Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1949 Three swordsman tests! (2 updates)

Then, top geniuses from the nine major families also appeared one after another. Xiao Juanyun continued to introduce their names and strengths to Ling Feng.

"That is Tie Yan from the Tie family. The Tie family has been a master swordsmith for generations. This Tie Yan has amazing brute strength and should not be underestimated."

"That is Zhu Han from the Zhu family..."

"That one is from the Linghu family..."

Finally, Xiao Juanyun pointed at another golden-robed swordsman, leaned close to Ling Feng's ear, and lowered his voice: "That's my third brother Xiao Yi. Although his talent is not as good as that of his fourth brother, he is also very strong. . Of course, the main reason why I introduce him to you is because this guy has bullied me since childhood. If you meet him, give him a good beating!"


Ling Feng glanced at Xiao Juanyun in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to be quite sinister!

"All right."

Ling Feng nodded and took a look at Xiao Yi. Indeed, this guy looked awesome and coaxing, as if he was worth 2,580,000 yuan. At first glance, he looked like the kind of guy who deserved a beating.


"Hehe." Xiao Juanyun then grinned, "After the sword master list is over, I will treat you!"

Ling Feng just shook his head and smiled, saying nothing.

At this time, another man in black walked over, but Ling Feng recognized this man as the guy who defeated Zhuge Wan'er that day.

Although this person is inconspicuous and inconspicuous, Ling Feng can still feel that he must be a powerful enemy.

Chu Chaonan seemed to have noticed Ling Feng's gaze, and turned around to look at Ling Feng. The two of them met their eyes. At any time, like the tip of a needle against the awn of wheat, they were facing each other tit for tat, neither one willing to be outdone.


Chu Chaonan didn't seem to expect that such a master was hidden here. He was obviously interested and quietly released his sword intent.

"Comparing swordsmanship?"

Ling Feng saw that this Chu Chaonan was secretly competing with him, and he unceremoniously displayed his killing sword intent.

For a moment, the two swords collided, and a cold air burst out invisibly.

The warriors around him suddenly felt a chill all over their bodies, and they all shuddered involuntarily.

Xuanyuan Yu, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes slightly and seemed to have noticed Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan. The corner of his mouth curled up, and no one knew what he was thinking.

At this moment, on the high platform, a majestic and tall figure descended from the sky. The next moment, a domineering and unparalleled momentum spread out, scattering the sword intent of Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan.

This person is actually the elder Tie Kunlun.

Tie Kunlun seemed to glance at Ling Feng and the two of them intentionally or unintentionally, and said angrily: "We have to compete. When we get to the ring, we have plenty of time to compete. Okay, don't waste time, go and take the third sword master test!"

The sound was like thunder on the ground, exploding in everyone's minds. Those arrogant emperor-level geniuses were actually just slightly more powerful ants in front of such a saint-level powerhouse.

"The first assessment begins! Contestants with room numbers one to ten are invited to enter the first assessment room!"

Following Tie Kunlun's order, contestants numbered one to ten immediately flew into a row of low houses in front of them.

Then, after just ten breaths, ten people came out one after another. Nine of them seemed to be unscathed, while one was slightly panting and had a scar on his cheek.

"You, eliminated!"

The staff member responsible for the assessment walked up to the injured warrior very coldly and took away his number plate.

This also means that he has completely lost his qualifications as a swordsman.

"Elimination due to injury?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, and Xiao Juanyun beside him explained in a deep voice: "The first test is about sword defense. Only when you can defend against all attacks can you be considered qualified. If you fail to reach the standard, it cannot be called Swordsman."

"The requirements are really strict."

Ling Feng raised his hand to sharpen the bridge of his nose. His number plate was No. 66, which meant that he was in the sixth batch to take the swordsmanship test.

Soon, the first batch of warriors who took the test immediately took the second sword master test.

The second batch of contestants soon began the first round of assessment.

The rhythm of the entire Sword Master's Third Examination was very tight.

After about ten breaths, the warriors for the second assessment also came out one after another. In this round, one of the contestants was eliminated again.

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