tsk, a bunch of vulgar, stinky men!"

Many female warriors couldn't help but ridicule when they saw those squinty guys looking at Zhuge Wan'er and Feng Yun'er.

Suddenly, a rather lazy-looking man in Chinese clothes walked out from behind the crowd.

And the moment he appeared, all the female warriors in the audience were almost agitated!

"Wow, Xuanyuan Yu! Xuanyuan Yu!"

"So handsome! Oh my god, I'm going to be so handsome by him!"

"Brother Yu is so handsome, I love you so much!"

In the crowd, the screams of female warriors broke out. Some women actually fainted and died after screaming. The scene was once out of control.

This scene made Ling Feng a little curious as to who this Xuanyuan Yu was.

Looking closely, I saw that the man was extremely handsome, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was extremely handsome. Under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows is a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, full of amorous feelings, which can make people fall in love accidentally.

He just stood there lazily, looking like a gentle and jade-like young man, but the glint in his eyes that people dare not underestimate.

I have to say that this is indeed a very handsome man. It is no wonder that those vulgar fans can't help but be very moved when they see him.

"Xuanyuan Yu, needless to say, must be a genius of the Xuanyuan family."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, he wanted to win the championship, and this Xuanyuan Yu might be a strong opponent.

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