Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1956 The destined stepping stone! (3 updates)

Everyone was talking about it, and at this moment, Qin Yichuan's sword energy had almost reached Chu Chaonan's face.


Chu Chaonan was immediately angry. He didn't expect that this guy was so honest on the surface, but in fact he was a villain with hidden thoughts.


Chu Chaonan drew his sword, but he did not dodge, but counterattacked.


too fast!

It's so fast that it's dazzling, and its power is like lightning!


The sword in Qin Yichuan's hand was ejected directly.

The sword swept across and pierced the face!

At this time, Qin Yichuan had no way to regret it.


Qin Yichuan's knees weakened and he collapsed to the ground in fear. At the same time, the referee suddenly took action and clamped the edge of Chu Chaonan's sword with two fingers together.

When everything disappeared, everyone only saw a pool of water stains on the ground where Qin Yichuan was sitting.

A strong man with swordsman-level strength was actually scared to death!

Chu Chaonan snorted coldly, sheathed his sword slowly, glanced at Qin Yichuan coldly, and said in a cold voice: "It's best not to let me see you outside Yueling City, otherwise, you will die!"

After saying that, Chu Chaonan turned cold and jumped off the ring.

"It's too scary. I thought Qin Yichuan was going to be killed by Chu Chaonan's sword."

"My heart almost stopped beating."

"Qin Yichuan deserves it. He is obviously a sinister villain, but he still pretends to be generous."

Everyone started talking for a while.

"Chu Chaonan wins!"

On the ring, the referee loudly announced the result of the game. He looked at his two fingers and found that they were red and swollen.

He quickly hid his fingers back in his sleeves. He was a saint-level strongman after all. He originally wanted to solve the problem in a pretentious way, but he didn't expect that Chu Chaonan's sword move was so terrifyingly powerful.

If Qin Yichuan was hit by chance, he would lose half his life even if he didn't die!

"Bastard thing!"

The referee kicked Qin Yichuan off the ring and cursed: "You are such a big man and you wet your pants in public. You are really capable!"

"Damn, it turns out that water stain is urine! Oh my god, Qin Yichuan peed his pants!"

"The powerful Sword Emperor is so terrifying that he wets his pants more than the average person!"

"Damn it, what you said makes sense, but I'm speechless!"

"Ha ha……"

As the saying goes, everyone will push you away, especially for a sinister villain like Qin Yichuan. Naturally, no one will have any moral integrity.

For a time, all kinds of ridiculing words came one after another. Qin Yichuan wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it. He was so embarrassed and angry that he fainted directly.

"The tenth match, Xuanyuan Yu versus Lu Xiaoer!"

Soon, the previous turmoil subsided because Xuanyuan Yu was about to play.

Those fans of Xuanyuan Yu started shouting crazily again. In their eyes, it seemed that Xuanyuan Yu was the only one left in the world.

Being handsome probably means he can do whatever he wants.

Soon, Xuanyuan Yu easily eliminated his opponent.

The second round of competition is all over.

Except for one lucky person who got a bye, there are still eleven people left!

Among these eleven people, only ten will remain for the battle of the top ten.

At this time, the eleven people still in the contestants' seats are: Xuanyuan Yu, Xiao Yi, Ling Feng, Chu Chaonan, Zhuge Wan'er, Feng Yun'er, Ling Hu Yang, Sun Zhengmou...

"Now, I'm here to draw the temporary elimination spots!"

As soon as Tie Kunlun waved, a staff member from Xuanjian Villa handed over an iron lottery tube. Tie Kunlun randomly selected one from the tube and took a closer look. The name on it was none other than Xiao Yi.

"Xiao family, Xiao Yi!"

Tie Kunlun said loudly: "Xiao Yi, your luck seems not to be very good. Now you are temporarily eliminated. You can randomly choose any of the remaining warriors. If you win the battle, you can take his place! Otherwise! , they can only be eliminated.”

Xiao Yi jumped out of the contestants' seat, grinned and said: "Are you not lucky? I think I'm lucky. After all, I can eliminate some scum with my own hands!"

After saying that, Xiao Yi stretched out his finger, pointed at Ling Feng from a distance, and said with a sneer: "Boy, come up here! You are destined to be my stepping stone!"

For a moment, pairs of eyes looked along Xiao Yi's fingertips.

Ling Feng!

That little-known little man, step by step, walked firmly all the way.

Perhaps, at this moment, he is coming to an end.

Because his opponent is Xiao Yi!

Tie Kunlun glanced at Ling Feng, and immediately announced loudly: "Okay, let's go to the top ten replacement battle, Xiao Yi challenges Ling Feng! Now, please take your seats!"

"It looks like I'm being targeted. Is it a stepping stone? Who is the stepping stone? You'll understand later."

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly, but the expression on his face did not change much.

On the contrary, some felt relieved.

After all, if this Xiao Yi was defeated by others, he would not have the chance to let Xiao Juanyun out of his mouth.

Since he doesn't know how to live or die, if he insists on challenging himself, well, I will definitely let him die in a rhythmic manner.

Ling Feng jumped onto the ring with a calm expression.

"Hmph, it seems that you think that just because you have defeated Tie Yan and Zhuge Wan'er, you can stand on the same level as me, right?"

Xiao Yi held a long sword in his hand and pointed diagonally at the ground, staring at Ling Feng with a somewhat condescending attitude.

Ling Feng smiled slightly and ignored Xiao Yi's provocation.

Generally speaking, Ling Feng would try not to talk about problems that could be solved with his hands.

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